Dear Friends,
Blessings of Samhain, the full moon, and the rich beauty of this moment!
Tonight, Samhain Full Moon Chant! – Saturday, October 31st – 7 PM MDT (1 AM Sunday UTC) – Suriya, Rahima and I are so happy to sing you with on the Zoom, in honor of the ancestors, the luminous presence of Sister Moon, the cycles of life and death… – Here’s the Zoom link:
Monday, November 2nd (and every Monday) – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM MST (4:30 PM UTC) – Zoom here:
Thursday, November 5th (and every Thursday) – Gathas Class – 7 PM MST (2 AM Friday UTC) – cruising right along! Y’all are welcome to join us each Thursday to explore the Gathas of Pir-O-Murshid Inayat Khan with a bit of singing, wazifa and conversation – Zoom!
Saturday, November 7th – Chant, Dance, Pray! – 7 PM MST (2 AM Sunday, UTC) – Zoom!
Saturday, November 21st – Zikr! – 7 PM MST (2 AM Sunday, UTC) – Zoom!
EVERY DAY – Noon Prayer Zoom is still going strong! – 12 PM MST (7 PM UTC) –
In this season of honoring the ancestors, let’s offer gratitude and blessings to all those who have gone before, the generations of wisdom, strength, determination and love that have conspired to give life to each of us. Tend to your dreams and your meditation time, be open to the guidance of the unseen beings, offer prayers and respect to the living memories and continued echoes of the ancients.
79 degrees and falling
Dear Community,
I saw a super sweet movie last night: The Peanut Butter Falcon. Fun, touching, meaningful, insightful…check it out, if you want. Or dump the screen and go for a bicycle ride through the falling leaves! That’s good. We keep Zooming along, ’cause it’s what we’ve got to work with. The cyber-waves have never been so blessed!
This evening, Thursday, October 8th – Gathas Class – tuning into the Sufi Message of Pir-O-Murshid Inayat Khan with a bit of music, practice, readings, conversation, and I do encourage you to bring a doughnut – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Friday UTC) – Here’s the link:
and we’ll be continuing on every Thursday for as far as I can see… join us anytime.
Tomorrow evening, Friday, October 9th – Chant, Dance, Pray – interfaith music, movement and community – with the gorgeous support of Rahima and Deborah! – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Saturday UTC) – Zoom link here:
Monday, October 12th (and every Monday) – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (2:30 PM UTC) – Zoom, Sweeties!
Thursday, October 15th – Gathas Class – ditto above, darlings!
Friday, October 16h – High Priestess Spell Zoom! – 1 PM Mountain (7 PM UTC)
– Click this link to access the spell:
– Prepare your own supplies…
– Then tune into this Zoom link to do the spell with me and Rahima! –
Saturday, October 17th – ZIKR!! – Remembering to remember that the Beloved is always remembering YOU! – Ruhaniat-style Zikr, music, movement, teachings…Toward the One – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Sunday, UTC) – ZOOM!!
Monday, October 19th – Meditation as above, so below…ditto previous info
Thursday, October 22nd – Gathas Class…see above!
Friday, October 23rd – “Unveiling the Beloved: Part Tres!” – Zoom gathering with Khabir Christian Mayer-Glauninger and me – Sufi stories, music, practices, piercing through the veil of illuion to the Real…seeking and finding the Divine Presence in the world and in ourselves – 11 AM Mountain (5 PM UTC) –
Daily Prayers Continue! – 15 minutes of Sufi practices – 12 PM Mountain (6 PM UTC) –
I’m not yet sure what I might offer for the Samhain Halloween Full Moon…stay tuned!
Your participation in these gatherings is a tremendous blessing for the community! So many dear friends and fellow seekers benefit from the shared practice and the sweetness of seeing each other’s faces and hearts. Thank you for keeping the Circle thriving as we continue to find our innovative new ways of being together.
Financial support is always appreciated.
Love, Strength, Faith, Peace and Joy!
New Zoom Links
Dear Spiritual Family, We have a new Zoom link for a whole slew of our gatherings! Here’s the link, which has a password embedded: This is the link for: Every single day, prayers at noon Mountain Time (15 minute practice) Every Monday Sufi Meditation, 9:30 AM Mountain Time (1 hour practice) Friday Chant, Dance and Pray (some weeks, not every week) 7 PM Mountain (2 hours) 3rd Saturday of each month Zikr, 7 PM Mountain (2 hours) There are different links for: Online Sufi Retreat with me and Rahmat, this Wednesday September 30th to Saturday, October 3rd: Unveiling the Beloved with me and Khabir, Friday, October 23rd: Gathas classes resume next Thursday, October 8th, then weekly, 7 PM Mountain (1 1/2 hours) High Priestess Spell, Friday, October 16th – 1 PM Mountain (maybe 2 hours) Blessings of clear guidance to the right cyber-meetings for us all! Love! Sára 970-227-5275 |
High Priestess Spell!
Beloved Friends, Community and Human Family,
Let’s do a collective spell! A spell is an “active prayer.” It is the intentions and desires of prayer wrapped up with sensory experience, words, actions, symbolic and magical associations that strengthen and energize the prayer.
Our world is hurting, our political climate is volatile and polarized. Our communities are suffering and we need to do everything we can to help lift our society toward higher values: compassion, generosity, integrity, peace, justice, harmony.
Of course, we do our best to practice kindness in our relationships with family, friends, neighbors and fellow humans. We offer our energy and resources toward supporting those in need. And, we participate in shaping our political system by VOTING!!
Your voice counts! The right to vote is powerful, precious and not to be squandered. We need to bring our love, passion, confidence, optimism and energy to the voting booth. We need to support and empower others to do the same. Let’s work together to elect public servants, representatives, senators, governors, and presidents who truly reflect the beauty, diversity, wisdom and compassion of the people.
I’m offering this spell for us to do individually and collectively. You can follow my instructions to a T, or modify it according to your needs. Please commit to doing this spell at least once. And you could repeat it every day, every week, whenever you wish leading up to the election November 3rd! Invite your friends, family, community members to join you!
Share it far and wide! Let’s make it a thing! WITCHES GO VIRAL!
Please send me a photo of your altar (only if you’re comfy sharing), or a selfie with your prayer bundle, or you and your beloved raiding the spice cupboard for witchy supplies…or any aspect of the spell you’d like to share! I’d love to make a witchy collage of all our good workings!
Then find some tangible ways to help get out the vote. Offer to babysit for friends with young children so they can get to the polls, offer rides to people who need them, encourage everyone you know to get mail-in ballots, make sure you are registered and nudge others to do the same.
I will be organizing a voting party after we get our mail-in ballots. You’ll be invited to join me on Zoom with your ballot in hand (you can keep it secret and vote however you wish). We’ll read through issues, discuss candidates (no argument and no persuasion, just learning and sharing in a safe, friendly environment, getting the voting task done!). Stay tuned for date, time, and link.
Or organize your own; your party, your rules!
Blessed Be!
Link to access the PDF of the Spell!
P.S. A super good voting resource for you:
P.P.S. I drew a Tarot card asking about sending you this spell and I drew the High Priestess.
Sufi Class
Hi Friends,
With a small apology for yet another email in your inbox…I just decided to set up a weekly series of Sufi classes on The Gathas.
All the rest of the “I Am a Jelly Bean” email is accurate.
Starting this Thursday, September 17th (new moon) – we’ll have a weekly Gathas class focused on the core teachings of Hazrat Pir-O-Murshid Inayat Khan. 90 minutes of readings, practices, a bit of singing, and conversation. No need to commit to them, just pop in when you’re able. Starts at 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Friday, UTC)
Here’s the link:
Saturday Zikr, 7 PM Mountain –
Every Monday Meditation 9:30 AM Mountain –
Every Day Noon Prayers –
Friday, September 25th – Chant, Dance, Pray – 7 PM –
ONLINE RETREAT with Murshid Rahmat and me – Wednesday to Saturday, September 30 to October 3 – more info here:
Zoom link here:
Friday, October 9th – Chant, Dance Pray – 7 PM Mountain – No zoom link yet…hang on…
Friday, October 23rd – Unveiling the Beloved Part Three! – Khabir Mayer-Glauninger and me! – 11 AM Mountain – Zoom:
Sometimes my son sends me stuff to tweak my brain. Here’s a good one:
Blessings of great happiness and growing brains to us all!
I am a jelly bean
Dear Community,
Today Rahima turned on the furnace. Woohoo! Thank G-d for central heat! We could have lit a fire in the wood stove but household wisdom (Tim) decided it feels somehow insensitive to light a fire right now. Would you like some details for upcoming online delights? Here you go!
Daily Noon Zoom Prayers keep going! No end in sight! – 12 PM Mountain Time (6 PM UTC) – – and you can download the melodies (different one every day!) here:
This Friday, September 11th – Chant, Dance and Pray Zoom – 7 PM Mountain Time (1 AM Saturday UTC) – – Deborah and Rahima will be helping out because we are tremendously blessed!
Every Monday morning, Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain Time (3:30 PM UTC) –
Saturday, September 19th – We Love Us Some ZIKR!! – 7 PM to 9 PM Mountain Time (1 AM Sunday UTC) – Chances are good Bill will come drum with us and Rahima will help row the boat – Zoom!
Friday, September 25th – Chant, Dance and Pray – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Saturday UTC) – keeping the spirit humming right along…
WARNING: Starting the 27th I’ll have to change all the Zoom links to include passwords…I won’t do it ’til the last minute, ’cause I’m obstinate, but the time will come. Stay tuned…
Awakening Love: Online Sufi Retreat with Murshid Rahmat and me is rolling! Please join us for as many of these Zoom sessions as make your heart happy!
Wednesday, September 30th – 6 to 8 PM Mountain
Thursday, October 1st – 10 AM and again at 6 PM
Friday, October 2nd – 10 AM and again at 6 PM
Saturday, October 3rd – 10 AM
Same link for all of them:
More info on my website:
and Facebook:
Friday, October 9th – Chant, Dance, Pray Zoom! – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Saturday UTC) – Zoom link pending…
And.. Mark your calendars! A third session of “Unveiling the Beloved” with Khabir and me is set for Friday, October 23rd – 11 AM Mountain (5 PM UTC) – Two hours of Sufi stories, practices, music and Khabir’s charm! –
Your support is always welcome and appreciated!
Blessings of warmth, peace, and happiness to you!
Dear Friends,
Nearby fires make for the most glorious sunsets. How’s that for a silver lining?
I have a sad update, a request, and some upcoming info for you. Ready?
Due to nearby fires and those glorious sunsets, the Sufi retreat with me and Rahmat is cancelled (or you can think of it as suspended until next year…we hope). Rahmat and I are in conversation about offering some Zoom sessions in lieu of an on-site retreat. Stay tuned for more info!
Are you a self-identified atheist? If so, would you be interested in participating in a panel discussion for the benefit of some folks who are doing a Cherag training program with me? I’m organizing a Zoom session for Sunday, September 6th, 10 AM MDT. Would love to have 4 to 6 atheists share about their personal beliefs (or not beliefs) perspectives on religion, spirituality, sensitivities, preferences, etc. Please email me if you’d like to be part of this:
Still humming along with our daily noon zoom! Every single day! 15 minutes of Sufi Prayers – 12 PM Mountain (6 PM UTC) –
Monday Morning Sufi Meditation continues every single week! One hour of prayers, readings, recitation, etc. – 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC) – ZOOM!
This Friday, August 28th – Dance, Chant, Pray! – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Saturday UTC) – Rahima and Deborah continue to bring such beautiful support to these gatherings! Woohoo! Here’s the link:
Friday, September 11th – Another chance to Chant, Dance and Pray! – Same bat time, same bat channel!
Saturday, September 19th – ZIKR, BABY, ZIKR!!! – 7 PM to 9 PM Mountain Time (1 AM Saturday UTC) – Rowing to forget (self) and remember (God). Good idea. Hopefully Bill Burlage the brilliant Boulder drummer will be here to keep us all in rhythm! – Zoom!
Friday, September 25th – More and more chanting, dancing and praying! – Ditto to all the above info, darlings!
Zikr recordings from our daily zooms are still accumulating on my website. Here’s the dropbox link, help yourself!
Your support is always appreciated!
For various reasons not worthy of your time, I have this ditty in my brain today. Probably some benefit to staying home to travel these days, eh?
Blessings of deep peace, great joy and ease with each moment’s gifts,
Wheel of Fortune
Beloved Community,
According to the Pagan calendar, we are officially in AUTUMN!!! Yay! Woohoo! Starting to see the first clumps of yellow leaves, evening air giving a hint of chill. The Earth reminds us to celebrate all we’ve got while we’ve got it with the growing awareness that all is temporary and therefore more precious.
Let’s sing and dance and pray about it.
Friday, August 7th – Dance, Chant, Pray – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Saturday UTC) – Bring your best Zoom camera, your dancing shoes, your vocal cords and beautiful heart… – Deborah Ogden will be here to drum, Rahima will be here to sing and dance with us…plus, you and me! Here’s the link:
Mondays, August 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st…and beyond! – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC) – Still rockin’ the Zoom:
Saturday, August 15th – Zikr! – All Zikr all the time! – 7 PM to 9 PM Mountain Time (1 AM Saturday UTC) – Lots of music, rowing, attuning, polishing the heart, remembering, remembering, remembering… – Bill Burlage will be here to drum… Rahima will be here to sing, move and pray with us…- Zoom, Zoom!
Friday, August 21st – Unveiling the Beloved – Sufi Zikr, wazifa, STORIES and more! – Khabir and I had such a sweet planning conversation today. Y’all, lemme tell you, we are so fortunate to have Khabir’s friendship, wisdom and humor to inspire and guide us! For this second edition of Unveiling the Beloved, we’ll turn our attention from the outer veils to the inner. Our Zoom session will be two hours, then we’ll go straight into our daily 15-minutes of prayers. 10 AM Mountain time (4 PM UTC) – On the Zoom!
Friday, August 28th – Chant, Dance, Pray – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Saturday, UTC) – Probably with Deborah and Rahima bringing the beauty! – Zoom!
Daily Prayer Practice – EVERY SINGLE DAY – Yep. We’re still going strong! 15 minutes of Sufi Prayers – 12 PM Mountain (6 PM UTC) – Zooming! – – It continues to be a sweet, daily prayer supplement for many of us tuning in each day! We always include some prayers, breaths, melodic Zikr, and usually a wazifa practice. Join in anytime!
GIFT TO YOU: I’ve been catching sound recordings of our daily 5-minute melodic Zikr. They are on my website and you can go download all the MP3s from my dropbox! Here’s the link:
The Fall Sufi Retreat continues to hinge on the statewide guidelines for public health and safety. Right now, we’re good to go! If this changes, all registered participants will be refunded in full. Please get in touch with Rahima (registrar extraordinaire) if you have questions.
“Awakening Love: Sufi Devotion, Power and Presence” with Murshid Rahmat Moore and Sára Rain – September 30th to October 4th at Buckhorn Camp in Bellvue, Colorado – registration here:
If you enjoy and/or appreciate these offerings and feel happy about contributing, you can send money here: Thank you!
Prayers for your happiness, peace, flexibility, and sustenance!
pineapple doughnuts
Dear Friends,
Blessings of this warm summer to you! Are you hankering for some Zikring? I am. Let’s do it!
SATURDAY, July 18th – Zikr, Zikr! – Bill Burlage will be with us to lay down some stylin’ beats (not beets) while Rahima and I hold down the melodies and harmonies and try to set good examples for rowing the boat of remembrance…c’mon! – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Saturday UTC) – Zoom, Zoom! Here’s the link:
EVERY MONDAY – Attuning to the Beautiful Names of God with our Sufi meditation… – 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC) – – we include several of Pir-O-Murshid’s prayers, periods of silence, readings, recitations and contemplation on one Beautiful Name per week. Join us anytime.
EVERY SINGLE DAY – 15 minutes of Sufi Prayers – 12 PM Mountain (6 PM UTC) – Zooming! – – always a bit of breathing, wazifa, zikr, and prayers…
Friday, August 21st – Unveiling the Beloved – Khabir and I are looking forward to being with you for another installment of stories, Zikr and practices…music, movement and blessings! – On the Zoom! – 10 AM Mountain, (4 PM UTC) – – immediately followed by our 15 minutes of prayers.
We’ll be picking some chant/dance shenanigans back up in August…here’s my current plan, so you can mark your calendars and join what you wish:
1. Friday, August 7th – evening Chant/Dance/Pray!
2. Saturday, August 15th – evening Zikr!
3. Friday, August 21st – morning Unveiling the Beloved w/ Khabir
4. Friday, August 28th – evening Chant/Dance/Pray!
As of this moment, our fall retreat is still on…of course, awaiting official guidelines.
“Awakening Love: Sufi Devotion, Power and Presence” with Murshid Rahmat Moore and me – September 30th to October 4th at Buckhorn Camp in Bellvue, Colorado – registration here:
Financial support and appreciations are welcome here: Thank you!
Sending you prayers for faith, strength, healing, love, patience and peace,
skittles for the win!
Oh, My Dears,
It’s time to shift things up a bit. Can you dig it?
TONIGHT – June 26th – Chant, Dance, Pray on the Zoom… 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Saturday UTC) – Here’s the link:
THEN I’m gonna take a break from Friday zoomings for the month of July. You’re not being punished. I’m just ready for a breather. Aiming to resume Friday shenanigans in August. Maybe.
DAILY PRAYERS – Still going strong! Every single day – 12 Noon Mountain (6 PM UTC – 15 minutes of Sufi attunement – Zoom:
MONDAY MORNING, every week – Sufi Meditation via Zoom – 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC) – – We’re starting all over again! YAY!! This week, June 29th, we begin in the name of Allah, focusing on “Bismillah” – I post the prayers in the Zoom chat window during our gathering, and if you would like the document with the prayers we’ll be using going forward, please send me an email:
Sunday, July 5th – Hazrat Pir-O-Murshid Inayat Khan’s Birthday – I’ll be offering a two hour Sufi Circle on Zoom – 10 AM to 12 PM Mountain (4 PM UTC) – – this will be followed immediately by our 15 minutes of prayers…same link.
Saturday, July 18th – Zikr – Our monthly deep dive into remembrance – Two hours of melodic, embodied Sufi prayer and teachings… – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Sunday, UTC) – Zooming:
Friday, August 21st – Unveiling the Beloved – Khabir and I had such a lovely time co-creating our Zoom gathering last month…we want to do it again! Well… we want to do another one. A second installment of stories, Zikr and spiritual resources to help us get through the illusion into the Real – Join us on the Zoom! – 10 AM Mountain, (4 PM UTC) – – followed immediately by our 15 minutes of prayers… facebook event is pending… stay tuned!
As of this moment, our fall retreat is still a go! “Awakening Love: Sufi Devotion, Power and Presence” with Murshid Rahmat Moore and me – September 30th to October 4th at Buckhorn Camp in Bellvue, Colorado – registration here:
Financial support and appreciations are welcome here: Thank you!
Now, friends, I don’t know how this slipped by me all these years, but I just discovered this, my new favorite song, which is in my head all day every day, and which I’ve been playing on the banjo (much to the cats’ dismay). Please join me in the silly indulgence:
Bringing strength of spirit, patience, faith in the Divine plan, and a loving heart to the awakening of humanity!