Sufi Class

Hi Friends, 
With a small apology for yet another email in your inbox…I just decided to set up a weekly series of Sufi classes on The Gathas.

All the rest of the “I Am a Jelly Bean” email is accurate.

Starting this Thursday, September 17th (new moon) – we’ll have a weekly Gathas class focused on the core teachings of Hazrat Pir-O-Murshid Inayat Khan. 90 minutes of readings, practices, a bit of singing, and conversation. No need to commit to them, just pop in when you’re able. Starts at 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Friday, UTC) 
Here’s the link:

Saturday Zikr, 7 PM Mountain –

Every Monday Meditation 9:30 AM Mountain –

Every Day Noon Prayers –

Friday, September 25th – Chant, Dance, Pray – 7 PM –

ONLINE RETREAT with Murshid Rahmat and me – Wednesday to Saturday, September 30 to October 3 – more info here:
Zoom link here:

Friday, October 9th – Chant, Dance Pray – 7 PM Mountain – No zoom link yet…hang on… 

Friday, October 23rd – Unveiling the Beloved Part Three! – Khabir Mayer-Glauninger and me! – 11 AM Mountain – Zoom:

Sometimes my son sends me stuff to tweak my brain. Here’s a good one:

Blessings of great happiness and growing brains to us all!