Spiritual Direction

About Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction is a relationship of support, companionship and witnessing. There is no distinction between the “spiritual life” and the “mundane life.” Many of us feel a deep desire to make sense of, harmonize, and weave together our experience of the sacred, the life of our essential self, and our everyday existence.

A Spiritual Director is a friend, guide, consultant and resource, offering reminders and encouragements toward the greatest integration of “spirit” and “matter.”

This relationship welcomes and holds aspects of prayer, meditation, communion with life, awareness of the true self, and relationship with The Holy. It engages the mind, heart, body, and intuitive faculty of each person.

It is not psychotherapy and it does not focus on “fixing issues.” Spiritual Direction works from a fundamental belief that you are whole and healthy, and that you wish to strengthen and tend to your spiritual life as a priority.

Spiritual Direction is most commonly one-on-one, but there are also group Spiritual Direction processes in which a group of peers support each other with the guidance of a facilitator.

Spirituality can be found within religion and religion can have a ground in spirituality but they are not always intertwined. Spiritual Direction can include any and all forms of spirituality, within or beyond religious context. All paths are welcome including: Paganism, Sufism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, Atheism, Agnosticism, searching, curious, undefined, etc.

One-on-One Session Structure

The flow of a session is determined by the individual directee. It can include specific concerns or areas of life, reflections on one’s thoughts, feelings, motives and experiences. Spiritual Direction includes and works with all aspects of life, the inner and the outer.

Sessions can include conversation, silence, contemplation, companioned prayer and/or meditation practices.

Group Spiritual Direction

A Spiritual Direction group has a structured format that invites participants to settle into an atmosphere of contemplative prayer together and to explore the movements of Spirit in each of their lives.

The facilitator manages the group structure, offers instruction and guidance, and maintains the overall flow of the process.

A Spiritual Direction group consists of 3 to 7 participants. Each participant gives and receives Spiritual Direction with the entire group, within the structured format.

It is not group therapy. The intention of the group is not to solve each other’s problems or offer counseling. Rather, it is an opportunity for all participants to listen deeply and look sincerely for the unfolding voice of Spirit in their personal experiences.

Is Spiritual Direction For Me?

It is if:

  • You want to bring Divine Presence (as you know Him/Her/It to be) into your life
  • You want to nurture an ongoing relationship with Spirit
  • You pray or meditate and would like to strengthen your practice
  • You want to discover, establish, enrich or maintain spiritual practices
  • You feel you are or want to be on a spiritual path and want to explore that more fully
  • You want company along your unique spiritual journey
  • You want a witness or support for your spiritual and/or religious explorations
  • You want to nurture your own in-dwelling soul
  • You believe you could be stronger, clearer, more loving, more balanced and more vibrant

What Does It Cost?

As Spiritual Direction is a service of Spirit, Sára does not assign a set monetary value to her work. Each client is encouraged to consider their financial resources, the value of the service, and make a donation accordingly.

In the professional field of Spiritual Direction, fees are commonly $50 to $150 per hour.

Frequency of Meetings

Spiritual Direction is typically a monthly rhythm. There are circumstances in which more frequent sessions are appropriate. Frequency may be determined on an individual basis.

Duration of Sessions

Sára generally schedules 1 1/2 hours for the first meeting so there is plenty of time for introductions and logistics. Subsequent sessions are typically 1 hour.

About Sára as Spiritual Director

Sára’s initial training was through Claritas Institute, in Boulder, CO. She now holds a Master’s degree in Spiritual Direction from Lorian Association in Seattle, WA.

She has been a spiritual leader and minister in Colorado since 1997. She is a Mentor for the Dances of Universal Peace, a Sufi Siraj (senior minister), and a Pagan Priestess. Her primary work includes Sufi, Pagan, and Interfaith gatherings along the Front Range and beyond.

Sára’s personal spiritual journey is a dual path of Paganism (earth-based and nature-centric) and Sufism (Universalist Religion of the Heart). She studies and celebrates Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sufism, and Paganism.

As a Spiritual Director, Sára listens a lot, gives plenty of reflections and acknowledgements, and guides clients toward pro-active, self-aware, conscientious, empowered, supported, love-centered presence. She is attentive, loving, and clear. She believes in each person’s inherent wisdom and spiritual knowing and supports people in discovering and deepening their living experience.

If you would like more information about this practice, please email or call (970)227-5275.