79 degrees and falling

Dear Community, 

I saw a super sweet movie last night: The Peanut Butter Falcon. Fun, touching, meaningful, insightful…check it out, if you want. Or dump the screen and go for a bicycle ride through the falling leaves! That’s good. We keep Zooming along, ’cause it’s what we’ve got to work with. The cyber-waves have never been so blessed!

This evening, Thursday, October 8th – Gathas Class – tuning into the Sufi Message of Pir-O-Murshid Inayat Khan with a bit of music, practice, readings, conversation, and I do encourage you to bring a doughnut – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Friday UTC) – Here’s the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87996696699?pwd=bnhWNFlIbSswcmJDMmtvb1JWdUxqUT09
and we’ll be continuing on every Thursday for as far as I can see… join us anytime. 

Tomorrow evening, Friday, October 9th – Chant, Dance, Pray – interfaith music, movement and community – with the gorgeous support of Rahima and Deborah! – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Saturday UTC) – Zoom link here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Monday, October 12th (and every Monday) – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (2:30 PM UTC) – Zoom, Sweeties! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Thursday, October 15th – Gathas Class – ditto above, darlings! 

Friday, October 16h – High Priestess Spell Zoom! – 1 PM Mountain (7 PM UTC)
– Click this link to access the spell: https://mcusercontent.com/8af88ba8ec25a1b60071cc21e/files/a4ea6879-5cf7-41a8-b637-349c32fcb017/Election_Spell.pdf
– Prepare your own supplies…
– Then tune into this Zoom link to do the spell with me and Rahima! – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87547304699?pwd=REFVZDJ3WlA2dFYrcFhjTzRUcHRSZz09

Saturday, October 17th – ZIKR!! – Remembering to remember that the Beloved is always remembering YOU! – Ruhaniat-style Zikr, music, movement, teachings…Toward the One – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Sunday, UTC) – ZOOM!! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Monday, October 19th – Meditation as above, so below…ditto previous info

Thursday, October 22nd – Gathas Class…see above! 

Friday, October 23rd – “Unveiling the Beloved: Part Tres!” – Zoom gathering with Khabir Christian Mayer-Glauninger and me – Sufi stories, music, practices, piercing through the veil of illuion to the Real…seeking and finding the Divine Presence in the world and in ourselves – 11 AM Mountain (5 PM UTC) –  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84105668521?pwd=VU90TjUxWXdlb1BldGM3WWx5KzIxdz09

Daily Prayers Continue! – 15 minutes of Sufi practices – 12 PM Mountain (6 PM UTC) – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

I’m not yet sure what I might offer for the Samhain Halloween Full Moon…stay tuned! 


Your participation in these gatherings is a tremendous blessing for the community! So many dear friends and fellow seekers benefit from the shared practice and the sweetness of seeing each other’s faces and hearts. Thank you for keeping the Circle thriving as we continue to find our innovative new ways of being together. 

Financial support is always appreciated. paypal.me/sararain

Love, Strength, Faith, Peace and Joy! 