New Zoom Links

Dear Spiritual Family, 

We have a new Zoom link for a whole slew of our gatherings!

Here’s the link, which has a password embedded:

This is the link for:
Every single day, prayers at noon Mountain Time (15 minute practice)
Every Monday Sufi Meditation, 9:30 AM Mountain Time (1 hour practice)
Friday Chant, Dance and Pray (some weeks, not every week) 7 PM Mountain (2 hours)
3rd Saturday of each month Zikr, 7 PM Mountain (2 hours)

There are different links for: 

Online Sufi Retreat with me and Rahmat, this Wednesday September 30th to Saturday, October 3rd:

Unveiling the Beloved with me and Khabir, Friday, October 23rd:

Gathas classes resume next Thursday, October 8th, then weekly, 7 PM Mountain (1 1/2 hours)

High Priestess Spell, Friday, October 16th – 1 PM Mountain (maybe 2 hours)

Blessings of clear guidance to the right cyber-meetings for us all! 