skittles for the win!

Oh, My Dears, 
It’s time to shift things up a bit. Can you dig it? 

TONIGHT – June 26th – Chant, Dance, Pray on the Zoom… 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Saturday UTC) – Here’s the link: 

THEN I’m gonna take a break from Friday zoomings for the month of July. You’re not being punished. I’m just ready for a breather. Aiming to resume Friday shenanigans in August. Maybe. 

DAILY PRAYERS – Still going strong! Every single day – 12 Noon Mountain (6 PM UTC – 15 minutes of Sufi attunement – Zoom: 

MONDAY MORNING, every week – Sufi Meditation via Zoom – 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC) – – We’re starting all over again! YAY!! This week, June 29th, we begin in the name of Allah, focusing on “Bismillah” – I post the prayers in the Zoom chat window during our gathering, and if you would like the document with the prayers we’ll be using going forward, please send me an email: 

Sunday, July 5th – Hazrat Pir-O-Murshid Inayat Khan’s Birthday – I’ll be offering a two hour Sufi Circle on Zoom – 10 AM to 12 PM Mountain (4 PM UTC) – – this will be followed immediately by our 15 minutes of prayers…same link.

Saturday, July 18th – Zikr – Our monthly deep dive into remembrance – Two hours of melodic, embodied Sufi prayer and teachings… – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Sunday, UTC) – Zooming:

Friday, August 21st – Unveiling the Beloved – Khabir and I had such a lovely time co-creating our Zoom gathering last month…we want to do it again! Well… we want to do another one. A second installment of stories, Zikr and spiritual resources to help us get through the illusion into the Real – Join us on the Zoom! – 10 AM Mountain, (4 PM UTC) – – followed immediately by our 15 minutes of prayers… facebook event is pending… stay tuned! 

As of this moment, our fall retreat is still a go! “Awakening Love: Sufi Devotion, Power and Presence” with Murshid Rahmat Moore and me – September 30th to October 4th at Buckhorn Camp in Bellvue, Colorado – registration here:

Financial support and appreciations are welcome here: Thank you!

Now, friends, I don’t know how this slipped by me all these years, but I just discovered this, my new favorite song, which is in my head all day every day, and which I’ve been playing on the banjo (much to the cats’ dismay). Please join me in the silly indulgence:

Bringing strength of spirit, patience, faith in the Divine plan, and a loving heart to the awakening of humanity!