
Dear Community,
Here are a couple bits of information and reminders.

A FUN-raiser for my latest educational endeavors is TOMORROW (Sunday), May 6th, 1 to 4 PM at River Rock Commons (520 N Sherwood). The afternoon will include live music by Susan Zevenbergen and Debb Noland (harp and flute), silent auction (some wonderful auction items include: massage, drum sessions, gift cards, hand made items…), raffle (a wild six foot Totem pole!), Dances of Universal Peace, chanting, snacks, etc. I hope to see many of you there tomorrow.

Also, the yard sale has been adjusted slightly. It will now be a one-day event, Saturday, May 19th, 8 AM, 416 N Hollywood.

About both of these events:
Thank you to Marylea (chief organizer), Christine, Lisa and Brooke who have been helping coordinate details route traffic and pull things together! And thank you to all of you who have been contributing items and services. I am amazed and tickled and deeply grateful for all your generosity and loving support!

At our last practice gathering for the Dragonfest ritual, Deborah captured recordings of the music we’ll be using. Steven then created a link so y’all can go download them, listen to them, burn them onto disc and go jogging with them…

Thank you, again, for contributing to the fundraising efforts and for participating in this beautiful tapestry of community!

All love and blessings,

شَهْر أيار

Oh, golly, it’s a full month!

Take a deep breath, May is upon us!

Lots of unusual things happening this month (not that unusual is so unusual in this circle!) so please check the calendar carefully. I look forward to circling with y’all!

Friday, April 27th – Chant – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – $7 suggested donation

Saturday, April 28th – Dragonfest Practice – 3 PM to 6 PM – Treehenge (just east of Lee Martinez Park) – please let me know if you can be there.

Tuesday, May 1st – Mama Sing – 10 AM – Greyrock Commons (2265 Shooting Star Lane) – women and children welcome

Tuesday, May 1st – Beltane Celebration – 5 PM – Treehenge (east of Martinez Park) – men, women, children and leprechauns welcome – ritual first followed by potluck – $10 suggested donation for adults – please bring food/drink to share, drums, flowers, wear happy-colored, flame-resistant clothing! – RSVP

Sunday, May 6th – Fundraiser for Sára’s schooling – 1 PM to 4 PM – River Rock Commons (520 N Sherwood in Fort Collins) – silent auction, music, DUP, etc. – please contact Marylea to donate items or services for the auction as soon as possible (by May 4th) – by donation

Tuesday, May 8th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – Sunrise Ranch (5569 NCR 29, Loveland) – $5 suggested donation

Friday, May 11th – Chant – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – $7 suggested donation

Saturday, May 12th – Dragonfest Practice – 11 AM to 2 PM – Treehenge (east of Martinez Park) – again, please let me know if you can make it.

Sunday, May 13th – hug your mama!

Tuesday, May 15th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7:15 PM – River Rock Commons (520 N Sherwood) – $7 suggested donation

Wednesday, May 16th – New Moon Ritual – please let me know if you are interested in participating – this is an open circle with pre-requisites for attendance.

Friday and Saturday, May 18th and 19th – Fundraising Yard Sale for Sára’s betterment – 416 N Hollywood – please contact Marylea to donate the sooner the better (by May 15th please).

Sunday, May 20th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – Studio Soma (2540 W 29th in Denver) – $8-12 suggested donation

Tuesday, May 22nd – Dance of Universal Peace for Women – 7 PM – St. Barnabas Church (southeast corner of 13th and Vine in Denver) – facilitated by Mary Ellen Garrett – $6 suggested donation – Mary Ellen is a sweet, devotional dance leader from Estes Park. Please welcome her to the Women’s Dance circle with your presence.

Tuesday, May 22nd – Zikr with Leilah Be – 7:30 PM – Starhouse in Boulder – $10 – Leilah is my Sufi teacher and is a delightful Zikr leader. It is bound to be a remarkable, powerful, sweet, beautiful, deep and prayerful evening.

Friday, May 25th – Chant – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – $7 suggested donation

Saturday, May 26th – FREE HUGS – 1 PM to 3 PM – Old Town Square Fort Collins – bring your own sign or make one when you arrive. This is a non-political, non-religious, un-agendized expression of open-hearted, love-offering. Bring your long arms and bright smiles. Let’s hug Fort Collins!

Tuesday, May 29th – Zikr – 7:15 PM – River Rock Commons (520 N Sherwood) – $7 suggested donation – I will be leading this evening of Sufi prayer. Come sing and move Toward the One, using our voices, hearts and bodies to align us with the vibration of The Beloved.

Thursday, May 31st – Full Blue Moon Ritual – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – please RSVP early for this ritual. There may be specific things participants need to bring. We usually include a light potluck social time after ritual so bring something to share – $10 suggested donation

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, June 8, 9, 10 – Meadowfest Pagan Campout – Red Feather Ranch – The registration form (I hope) will be available on shortly. In the meantime, you are welcome to e-mail me and I will be happy to forward you the form.

I think my hair’s already on fire and the month hasn’t even started yet!

Which is an excellent reminder to always read the instructions on the fire extinguisher BEFORE you have an emergency. We’ll have one nearby for Beltane.

To contribute to the fundraising activities, please contact Marylea.

For more information, to RSVP and/or to get directions to any of the other events, please contact me.

If you can’t contact me, try brewing some fresh coffee and baking a chocolate cake, I’ll be right over.

Singing in the May!



dragons and stuff

Dear Circlers, Dragonfesters, Ritualists, Heathens, Ladies and Gentlemen,


Thank you to those of you brave souls who have chosen to be part of the planning meetings for the Dragonfest Ritual this year. All the major decisions are made, ritual is mapped out and it’s down to assigning parts and putting it to use.


It’s official. We are heading up the main ritual, the big Saturday night culminating event.


If you think you’ll be at Dragonfest this year and if you’d like to be part of presenting the main ritual, please join us for a couple practice sessions. After we’ve spent time practicing as a “facilitation group,” we’ll present this ritual for our open circle’s Summer Solstice ritual. Then we’ll have another month and a half to iron out any kinks before D-fest in August.


If you’d like to see the whole ritual rundown, just e-mail me and I’ll be happy to forward you the word doc.

We can use all the help we can get! And it’s bound to be fun, rewarding, energetic, wild, musical, noisy, rhythmic and magical!



Held in Treehenge

Please let me know if you’d like to participate even if you can’t be at these practices.


Saturday April 28th – 3 PM to 6 PM



Saturday, May 12th – 11 AM to 2 PM


Thanks again to all the planners, participants and facilitators! It’ll be glorious!



all people reclaim intensified luminosity

With a skip and a jump and a hop and a bound, here’s the calendar for April plus a day!



Starting with an invitation from Ivy, Scott and Hazel:

April Fool’s Party (a.k.a. We’re Back and Feeling a bit Foolish) – Sunday April 1st – from 1-4 PM – Potluck at 1002 Sycamore Street OR If it’s raining or snowing, forget the potluck and meet at Avo’s – Pick your favorite holiday and/or season and bring a corresponding dish (i.e. Christmas cookies, 4th of July potato salad, etc.) – Costumes encouraged – for more info or to question the weather – 484-3094.


Then into all the usual shenanigans:

Tuesday, March 27th – Women’s Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – St Barnabas Church (13th and Vine, Denver) – suggested donation $6


Thursday – March 29th – Dragonfest Meeting – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – if you are interested in helping to present the main ritual for Dragonfest this year, please come chat with us. We started tossing around some ideas after the Ostara ritual and I’m putting together a ritual outline to propose to the ritual coordinator. There will be plenty of details to discuss and a practice schedule to set up. If you think you’d like to help with this, you can jump on board for this meeting or at any of the follow up times.


Monday, April 2nd – Full Moon Ritual – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – grown-ups only (you know who you are) – suggested donation $10 – RSVP ASAP TYVM


Tuesday, April 3rd – Mama Sing – 10 AM – Greyrock Commons (2265 Shooting Star Drive, Fort Collins) – women and children welcome!


Tuesday, April 3rd – Dance of Universal Peace – 7:15 PM – River Rock Commons (520 N Sherwood, please park in Martinez Park) – suggested donation $7


Wednesday, April 4th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7:15 PM – Christ Church United Methodist (7th and Colorado, Denver) – this is the weekly Denver dance but I’ll be leading it this evening – $8 (or punch card)


Tuesday, April 10th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – Sunrise Ranch (5569 NCR 29, Loveland) – suggested donation $5


Friday, the 13th (don’t you just love the sound of that!) – Chant – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – suggested donation $7


Sunday, the 15th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – Studio Soma (2540 W 29th Ave, Denver) – suggested donation $8-$12


Tuesday, April 17th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – River Rock Commons (520 N Sherwood) – suggested donation $7


Tuesday, April 24th – Dance of Universal Peace for Women – 7 PM – St. Barnabas Church (13th and Vine, Denver) – suggested donation $6


Friday, the 27th – Chant – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – suggested donation $7


Tuesday, May 1st – Mama Sing – 10 Am – Greyrock Commons (2265 Shooting Star Drive) – women and children


Tuesday, May 1st – Beltane/Full Moon ritual and potluck – HELP!!! – 5 PM – Treehenge – RSVP (really, please do) – suggested donation $10 – if you’d like to help with this event please let me know as soon as possible so I can put some wheels in motion. So much to do! Woo-hoo!


The June Community Campout is fast approaching! – registration form will be posted on in short order. Please check back periodically if you’re interested in attending. Dates: June 8, 9, 10 – Location: Red Feather Lakes


For more information, to RSVP, or to share your extensive knowledge of praying mantises and swordfish, please call or e-mail me (970)224-4797,

It’s not easy being green,

But it sure is pretty.

Spring Blessings,


skipping stones



To the March calendar!

There’s something for everyone and everything for someone.

Please notice, I included a couple consideration questions at the bottom. I always appresh-kee-eight your feedback. Thank you kindly.



(maybe) Saturday, March 3rd – Full moon ritual – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – adults only – RSVP – by donation – it is definitely the full moon, but I don’t yet know if there will be a ritual. Please let me know if you’re interested in attending ASAP.


Sunday March 4th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – Studio Soma (2540 W 29th in Denver, near Speer and Zuni) – $8 – 12 suggested donation – Starting in April, I will be leading dance at Studio Soma the 3rd Sunday of each month. I hope to see many of you there. It’s a beautiful space and a lovely community! 


Tuesday, March 6th – Mama Sing – 10 AM – Greyrock Commons (2265 Shooting Star Drive, in Fort Collins) – women and children welcome! 


Tuesday, March 6th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7:15 PM – River Rock Commons – $7 suggested donation


Friday, March 9th – Chant – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – by donation


Tuesday, March 13th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – Sunrise Ranch (5569 NCR 29, near Masonville) – $5 suggested donation – Thank you to everyone who showed up for this dance in February with Timothy! I hear it was a lovely evening. I look forward to being with you in March!


Sunday, March 18th – New moon ritual – open circle for adults who meet the pre-requisites – please contact me for more information 


Tuesday, March 20th – Ostara potluck and ritual – 5:30 PM potluck – 6:30 PM ritual – River Rock Commons (520 N Sherwood in Fort Collins) – family friendly – RSVP – by donation – As always, if you’re interested in helping with this ritual, please let me know. I could use a LOT of help (psychiatric and otherwise!).


Friday, March 23rd – Chant – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – by donation


Tuesday, March 27th – Women’s Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – St Barnabas Church (SE corner 13th and Vine in Denver) – $6 suggested donation





I would like to start offering another Spiritual Mentoring group. Kiri may be co-facilitating. If you are interested in experiencing such a group, or if you are just curious about what it is, or if you think you might be interested in Spiritual Mentoring in a one-on-one context, please let me know so I can schedule some talk time. I’d like to plan a preliminary meeting for a new group possibly a Monday or Thursday evening this month. What do you think? I’ll send another e-mail when I get your responses.   


Several people have asked me about the possibility of holding Dances of Universal Peace at River Rock more frequently. I now have the 3rd Tuesday of each month free and have been seriously considering making the DUP twice monthly. If I did that, would you show up for them? Please let me know, for real, if adding another dance would be a good thing for you.


Kiri is hosting more Peace Circles. It is a process for exploring the presence of peace in your life and making commitments for bringing more peace into your consciousness and into the world. It is a weekly commitment of 60-90 minutes for a 6 week period. The next circle begins Monday, March 26th at 7 PM and another one may be forming Friday mornings. If you’re interested, please call or e-mail Kiri (970)493-1427 or


Lastly, I’ve been expanding my website to include more information about all these events and about Spiritual Mentoring. It’s still in the works, but there’s already a lot of new information posted. You may enjoy checking it out:



Spring makes me think of Tigger and fine china and satin ribbons and watercolor paints. How about you?


For more information, directions, and/or to inquire about anything you’ve seen written here, please do call or e-mail (970)224-4797, or sit in quiet contemplation with candles glowing before you and ask the Divine Being to reveal the answers. You could also try scouring the mountaintops for a burning bush.

Many Spring Blessings!

how much wood would a woodchuck chuck?

By golly, it’s January 27th and it’s high time I got you the calendar for February. I know y’all have been drumming your fingers on the desk, pacing your offices and chewing your fingernails waiting to get this. So, without further ado, here’s the February schedule of events with a little tidbit on either side.

Tuesday January 30th – Zikr – 7:15 PM – River Rock Commons (520 N Sherwood) – “What is zikr?” you might ask… it will be an evening of prayer, movement, lots of Arabic, heartful devotion, circles, music, and getting lost in the love of the Beloved – $7 suggested donation

Thursday, February 1st – Full moon ritual – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – if you filed taxes in 2006 you are welcome to attend (adults only please) – by donation – RSVP

Friday, February 2nd – Imbolc ritual and potluck – 5:30 PM – River Rock Commons (520 N Sherwood) – family friendly – by donation – RSVP

No Mama Sing – I’ll be out of town. Sorry.

Tuesday, February 6th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7:15 PM – River Rock Commons (520 N Sherwood) – $7 suggested donation

Tuesday, February 13th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – Sunrise Ranch (5569 NCR 29, near Masonville) – I am going to be out of town, but Timothy Dobson (my mentor and a masterful dance leader) will be leading the evening. If you have not experienced his leadership, or even if you have, please consider attending this dance – $5 suggested donation

No new moon ritual – I’ll still be out of town. Sorry again.

Friday, February 23rd – Chant – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – I’ll be back in town and SO ready to sing with you! – by donation

Tuesday, February 27th – Women’s Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – St Barnabas Church in Denver (SE corner of 13th and Vine) – $6 suggested donation

Peeking into March:
Saturday, March 3rd – Full Moon ritual – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – adults only – by donation

And here are a couple things you might be interested in:

• Would you like to join us for another community campout? The dates for this summer have been set! Please mark you calendars: June 8, 9 & 10! More info will be forthcoming as the time draws near (does time draw?).

• Yvette Connell, an apprenticing Healing Touch Practitioner, needs to offer 50 more sessions to complete her training. Healing Touch is a relaxing, nurturing energy therapy in which gentle touch assists in balancing your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. If you are interested in a session (by donation), call her at (970)481-9508. Her healing space is above the Garment District in Ft Collins. Appointments Tuesday, Friday and Saturday.

• Tuatha is playing at Avogadro’s Number in Fort Collins – Saturday, February 24th – the evening opens at 7 PM with Tribal Electra – Cover is $7 – bring your dancing shoes.

• Finally, I would love your assistance. I am looking for an office space to rent for my Spiritual Mentoring work. The training program I’ve been thoroughly enjoying is coming to an end this month and I am looking forward to setting up a more formal practice. If you have any leads on a Fort Collins rental, please let me know. Also, if you are interested in experiencing Spiritual Mentoring either one-on-one or in a group, please do contact me. I would love to get another group started soon. Thank you!

Gosh, I hope I didn’t forget anything. If I did you can always contact me to complain or ask clarifying questions: or (970)224-4797.
I apologize for the events I’m missing and/or canceling due to my travel plans this month.
And here’s my blessing for the widely celebrated, greatly revered, deeply inspired holiday of the Groundhog!

May the woodchuck awake
And with a tail shake
Greet the day
All cloudy and gray
So she can say,
“I’ll stay out and play!”
Send winter away
So we can careen
Into a green
And glorious spring
Hip hip hurray!
And stuff.

Okay, so it’s a little lame, but I think it works. Give me a break!
Many blessings!


This is not a test.
This is a change of plans.

I am sorry to say,
There will be no chant tonight (Friday, January 25th).

There will, however, be a Dance of Universal Peace in Boulder, which I will be leading since Timothy is out of town.

I apologize for the late notice.

For those of you who were planning to come chanting tomorrow evening, please consider coming to Boulder for the dance. I am happy to help with carpool arrangements.

It begins at 7:15 at the Mennonite Church 3910 Table Mesa (one block east of Broadway). The cost is $8 at the door or you can use a punch card.

The February schedule of events is in the works. You’ll see it soon.


Here comes the New Year with infinite opportunities for New Year’s resolutions!

I, personally, resolve to give up smoking and wearing make-up, lose a few pounds (maybe 48), stop eating meat, start aerobics classes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and start attending church services twice weekly. How about you? 



Tuesday, January 2nd – Dance of Universal Peace with a Full Moon theme! – River Rock Commons (520 N Sherwood, Fort Collins) – 7:15 PM – $7 suggested donation


No full moon ritual this month. If you’d like suggestions about rituals you can do on your own, I’ll be happy to send you some ideas. Just let me know. The moon is officially full in the wee morning hours of Wednesday, the 3rd.


Sunday, January 7th – Dance of Universal Peace – Studio Soma (2540 W 29th, Denver – near Speer and Zuni) – 7 PM – $8-12 suggested donation – we did our first Dance of Universal Peace at this studio last month and it was awesome! A delightful community, mostly (but not entirely) women, deep, prayerful atmosphere in a beautiful space.


Tuesday, January 9th – Mama Sing – Greyrock Commons (off Liberty Drive, near Taft and Vine, Fort Collins) – 10 AM – women and children welcome!


Tuesday, January 9th – Dance of Universal Peace – Sunrise Ranch (5569 NCR 29, Loveland) – 7 PM – $5 suggested donation


Friday, January 12th – Chant – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – 7 PM – by donation – hey, how’s this location working out for you? I’m still open to feedback and suggestions. And let me know if you want further help coordinating carpools.


Thursday, January 18th – New Moon Ritual – please contact me for the pre-requisites and more information – must have attended at least 4 full moon rituals within the last year to attend.


(maybe) Tuesday, January 23rd – Women’s Dance of Universal Peace – Saint Barnabas Church (southeast corner of 13th and Vine, Denver) – 7 PM – $6 suggested donation – please stay tuned about this dance circle. I’m still waiting to hear a definitive answer about whether this dance circle is continuing into 2007.


Friday, January 26th – Chant – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – 7 PM – by donation


Tuesday, January 30th – Zikr – River Rock Commons (520 N Sherwood) – 7:15 PM – $7 suggested donation – please let me know if you’re planning to attend this gathering. I’d like to know if there’s really enough interest to follow through with it. Thank you!


…and sneaking into the beginning of February:


Thursday, February 1st – Full Moon ritual – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – 7 PM – RSVP – adults only – by donation


Friday, February 2nd – Imbolc potluck and ritual – River Rock Commons (520 N Sherwood) – 5:30 PM – RSVP – by donation – and if any of you are interested in helping with this ritual, please let me know!



I just want y’all to know, I’m writing (and about to be sending) this e-mail from the Nevada desert. I know all you Colorado folks are buried in snow (again) and I wanted to send my condolences, or congratulations, if you prefer. I hope this holiday season has been bringing you the light, peace and joy you desire, may it be with family, friends or in solitude. It has, once again, been an amazing year of ritual, music, dance and prayer and I am celebrating the blessing of this community and the opportunity you give me to serve and accompany you on this journey of Spirit!


As always, please address further inquiries, complaints or flowers to me:


May the Lord and Lady whisk you jubilantly into 2007!


yule detail

Three cheers for the Sun!

Hip hip… HURRAY!!
Hip hip… HURRAY!!

Hip hip… HURRAY!!

If you’re planning to attend the Yule get together this Thursday, please bring:

  • Food/drink to share (vegetarian, please)
  • Your own dishes (including serving utensils)
  • A gift for the exchange (please keep it under $15, bring something with some spiritual significance, children bring children’s gifts, adults bring adult gifts (within reason, folks!)).
  • Drums and/or noisy toys (children count)
  • Donations are always appreciated


5:30 to 6:30 potluck dinner

6:30 ritual

After ritual – drum circle for 30 minutes to an hour or so…

The address is 520 N Sherwood in Fort Collins (the River Rock Co-housing Community’s Common House). Please park at Lee Martinez Park and walk up to the River Rock Common House.

I really do need RSVPs for the Yule ritual. Please let me know if you’re planning to attend.

Also, some worm-hungry birds (get it? They’re early risers, ha!) will be drumming up the sun the following morning somewhere around Horsetooth Reservoir. For directions, go to

If you have any questions, concerns, or actual photographs of the Loch Ness Monster, please call or e-mail me: (970)224-4797 or

Blessed Yule!



In the interest of keeping you all apprised, I thought I should let you know the change, the addition, and the cancellation for December.



I apologize for the change, but I have a conflict so I need to reschedule the chant.

There will be NO chant the evening of the 15th.

There WILL be a chant the evening of the 16th (Saturday, yes, it’s a Saturday), still at 7 PM, still on Boardwalk, still by donation



I do NOT apologize for another round of Free Hugs coming up Saturday, December 23rd from 1 to 3 PM in Old Town Square Fort Collins. Be there or be somewhere else. The Free Hugs campaign has been great fun! Thank you to all of you (maybe 20 or so) who have made it to one or both of our previous rounds. Let’s do it again!



I, once again, apologize for the disappointment this decision may deliver. There will be no women’s Dance of Universal Peace in Denver on December 26th. We are hoping to resume the dance in January.


The rest of “snee is for sneedle” is still correct. Sorry to confuse or confound or conflict or concern or con-….

