Dear Community,
It’s a Zoom-Zoom Friday! Still not as yummy as being together in-person, but, super awesome to be with friends from all over the world.
Our daily prayers are continuing – 12 PM Mountain (6 PM UTC) – same Zoom link as usual:
EVERY MONDAY MORNING – Sufi Meditation via Zoom – 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC) –
NOTE: Only two weeks left before we begin again!
COMING UP SOON, SOON, SOON… Monthly Zikr! – Saturday, June 20th (Happy Solstice!) – Concentrations on Light! – 7 PM to 9:30 PM Mountain (1 AM Sunday, UTC) – Bismillah Alhamdulillah! –
Fall Sufi Retreat is still on! Rahima is in touch with Buckhorn Camp and they are very happy to welcome us back! – “Awakening Love: Sufi Devotion, Power and Presence” with Murshid Rahmat Moore (my teacher!) and me! – at the Buckhorn Camp in Bellvue, Colorado – September 30th to October 4th – registration is open:
If it makes you happy to monetarily support these happenings, here’s a link: Thank you!
Ever-Flowing Blessings of Light, Peace, Strength, Patience, and Faith,
Beloved Friends,
I reckon a lot of us continue to be challenged to seek our own equanimity, make sense of our surroundings, and look for useful ways to help heal the world. Perhaps tuning in for prayers, music, and the co-creation of sacred space can help you feel encouraged, supported, loved, inspired, validated and blessed in your efforts. Helps me. It is a great joy to see your beautiful faces, share prayer practices and music to nourish the soul. You are warmly welcomed to all the following circles:
EVERY SINGLE DAY – 15 minutes of Sufi prayers – 12 PM Mountain time (6 PM UTC) – Zoom, Zoom! –
Note: I’m aiming to continue this daily practice through the end of June. Mirabai and Majnun will be leading the practices June 3 to 7 while I’m out of town. You lucky people! Same link! Enjoy!
EVERY MONDAY MORNING – Sufi Meditation via Zoom (and I hope to welcome you into my home again soon…stay tuned!) – 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC) –
NOTE: We have three weeks left to wrap up the 99 Beautiful Names of Allah! June 29th we’ll begin all over again with some new prayers. Jump in anytime!
NEW SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT!! – “Unveiling the Beloved” – Friday, June 12th – 10 AM Mountain (4 PM UTC) – Khabir Christian Mayer Glauninger and I will be co-leading a sweet 2 hour Zoom of Sufi Zikr, stories, practices, music, wazifa, meditation… – We know that The Divine presence is in all things and all beings…but how do we look past the facade to the Real? How can we recognize The Holy One in the tricky disguises of our lives? Join us in this heartfelt inquiry! – Zoom, darlings!
Here’s the facebook event:
NO CHANT, DANCE, PRAY this Friday…sorry. But we’ll be BACK to it June 12th! 7 PM to 9 PM Mountain (1 AM Saturday UTC) –
Fall Sufi Retreat is still on! – “Awakening Love: Sufi Devotion, Power and Presence” with Murshid Rahmat Moore (my teacher!) and me! – at the Buckhorn Camp in Bellvue, Colorado – September 30th to October 4th – registration is open:
If you like sending money just to be nice, Thank you! Here’s a link:
Continuing to send warm blessings of encouragement, health, strength, patience, and peace to each of you! Oh! And a wee musical respite, ’cause maybe you need it!:
Aren’t we all just paying attention?
Waves roll in, waves roll out, trees bend and sway in the spring wind…and our community gatherings continue to take shape according to ever-changing circumstances.
Dear Friends, I’m sorry to say, MeadowFest has been cancelled for 2020. Group campgrounds are remaining closed and even with individual campsites, restrictions to very small group gatherings make MeadowFest a no-go. Please plan to join us next summer.
And…in the meantime…we’ll continue to gather in the ways we can including:
Tomorrow, Friday, May 22nd AND Friday May 29th – Chant, Dance, Pray on the Zoom – 7 PM Mountain (Saturday 1 AM UTC) – ever the same Zoom link or message me for a phone-in option:
Every Monday for eternity….continuing the morning Sufi meditation Zoom and I’ll let you know when I start welcoming you into my home again… 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC) –
EVERY SINGLE DAY – 15 minutes of Sufi prayers – 12 PM Mountain time (6 PM UTC) – always Zooming: – Note: I’m planning to continue this daily practice until June 3rd…and might pick it up again after June 7th…we’ll see…
Our next Zikr will be Saturday, June 20th – still planning on the Zoom…but keeping an eye on things opening up…stay tuned! – 7 PM MDT (Sunday, 1 AM UTC) –
Fall Sufi Retreat is still on! – “Awakening Love: Sufi Devotion, Power and Presence” with Murshid Rahmat Moore (my teacher!) and me! – at the Buckhorn Camp in Bellvue, Colorado – September 30th to October 4th – registration is open:
If you like sending me money just to be nice, you can do it here: THANK YOU!
Offering prayers of loving support, flexibility, patience and faith to each of you! Cultivating connection to the rhythms of life, the Divine, and each other.
Love and Peace,
ooh, mama!
Spiritual Community is Sweet!
Even when we’re meeting online, it nourishes our hearts to see each other, to share prayers, music, and to co-create a sacred experience. Thank you, friends, for helping keep the connections humming and thriving in our unusual circumstances!
Tomorrow, Sunday, May 10th is Mother’s Day! My mama asked me to come sing with her! Lucky me! Wanna come? You are welcome to join us online! 7 PM Mountain Time – (Monday 1 AM UTC) – Zoom: – a few of us will also be together in person, but if you didn’t tell me you’re coming, please don’t just show up. We’re keeping it very small.
EVERY MONDAY – we’re still holding our weekly Sufi Meditation online – same Zoom link: – 9:30 AM Mountain Time (3:30 PM UTC) – one hour of Sufi prayers, readings, and meditation
EVERY FRIDAY – we’re keeping the rhythm of “Chant, Dance and Prayer” – 7 PM Mountain (Saturday, 1 AM UTC) – always the same Zoom:
EVERY SINGLE DAY – 15 minutes of Sufi prayers – 12 PM Mountain time (6 PM UTC) – Zoom, darlings!
SATURDAY ZIKR!!! – May 16th – lots of music, movement, prayerful remembrance, Sufi teachings, rowing, rowing, rowing… – 7 PM MDT (Sunday, 1 AM UTC) – Still Zooming!
MeadowFest is still on! Campout with the Pagans and Pagan-friendlies! – June 25 to 28 – Jack’s Gulch – registration here:
Fall Sufi Retreat is still one! – “Awakening Love: Sufi Devotion, Power and Presence” with Murshid Rahmat Moore (my teacher!) and me! – at the Buckhorn Camp in Bellvue, Colorado – September 30th to October 4th – registration is open:
If money is a way you like to show appreciation, you can send it to me here: THANK YOU!
And, aren’t you so lucky! Michael has started supplying me with essential amusements like “Where the Wild Things Are” read by Christopher Walken. I kid you not! Here: (parental advisory: explicit lyrics included!)
Continuing the practices for polishing the heart, clearing the awareness, being fully present and developing compassion!
Love and Peace,
Beltane, Baby!
Dear Friends,
Well, the world continues to be an interesting place, wouldn’t you say? Earth continues to turn and tilt her way around the Sun, the elements continue their gorgeous dance, breathing in, breathing out…
Still offering community gatherings from home. Please feel very welcome to join in as you’re able:
BELTANE!!! Friday, May 1st – we’ll do a little Zoom celebration with chant, dance, and our best intentions for the world! – 7 PM MDT – on the Zoom, darlings! –
And, for the time being, every single day, 15 minute prayer practice at noon MDT – Zoom, Zoom! –
Monday Sufi Meditations continue – 9:30 AM MDT, online… and I’ll let you know when folks will be invited back into my living room…but even then, we’ll continue the Zoom-able practice –
Friday evenings – Chant, Dance, Pray – 7 PM MDT, online… –
Saturday, May 16th – Zikr – 7 PM MDT – still Zooming! –
Can I just say, holding these gatherings online has opened up the circle to include friends across the country and internationally, which has been SO FUN!! In the last month we’ve had friends join us from Chile, Ecuador, New Zealand, Germany, Holland, Spain, Egypt, Norway…Technology really does make miracles possible and I’m grateful!
I’m currently planning for MeadowFest to carry on…Camping out at Jack’s Gulch – June 25 to 28 – registration here:
And I’m definitely planning for the autumnal Sufi Retreat! – “Awakening Love: Sufi Devotion, Power and Presence” with me and Rahmat Moore – registration here:
Financial appreciations for my good work in the world can be sent here with all my gratitude!
A dear friend has been sending out a consistent stream of inspired videos, songs, stories and amusements. Here’s the best one to date (Thank you, Karla!):
Beltane Blessings to Each Precious One of YOU!
Dear Community,
How are you holding up? And how are you holding each other up? And how are you inviting others to hold you up? I’m continuing to offer the array of spiritual shenanigans to help lift the heart, fortify the spirit and keep us grounded in the Real. Wanna join the circle? It’s online and in-heart!
Chanting, dancing Universal Peace, and interfaith praying – 7 PM, MDT – – Every Friday for the foreseeable future (4/10, 4/17, 4/24…and beyond?)
Sufi Meditation including prayers of Pir-O-Murshid Inayat Khan, focusing on one Beautiful Name of God each week – 9:30 AM, MDT – – Every Monday for the foreseeable future (4/13, 4/20, 4/27…and beyond?)
EVERY DAY – a brief Sufi prayer practice – includes elemental breaths, a sung Zikr (or other chant), prayers, wazifa…whatever we can fit into 15 minutes! – 12 PM, MDT – – every single day for at least the next few weeks…and we’ll see…
Zikr, Saturday, April 18th – 7 PM, MDT – All Zikr, all the time…Sufi, Sufi, Sufi…singing, praying, attuning, rowing the fleet of one-man kayaks across the ocean of remembrance! –
MEADOWFEST!!! June 25 to 28 – Still planning for Summer campouts! Jack’s Gulch Campground (40 min. NW of Ft Collins) – I’ll make pancakes! Chanting, dancing, fire circles, nature and nice friends… let’s do it! Registration here:
SUFI RETREAT!!! September 30th to October 4th – “Awakening Love: Sufi Devotion, Power and Presence” with Murshid Rahmat and me! Buckhorn Camp – registration open:
If you wish to offer monetary gratitude to me and my work, here’s a link:
Oh my gosh, a sneak peek into my mindframe…here’s the song that arose in my free-associating brain!
PLUS!!! 8 PM, every night…go outside and howl! It’s a growing movement and it’s SO FUN!!!
See you on the web, in the moonlight and in the heart…we are all connected!
Love and Delight,
Daily Prayers Online!
Daily prayer practice can help each of us feel supported, at peace, loved, and centered. For many of us, daily discipline is hard, but group practice is easy and enjoyable!
You are welcome to join me in a daily Zoom prayer practice for the next 30 days.
15 minutes!
I’ll lead the invocation, elemental breaths, a healing prayer, a song, and the prayer of protection…if anything else fits in that time, great! Just jump on the Zoom any days that work for you.
hobby time!
Dear Friends near and far, good thing we’re adaptable!
The world is awakening into full-blown Spring and we are simultaneously drawing inward…home, home, home…good thing it’s sweet!
Do you need more spiritual juju to keep yourself sustained, hopeful, strong, resourced…
I welcome you to keep the connections and community energy humming along online!
For my own ease and yours… let’s simplify the calendar:
EVERY FRIDAY starting March 27th and going until we’re told otherwise…we’ll have singing and dancing and Sufi-ing practice 7 PM MDT on Zoom. Here’s the link, which is different than what I’ve sent before:
EVERY MONDAY starting March 30th and going until we’re told otherwise…we’ll have Sufi Meditation 9:30 AM MDT on Zoom. Same link as ever and always!
If you plan to join us for meditation, please let me know ahead of time so I can send you the prayers.
SATURDAY, April 18th – ZIKR…only Zikr, all Zikr, nothing but Zikr (well, and Sufi teaching time and Wazifa…you know the spiel) – 7 PM MDT – on Zoom.
MEADOWFEST!!! June 25 to 28 – Come hang out in the woods with us! Jack’s Gulch Campground (just northwest of Ft Collins) – I’ll make pancakes! Chanting, dancing, fire circles, nature and nice friends… let’s do it! Registration here:
SUFI RETREAT!!! September 30th to October 4th – “Awakening Love: Sufi Devotion, Power and Presence” with Murshid Rahmat and me! Buckhorn Camp – registration open:
If you are feeling flush and grateful, and if you have a desire to support me in the services I provide our community, here’s an easy way to contribute! Thank you!
If you’re feeling a hankering for a facelift, try this (plenty of time at home to binge watch what makes you smile, right?):
See you in cyberspace…
Peace and Sunshine,
the times they are a-changin’!
Dear Community, I know nothing, I’m happy to say.
I’m watching the world, paying attention to the changing scenery, noticing my own heart, thoughts, and experience, and doing what I can to offer what is mine to give. I trust each of you are doing the same, in your own way. Please bear with me as I lay out my current plans, based purely on my own personal sense. Y’all have my complete loving support in making decisions according to your own highest wisdom.
Friday, March 20th – Singing our prayers a la mode Dances of Universal Peace – 7 PM – ONLINE!! Here’s the Zoom link:
AND… also, in person for up to 10 participants. If you personally feel comfortable, healthy, and at ease about it, you are welcome to join me at 449 Clover Lane, Fort Collins. RSVP to me directly: We will cap participation at 10 people.
Saturday, March 21st – ZIKR – 7 PM – ONLINE!! Here’s the Zoom link:
AND… also, in person for up to 10 participants. Same as above, RSVP to me: – 449 Clover Lane, Fort Collins, capped at 10 participants.
Monday, March 23rd – Sufi Meditation at my house (yes, I’m happy to welcome you to my house) – 9:30 AM
AND….also, online! Contact me for the Zoom link because I will also need to send you the set of prayers we use.
Friday, March 27th – Singing Dances of Universal Peace – 7 PM – ONLINE!!
And… also in-person, same deal, up to 10 people, 449 Clover Ln, RSVP to me.
Monday, March 30th – Sufi Meditation at my house – 9:30 AM – come on over…
Friday, April 3rd – Singing Dances of Universal Peace – 7 PM – ONLINE!!
And…also in-person, you know the spiel by now.
Monday, April 6th – Sufi Meditation at my house – 9:30 AM
Friday, April 10th – Chant – online…and in-person…I think… 7 PM – If I end up traveling this day, I’ll let you know… are you making peace with uncertainty? I am.
Monday, April 13th – Sufi Meditation ONLINE only… 9:30 AM – I’ll be out of state, so join me on the Zoom!
Friday, April 17th – NO DANCE…not even online…definitely a travel day for me. Sorry.
Saturday, April 18th – Zikr… let’s wait and see whether we can be back in the circle in Denver…definitely planning to hold Zikr…just not sure in this moment what our venue will be. Stay tuned!
MEADOWFEST!!! June 25 to 28 – Come hang out in the woods with us! Jack’s Gulch Campground (just northwest of Ft Collins) – I’ll make pancakes! Chanting, dancing, fire circles, nature and nice friends… let’s do it! Registration here:
SUFI RETREAT!!! September 30th to October 4th – “Awakening Love: Sufi Devotion, Power and Presence” with Murshid Rahmat and me! Buckhorn Camp – registration open:
Do you need a song for today? Throwback!
Do you have too much money in your account and want to send some of it to me in gratitude for the services I provide? Here’s a link!
Love, Light, Joy, Peace!