when there are no doughnuts…

Beloved Community,
I am so sad to say, I will not have doughnuts at this week’s Gathas class. Why?! Because I’m fasting and neither of the other humans in my house want them. WHAT?!?! How is that possible? I DON’T KNOW!!
I really might literally cry about it.
But we will still have Gathas Class. Maybe I’ll bring a life size photo of a doughnut. And I do celebrate y’all bringing a treat of your heart’s delight.

Thursday, April 15th – Gathas Class – Sufi stuff, music, wazifa and Murshid’s inspired words on a variety of subjects. Our recent topics focus on “taming the ego.” Fun, eh? Come on! – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Friday UTC) – Zoom, darlings: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Saturday, April 17th – Zikr, Zikr, Zikr – More yummy Sufi juju! We might get up and boogie around..or we might keep our seats…either way, we’ll be singing praises…tuning into the holy month of Ramadan, remembering The One, The One, The One, every breath, every sound, from The One, through The One, Toward The One – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Sunday UTC) – Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Monday, April 19th – Sufi Meditation – Prayers, silence, reading and reciting one Beautiful Name of God each week – 9:30 AM Mountain Daylight (3:30 PM UTC) -Zooming: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Thursday, April 22nd – EARTH DAY!! – And Gathas Class!! Will the doughnuts be back? I think so! 7 PM Mountain – ZOOM!!! 

Friday, April 23rd – Chant, Dance, Pray – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Saturday, UTC) – Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Monday, April 26th – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain – Zoom!

Thursday, April 29th – Gathas Class with Doughnuts! – 7 PM Mountain – ZOOM!

Saturday, May 1st – BELTANE!! – Take your beloved out into the field and have a rollicking good time! Or wrap a pole with ribbons. Deliver flowers to your neighbors…or to me. I like flowers. Plant a garden. Drink some mead. Enjoy life, man! It’s short and sweet! 

Monday, May 3rd – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM 

Thursday, May 6th – Doughnut Gathas – 7 PM 

Friday, May 7th is the 100-year anniversary of the Universal Worship Service. ONE HUNDRED YEARS!! – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Saturday UTC) – you are invited to tune into the Zoom room…and maybe we’ll have some in-person friends too…we’ll light candles, pray, sing, dance, and celebrate the Unity of Religious Ideals, the light of The One that shines through all the religions of the world, the message of Love, Harmony and Beauty – Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

We’re still holding a 15 minute prayer zoom every single day, 12 PM Mountain (6 PM UTC) you are welcome to join us anytime: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09
Please stay tuned for in-person sing-a-lings, meditations, dances, zikr, and doughnuts…I don’t have a specific date set, but it’s feeling very close…I expect within a month or so. 

My son just reminded me of this brilliant video. I hope your brain enjoys these strange considerations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8zWWp0akUU

Enthusiastic, joy-filled blessings and love to you! 


smiling heart

Dear Friends,
The earth is feeling all green and juicy…vitality flowing and flowering…What a glorious set up! Every day an opportunity to praise, sing, and lift our gratitude to the wondrous Shaper of Creation! 
Here are some sweet invitations for you…

Thursday (TODAY), April 1st – Gathas Class – Sufi teachings, a bit of singing, wazifa, and doughnuts (bring ’em if you love ’em!) – 7 PM Mountain Daylight (1 AM Friday UTC) – Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Good Friday (TOMORROW), April 2nd – “Unveiling the Beloved” with me and Khabir – Jesus and the Sufis – Stories, music, practices…tending to the message of Christ – 10 AM Mountain (4 PM UTC) Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09
Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/sararain

Monday, April 5th – Sufi Meditation – One Beautiful Name of God each week…each breath… – 9:30 AM Mountain Daylight (3:30 PM UTC) – Zoom! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Saturday, April 17th – Zikr – Ya Allah! – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Sunday UTC) – Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Friday, April 23rd – Chant, Dance, Pray – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Saturday, UTC) – Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Every Single Day! – 12 PM Mountain – Noon Prayer Zoom – 15 minutes of Sufi practices, breaths, music, prayers…join us any days that work for you: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Every Monday morning, Sufi Meditation 
Every Thursday evening, Gathas

With Spring Juju, it already feels like calendars are getting unreliable…have you noticed that too? I am delighted to be with you and continue scheduling heart nourishing gatherings…and I thank you for your understanding and flexibility when I need to change things up. 

In the Vibrant Light with Great Love! 


prayer beads

Dear Community,
I hope you’ve stocked up on chocolate, rum, firewood, and whatever you need to survive the snow! WOOHOO FOR SNOW!!
And, a blessed Maha Shivaratri and New Moon to you right now!
Let’s sing about it…and everything. Let’s sing about everything.

Tonight, Friday, March 12th – Chant, Dance, Pray – 7 PM MST (2 AM Saturday UTC) – Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Tomorrow and every single day…Noon Prayers – 12 PM Mountain Time (7 PM UTC) – 15 minutes of Sufi prayers, breath practices, music and community connection, for everyone’s well-being – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09
NOTE: this Sunday, Rahima will be leading in my absence…the 27th to 30th Michael will be leading in my absence…and every other day of my life, I’m delighted to be with you!

SUNDAY, MARCH 14th – BREAK YOUR CLOCK!!! Everyone is doing it! 

Monday, March 15th (and almost every Monday) – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain DAYLIGHT (3:30 PM UTC) – Zooming! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09
NOTE: you’ll be on your own March 29th…I’ll be out of town, but I hope you’ll continue the practice in your own way…

Thursday, March 18th – Gathas Class – Sufi teachings, a bit of singing, wazifa, and doughnuts (if you bring ’em) – 7 PM Mountain DAYLIGHT!! (1 AM Friday UTC) – Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Saturday, March 20th – Zikr! – Spring Equinox – Themes of balance, light and growth – all Sufi singing, moving, teachings…Ya Allah! – 7 PM Mountain Daylight (1 AM Sunday UTC) – Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Monday, March 22nd – Sufi Meditation morning 

Thursday, March 25th – Gathas Class evening 

Good Friday, April 2nd – “Unveiling the Beloved” with me and Khabir – Jesus and the Sufis – Stories, music, practices…tending to the message of Christ – 10 AM Mountain (4 PM UTC) Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09
Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/sararain

Blessings of great joy, peace and love to you! 


hot water

Dear Circle of Friends,
Today I’m baking cookies. How about you? 
Tomorrow I’m going to hang out in hot water. How about you? 
Singing, dancing, meditating, reciting Beautiful Names of God, breathing in and out with the Great Mama God…let’s do it! 

Monday, March 1st (and every Monday) – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (4:30 PM UTC) – one hour of prayers, readings, and moments of silence…contemplating one Beautiful Name of God at a time… ZOOM! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

EVERY DAY: 12 PM Mountain Time (7 PM UTC) Noon Zoom – 15 minutes of Sufi prayers, music, breath practice and whatever silliness is happening that day – Link: 
PLEASE NOTE: March, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Mirabai and Khabir will be leading prayers in my absence…THANK YOU!!! I’ll be back with you on the 4th. 

Thursday, March 4th (and every Thursday) (2 AM Friday, UTC) – Gathas Class – reading Inayat Khan’s teachings on. a wide array of themes, with a bit of music, wazifa, prayers, and discussion… Bring a doughnut if you like! I do. Zoom!! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Friday, March 5th – Chant, Dance, Pray! – 7 PM Mountain (2 AM Friday UTC) – Interfaith music and practices…all are welcome! – ZOOM!! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Saturday, March 6th – Centenary Conversation – 5 PM Mountain (12 AM Sunday UTC) – The 100 year anniversary of the Universal Worship Service is coming up (May 7th) I’m encouraging EVERYONE to offer some sort of celebratory event, a formal service, a Dance of Universal Peace, a silent meditation, an Interfaith Chant…anything that strikes your heart’s fancy! Wanna talk about it, share ideas and resources with others who are celebrating? Here’s an opportunity for a chat. On the Zoom. With me. And probably some others! – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84823108423?pwd=a281YUJWclJLNHE1cWVWRFZON0NJQT09

Sunday, March 14th – MESS UP THE CLOCKS!! – Please pay close attention to all the time stamps on every zoom meeting everywhere…it’ll be CHAOS I tell ya! Daylight Saving keeps us on our toes, eh?

Saturday, March 20th is the next Zikr – 7 PM Mountain – Zooming…https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

The next “Unveiling the Beloved” celebrating Good Friday with a Sufi, mystical lens…with me and Khabir – Friday, April 2nd – 10 AM Mountain…https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09
Your financial generosity is always welcome: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/sararain

I have a new favorite movie. Not a new movie, but a new favorite. “Hunt for the Wilderpeople”…it’s on Netflix…it is not “spiritual” per se, it is not your run-o-the-mill flick. But it does have this amazing song, which I think will be turned into a Zikr cycle in short order: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=us6ZcvCcYoo 

Please, friends, smile. Whether you’re feeling it or not. It sets happy hormones flowing…you won’t regret it. 


comfort reading

Dear Community,
Every year, after Imbolc, I have “Spring Optimism” that gets to practice “seasonal patience.” We can do it! We can wait until Spring fully springs, and keep our hearts warm with joyful anticipation, taking comfort in sweet books, hot tea, and wood stoves. Yep. Story of my life, right now.
Wanna sing and zikr and read spiritual books with me? It’s all the rage. 

EVERY DAY: 12 PM Mountain Time (7 PM UTC) Noon Zoom – 15 minutes of Sufi prayers, music, breath practice and whatever silliness is happening that day – Link: 

EVERY THURSDAY: 7 PM Mountain Time (2 AM Fridays UTC) – Gathas Class, reading Inayat Khan’s teachings on all sorts of subjects, discussion, wazifa, a bit of music and a doughnut (if you bring it) – Zoom here: 

EVERY MONDAY: Sufi Meditation – one Beautiful Name of God each week along with Murshid’s prayers, periods of silent contemplation and meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (4:30 PM UTC) – Zoom is our friend! 

This Saturday, February 20th – Zikr, Zikr, Zikr – singing and bobbing around in the ocean of remembrance – Sufi music and prayer practice – a bit of teachings, readings, wazifa, breathwork, or whatever inspiration is flowing… – 7 PM Mountain (2 AM Sunday, UTC) – Zoom, darlings! 

Friday, February 26th – Full Moon Chant, Dance, Pray – 7 PM Mountain (2 AM Saturday, UTC) – interfaith prayers, music and heart attunement – Hanging on the Zoom! 

Friday, March 5th – Chant, Dance, Pray – 7 PM Mountain – Zoom

Saturday, March 6th – Conversation with Cherags, Dance Leaders, and Friends who want to help celebrate the 100 year anniversary of the Universal Worship Service – All are welcome! – 5 PM Mountain (12 AM Sunday, UTC) 

Sunday, March 14th – MESS UP THE CLOCKS!! – and throw all our international Zoom planning into a catastrophe of confusion and mayhem. Yes. Friends. Mayhem. 

Mark your calendars! The next “Unveiling the Beloved” with Khabir and me will be Friday, April 2nd, Good Friday – 10 AM Mountain – on the zoom… 
Your financial generosity is always welcome: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/sararain

I know every single one of you needs some exquisite music…here’s a gorgeous tidbit for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PP6fLeKtclY
Always aiming to increase beauty and happiness! 


clip-on shades

Dear Friends and Fellow Human Beings,
As Winter carries on her merry way, I’m admiring the fresh beauty of snow, the wonderment of Earth’s seasons, the interconnectedness of our human family, the privilege of being with you in cyber-space for a bit longer as we continue navigating the fascinating circumstances of this moment. My new kiln is currently running a test fire and I’m so excited! But I will pull myself away from the pottery wheel to sing and dance and pray with you! C’mon!

TOMORROW, Thursday, January 28th – Gathas Class – I’ll have a doughnut with me, how about you? A bit of music, wazifa, reading and discussion of Pir-O-Murshid Inayat Khan’s Gathas – 7 PM Mountain (2 AM Friday, UTC) – On the Zoom! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09
ALSO: February 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th…

Friday, January 29th – Chant, Dance, Pray – Interfaith musical prayer time! – 7 PM Mountain (2 AM Saturday, UTC) – Zoom, Zoom! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09
ALSO: February 12th and 26th

Monday, February 1st – Sufi Meditation – (and Happy Imbolc!) – 9:30 AM Mountain (4:30 PM UTC) – one hour of prayers, wazifa, learning about and practicing one Beautiful Name of God each week – Zoom, darlings! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09
ALSO: February 8th, 15th, 22nd…

Friday, February 5th – Unveiling the Beloved – in honor of Pir-O-Murshid Inayat Khan’s Urs – Khabir and I are happy to share another session of Sufi stories, practices, music, and celebration! – This an auspicious occasion, the 95th anniversary of Inayat Khan’s death (reunion with the Beloved) – 10 AM Mountain / 6 PM in Germany / 5 PM UTC – On the Zoom! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09
If you feel inspired and generous, you can contribute to Khabir and Sára here: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/sararain

Saturday, February 6th – any cherags, dance leaders, Sufi enthusiasts, ministers, and interfaith human beings are welcome to join me for a conversational zoom aimed toward encouraging and supporting anyone and everyone who would like to share an event in honor of the 100-year anniversary of the Universal Worship Service (that will be May 7th of this year) – Zooming at 5 PM Mountain (12 AM Sunday UTC) – 

Sunday, February 14th – Love everyone – ALWAYS

Saturday, February 20th – ZIKR!! – 7 PM Mountain (2 AM Sunday, UTC) – two hours of music, movement, Sufi teachings and attunement…mm-hmmm! – Zooming! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! – Noon Prayer Zoom – 15 minutes of a Sufi soul tune-up! – breath practice, prayer, and a little zikr ditty each day! – 12 PM Mountain (7 PM UTC) – Join us anytime: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

POTTERY!! I’m in heaven! Here’s a sweet video of super excellence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDmBtNrC5Lc

Love and Joy to You, Precious Being! 



Beloved Community,
Oh my gosh! Life is just an endless stream of blessings, opportunities, curiosities and a parade of color. I hope you are finding useful ways to follow inspiration and find nourishment for your entire beings. Wanna join us for some spiritual edification, exploration and delight? C’mon! 

Tonight, Thursday, January 7th and next week on the 14th – Gathas Class! – Bring a doughnut (if you want) and join us for a bit of music, some wazifa, reading and discussing Pir-O-Murshid Inayat Khan’s Gathas – 7 PM Mountain (2 AM Friday UTC) – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Friday, January 8th – Chant, Dance, Pray – 7 PM Mountain (2 AM Saturday UTC) – Zooming, ever onward! – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Monday January 11th (and every Monday) – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (4:30 PM UTC) – ZOOM!!! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Saturday, January 16th – Zikr in honor of Murshid SAM’s Urs – We won’t do ALL SAM ditties, but will include a couple, and some teachings, practices, stories, giving thanks for the outrageous, luminous being who started the dances, encouraged our full humanness, cut through the bullshit in service to the Real. 7 PM (2 AM Sunday, UTC) – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Friday, February 5th – Unveiling the Beloved – in honor of Pir-O-Murshid Inayat Khan’s Urs – Khabir and I will be facilitating this session celebrating the Message of Spiritual Liberty, the Sufi teachings on Love, Harmony and Beauty, the dedication and vision of Inayat Khan – 10 AM Mountain (6 PM in Germany, 5 PM UTC ) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

EVERY SINGLE DAY – Noon Zoom! – 15 minutes of prayers and a super dose of community connection! – Join us any days that work for you. – 12 PM Mountain (7 PM UTC) – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Would you like to read a poem? Of course you would! Here is a sweet treat from Billy Collins: 

The Dead
The dead are always looking down on us, they say, 
While we are putting on our shoes or making a sandwich, 
they are looking down through the glass-bottom boats of heaven
as they row themselves through eternity. 

They watch the tops of our heads moving below on earth, 
and when we lie down in a field or on a couch, 
drugged perhaps by the hum of a warm afternoon, 
they think we are looking back at them, 

Which makes them lift their oars and fall silent
and wait, like parents, for us to close our eyes. 

Sending each of you great love, peace, hope and life! 


rearranging furniture

Dear Friends,
Blessings of peace and light to you! The days are already feeling brighter as the wheel turns. I’ve changed some things for the coming couple weeks…please take note: 

Friday, December 25th (Christmas) – Aramaic Lord’s Prayer – 7 PM MST (2 AM Saturday UTC) – Join Rahima and I for a mystical attunement to the cornerstone prayer of Christianity. Music, body prayer, ritual handwashing… – if you wish, plan to be in a physical space where you can do a bowing practice on the floor. You are also welcome to have the following ritual supplies with you: a loaf/slice/piece of bread (or a cookie, or cake, or a doughnut…something like “bread”), a large empty basin, a pitcher of warm/hot water, a hand towel… – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Monday, December 28th (and every Monday) – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM MST (4:30 PM UTC) – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Thursday, December 31st – New Year’s Eve Chant and Pray… – 7 PM to 9 PM MST (2 AM Friday UTC) – Rahima and I would love to share a couple hours with you, singing our farewells to 2020, setting our heartful intentions for 2021…please join us on the Zoom…we do wish it could be in person…but we’re grateful for these magical ways we are able to be together – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Monday, January 4th – Sufi Meditation 

Thursday, January 7th – Gathas Class – resuming our engagement with Pir-O-Murshid Inayat Khan’s teachings – All are welcome – 7 PM MST (2 AM Friday UTC) – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Tomorrow, Saturday, December 19th – Zikr – lots of music, maybe some movement, poetry, Sufi teachings, wazifa practice…remembering the Beloved within – 7 PM MST (2 AM Sunday UTC) – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Friday, January 8th – Chant, Dance, Pray – 7 PM MST (2 AM Saturday UTC) – Interfaith, musical prayer time! C’mon! – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Monday, January 11th – Sufi Meditation

Thursday, January 14th – Gathas Class

Saturday, January 16th – ZIKR!!! In honor of Murshid SAM’s Urs! – 7 PM MST (2 AM Sunday UTC) – Music, movement, MANTRA!! Murshid SAM said sacred dance is all about the mantra. Giving thanks for the inspiration, power, love and vision of Sufi Ahmed Murad! – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Monday, January 18th – Sufi Meditation 

NO GATHAS CLASS THURSDAY, THE 21st…Sorry, I’ll be out of town… 

Friday, February 5th – Unveiling the Beloved with Khabir and Sára – Celebrating the Urs of Pir-O-Murshid Inayat Khan with Sufi stories, Zikr and practices – 10 AM MST – 6 PM in Germany – 5 PM UTC – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

EVERY SINGLE DAY: Noon Prayers on Zoom – 15 minutes of prayer, breath practice, melodic zikr… – 12 PM MST (7 PM UTC) – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

I started a big household project last night and this is the song that popped into my awareness…because I think you might need a break from carols: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrMvblpZFq0

With a Joyful Heart! 



Dear Community,
Blessings of these holy days to you! Darkness, light, endings, beginnings, solitude and friendship.
You are welcome to honor the sacredness of each day and night in these online gatherings, singing, praying, learning, growing, deepening and attuning the omnipresent Mystery.

Tomorrow, Saturday, December 19th – Zikr – lots of music, maybe some movement, poetry, Sufi teachings, wazifa practice…remembering the Beloved within – 7 PM MST (2 AM Sunday UTC) – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Monday, December 21st (YULE!) – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM MST (4:30 PM UTC) – I don’t really recommend the Beautiful Name of God for this week…but it will be a more pleasant one next week and you’re welcome to join us any Monday that works for you… https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Thursday, December 24th (Christmas Eve) – Gathas Class – 7 PM MST (2 AM Friday UTC) – reading Pir-O-Murshid Inayat Khan’s teachings on a variety of subjects. We always include a bit of music and wazifa…bring a doughnut for your own enjoyment! – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09 

Friday, December 25th (Christmas) – Aramaic Lord’s Prayer – 7 PM MST (2 AM Saturday UTC) – Join us for a mystical attunement to this cornerstone prayer of Christianity. Music, body prayer, symbolic hand washing… – if you wish, plan to be in a physical space where you can do a bowing practice on the floor. You are also welcome to have the following ritual supplies with you: a loaf/slice/piece of bread (or a cookie, or cake, or a doughnut…something like “bread”), a large empty basin, a pitcher of warm/hot water, a hand towel… – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Monday, December 28th – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM (4:30 PM UTC)

Thursday, December 31st – Gathas…hmm…do you want a Gathas class this evening? 

Friday, December 1st – Chant, Dance, Pray…and inter-faith beginning to 2021 – 7 PM MST (2 AM Saturday UTC) – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

EVERY SINGLE DAY: Noon Prayers on Zoom – 15 minutes of prayer, breath practice, melodic zikr… – 12 PM MST (7 PM UTC) – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09

Sometimes random time-wasters show up and I’m grateful. Not that any of us have time to waste…so think of this as a wise investment of your attention, creating something fun, beautiful, and meditative: https://nathanfriend.io/inspirograph/

Blessings of great love to each of you! 


C’mon people now, smile on your brother

Dear Community,
We’re in a new day, new season, new moon this Saturday…new, new, new…Are you feeling it? 

Thursday, November 12th – Gathas Class – 7 PM MST (2 AM Friday UTC) – a bit of singing, wazifa, and moving through the teachings of Pir-O-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan – All are welcome – Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87996696699?pwd=bnhWNFlIbSswcmJDMmtvb1JWdUxqUT09
NOTE: This occurs every Thursday evening including Thanksgiving.

EVERY DAY: Noon Prayers on the Zoom – 15 minutes of practices with a splash of singing – 12 PM MST / 7 PM UTC – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09 – this Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Michael will be leading prayers in my absence. THANK YOU, MICHAEL!! 

Monday, November 16th and every Monday morning – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM MST (4:30 PM UTC) – One hour of Sufi prayers, meditation and concentration on a Beautiful Name of God each week – Zoom! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09
NOTE: This occurs every Monday morning. 

Saturday, November 21st – Zikr on the Zoom! – 7 PM MST / 2 AM next day, UTC – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09 – stay tuned, friends, there’s a possibility I might have to cancel this…but for now, it’s the plan. 

Friday, November 27th – Chant, Dance, Pray – 7 PM MST (2 AM UTC, Friday) – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09
NOTE: The next one of these will be Friday, December 4th.

Friday, December 11th – Unveiling the Beloved Part IV with Khabir and Sára – focusing on themes of devotion and wisdom – 10 AM MST (5 PM UTC) – Zoom! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/505295922?pwd=ZVY2WmpVZURjdCtmVUFZdU1iRFpsQT09
NOTE: This will lead directly into our daily prayers…same Zoom link.

I might be having a bit of a perpetual teenager day. Want to join me? Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeJODSjIbT8

Enjoying all life has to offer! 
