prayer beads

Dear Community,
I hope you’ve stocked up on chocolate, rum, firewood, and whatever you need to survive the snow! WOOHOO FOR SNOW!!
And, a blessed Maha Shivaratri and New Moon to you right now!
Let’s sing about it…and everything. Let’s sing about everything.

Tonight, Friday, March 12th – Chant, Dance, Pray – 7 PM MST (2 AM Saturday UTC) – Zoom link:

Tomorrow and every single day…Noon Prayers – 12 PM Mountain Time (7 PM UTC) – 15 minutes of Sufi prayers, breath practices, music and community connection, for everyone’s well-being –
NOTE: this Sunday, Rahima will be leading in my absence…the 27th to 30th Michael will be leading in my absence…and every other day of my life, I’m delighted to be with you!

SUNDAY, MARCH 14th – BREAK YOUR CLOCK!!! Everyone is doing it! 

Monday, March 15th (and almost every Monday) – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain DAYLIGHT (3:30 PM UTC) – Zooming!
NOTE: you’ll be on your own March 29th…I’ll be out of town, but I hope you’ll continue the practice in your own way…

Thursday, March 18th – Gathas Class – Sufi teachings, a bit of singing, wazifa, and doughnuts (if you bring ’em) – 7 PM Mountain DAYLIGHT!! (1 AM Friday UTC) – Zoom:

Saturday, March 20th – Zikr! – Spring Equinox – Themes of balance, light and growth – all Sufi singing, moving, teachings…Ya Allah! – 7 PM Mountain Daylight (1 AM Sunday UTC) – Zoom:

Monday, March 22nd – Sufi Meditation morning 

Thursday, March 25th – Gathas Class evening 

Good Friday, April 2nd – “Unveiling the Beloved” with me and Khabir – Jesus and the Sufis – Stories, music, practices…tending to the message of Christ – 10 AM Mountain (4 PM UTC) Zoom:

Blessings of great joy, peace and love to you! 
