counting crows

Please try to imagine that this entire e-mail is being read aloud to you through a large household fan.

Why, as adults, do we lose the tendency to be amused by such things as talking through the blades of a fan?

Talking while gargling has a similarly entertaining effect, but with a greater mess potential.



Tuesday, August 1st – 7:15 PM – Dance of Universal Peace – River Rock (520 N Sherwood in Fort Collins) – $7 suggested donation


Wednesday, August 2nd – 5:30 PM – Lammas ritual for the whole darn family – Treehenge (just east of Lee Martinez Park in Fort Collins) – RSVP – ritual followed by potluck – bring food/drink to share, non-disposable dishes for yourself, drums, bug spray, picnic blankets… – by donation


Tuesday, August 8th – 7 PM – Dance of Universal Peace – Sunrise Ranch (5569 NCR 29, Loveland) – $5 suggested donation


NO FULL MOON RITUAL!!! – Wednesday, August 9th happens to be the first night of Dragonfest and I know many of you will be there celebrating the full moon with hundreds of other happy pagans. Have fun!!!


Tuesday, August 22nd – 7 PM – Women’s Dance of Universal Peace – St. Barnabas (southeast corner of 13th and Vine in Denver) – $6 suggested donation


Friday, August 25th – 7 PM – Chant – 449 Clover Lane in Fort Collins – by donation


Saturday, August 26th – 9 AM – 4 PM plus evening program – Leilah, my beloved Sufi teacher, will be in Boulder offering a day-long workshop and evening zikr – Dances, chanting, meditation, etc. – $65 (registration before August 12) or $75 – for more info contact Gwindolyn (303)847-1844 or Habib (303)776-4080


Tuesday, August 29th – 7:15 PM – Zikr – River Rock – an evening of Sufi prayer – $7 Suggested donation



For directions, more information and/or to RSVP for ritual, call or e-mail me at (970)224-4797 or

In case you’re curious about where the titles for these ridiculous e-mails come from, this one was a little brain burp of the album “August and Everything After.”

Rope swings over rivers are the best!


Hi All!

I’m here to disrupt your summer with some new information and clarifications about Spiritual Mentoring and Deepening Circle. If you have no interest in either of these things, good-bye!

Spiritual Mentoring –

If you are interested in learning more about Spiritual Mentoring (either in a group or in a one-on-one context), please come to a meeting with me and Kiri to discuss this practice. After an introductory conversation, those who are interested in a group can set up details for getting it started.

Side note: I have heard some interest from folks in the Denver area. If y’all are serious, we can plan a meeting and consider starting a group in Denver. Please let me know what you want.

Another side note: if the below listed time for a meeting doesn’t work for you but you do want to learn more about Spiritual Mentoring, we can plan an alternate meeting time for the following Monday. Let me know what you need.

Thursday, July 27th

7 PM

230 N Sunset in Fort Collins

Deepening Circle –

In the last e-mail, I introduced my intention to start a new moon ritual circle. I have heard from many of you who are interested and I would like to hold the first new moon circle this Monday July 24th.

If you have already submitted your RSVP, please do so again (I lost them, and I’ll send the details about time and place when you contact me!).

As clarification, here’s how I’m structuring this:

If you’re interested in a Deepening Circle, please call or e-mail me to let me know.

I will forward you a digital copy of my written description, requirements and intentions.

If you’re still interested and can agree with that document, you are welcome to RSVP for ritual.

It will be a continuously open circle meaning that even if you don’t attend the first ritual, you are welcome to look into it and jump on board later. Each ritual will be open to 10 people only (first come and all that).

As a heads up: there is a pre-requisite of attendance at four full moon circles.

Side note (I love side notes, don’t you?): if you contacted me for information and I dropped the ball, please remind me so I can follow through. My organizational skills have been seriously lacking of late!

Thank you all for putting up with my scatter-brained-ness! The rest of the month’s activities are still good to go (Women’s DUP in Denver on the 25th, Chant on the 28th, River Rock DUP on the 1st and Lammas on the 2nd). Several of you have offered to help with Lammas and I will be in touch with you very soon about that.




Phone: (970)224-4797

Henry VIII


You’re gonna be so deeply bored by the end of this newsletter. You might as well close it now and go back to bed. Good-bye.

Due to fire hazards, hotdogs and red, white and blue corn chips, the Mama Sing will be the 2nd Tuesday, and the Dance of Universal Peace at River Rock will be on the 3rd Tuesday. For any confusion, I apologize.

Thank you to Mandy, Rahchayl, Traci and Katherine for creating a fun fairy fest for this year’s Summer Solstice!

And here’s an invitation just for you and you and you and you and you and…

I would like to offer another Spiritual Mentoring Group. If you are interested in learning more and/or experiencing this beautiful process, please let me know before July’s full moon (the 10th). The next group will probably meet Thursday evenings once or twice a month. It may be co-facilitated by Kiri Saftler and myself.

Monday, July 10th – Full moon ritual – 7 PM – 449 Clover Lane – If y’all have seen “An Inconvenient Truth,” when you heard Al say, “I used to be the next president,” if you immediately understood and laughed you are welcome to attend (adults only please, need not be democrat) – RSVP – by donation

Tuesday, July 11th – Mama Sing – 10 AM – Greyrock Commons (off Liberty Dr. in Ft. Collins) – a morning chant for women and children

Tuesday, July 11th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – Sunrise Ranch (5569 NCR 29, Loveland) – $5 suggested donation

Friday, July 14th – Chant – 7 PM – 449 Clover Lane – by donation

Tuesday, July 18th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7:15 PM – River Rock Commons (520 N Sherwood, Ft Collins) – $7 suggested donation

Here’s another weird idea for you: I would like to offer a “Deepening Circle,” that is to say, a co-ed, new moon ritual circle with the intention of exploring more contemplative/deeper ritual workings. I’ve been envisioning an open circle structure (meaning everyone is welcome) but with solid pre-requisites (to ensure everyone’s alignment and cooperation with the circle’s intentions). I’ve been writing up some info for interested folks. To learn more, please contact me. If there is sufficient interest for this experiment (and it truly is an experiment), we may gather for the first time Monday, July 24th (the new moon) – time and place TBA

Tuesday, July 25th – Women’s Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – St. Barnabas Church (southeast corner of 13th and Vine in Denver) – $6 suggested donation

Friday, July 28th – Chant – 7 PM – 449 Clover Lane – by donation

Heads up – Wednesday, August 2nd – Lammas/Lughnasad Ritual – (probably 5:30 PM and most likely in Treehenge) – Family friendly ritual followed by potluck – RSVP – Please let me know if you’d like to help with ritual. I’m not scheduling a planning meeting but will be happy, happy, happy for your suggestions and assistance.

My advice: go to bed at midnight, sleep ‘til noon, take advantage of afternoon siesta, and harbor no qualms about falling asleep in business meetings. Let the early bird have its worm. Hey, I heard (from my brother) that if you swallow two mouthfuls of chlorinated pool water, a urine analysis drug test will come out clean. Is that true?

For more information about Spiritual Mentoring, rituals, chants, dances, Deepening Circle, rattlesnakes or muskrats, please don’t hesitate to call me or the Humane Society. Mi numero: (970)224-4797. Mi e-mail addressio: Humane Society numero: (970)226-3647. Humane Society e-mail addressio: Don’t tell them I sent you.



apple fritter

You know those silly songs we all learn in elementary school (primary school, if you prefer) such as “Ring Around the Rosy” and “Miss Mary Mack” and “Cinderella Dressed in Yella” and the spin off songs like “This Land is my Land; This Land Ain’t Your Land” and “Jingle Bells Batman Smells” etc… Isn’t it amazing that these songs have been around forever and they maintain a lively existence on down through countless generations of school children who all think they are the first ones to sing them? Color me impressed!
Here’s the June line up…

Tuesday, May 30th – Zikr – 7 PM – River Rock Commons (520 N Sherwood in Fort Collins) – chanting and moving toward the one (mostly in Arabic) – by donation ($7 suggested)

Friday through Sunday June 2-4 – Family Friendly Campout – the deadline for signing up has passed but Marylea is allowing you last minute stragglers to sneak in. Be quick about it, eh. – contact Marylea for all the details (970)218-3695

Tuesday June 6th – Mama Sing – 10 AM – Greyrock Commons (off Liberty Drive in Fort Collins) – for women and children, singing through the morning.

Tuesday June 6th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7:15 PM – River Rock Commons – a more eclectic experience of singing, dancing and praying together – $7 suggested donation

Sunday June 11th – Full Moon Ritual – 7 PM – 449 Clover Lane (in Fort Collins) – no young whippersnapper hooligan chill’uns allowed, y’hear? (adults only) – RSVP to me – by donation

Tuesday June 13th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – Sunrise Ranch (5569 NCR 29, Loveland) – contact me for specific room destination – $5 suggested donation

Friday June 16th – Chant – 7 PM – 449 Clover Lane – In case you haven’t been at chant for awhile (or if you’ve never been), we’ve gotten into a new rhythm in which I prepare a list of chants before everyone arrives. I still take requests if y’all have pressing things you want included but there’s a lot less talk and a lot more singing – by donation

Saturday June 17th – Farewell Party/Ritual/Dance for Ivy, Scott & Hazel – 1-4 PM – Treehenge – Scott, Ivy & Hazel have been part of the open circle for many years. They are moving to Hawaii. Let’s send them off with love and blessings! – Bring potluck food/drink, your own dishware, sun and bug deflection, picnic blanket, etc. Do not bring presents – RSVP ASAP to Scott and Ivy or (970)219-9374.

Wednesday June 21st – Summer Solstice Ritual – 6:30 PM – Treehenge – This ritual will be facilitated by Mandy, Rahchayl, Traci and Katherine. It’s focused on fairies (men, women and children welcome even if you’re not technically “fairies”). Potluck will follow the ritual. Wear fairy attire (wings and bells). Bring flowers for the fairies, drums, your own non-disposable dishware, picnic blanket, bug spray, etc. – RSVP to Mandy – by donation

Friday June 23rd – Chant – 7 PM – 449 Clover Lane – by donation

Tuesday June 27th – Women’s Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – St Barnabas Church (13th and Vine in Denver) – $6 suggested donation

Please take careful note of the RSVP persons for each event in this month’s schedule. To RSVP for full moon, for more info about zikr, chants or dances, for a detailed report of the mating habits of yellow jackets, call or e-mail me (970)224-4797 or
About the campout, contact Marylea. For Ivy and Scott’s shindig, talk to them. For Summer Solstice, get in touch with Mandy.
When riding bikes along our lovely Fort Collins bike paths, don’t open your mouth unless you want to eat bugs.
When swimming in the river, beware of water snakes, water spiders and mutant crawdads all of which remember how tasty humans are from last year.
When reading romance novels at night, candles are not sufficient lighting. Your mother said so.
The fireflies are coming, the fireflies are coming…



Thank you all for voting.

I’m not yet shaving my head or going monk. Thank you for your concern.

The zikr is on:

Next Tuesday – May 30th – 7 PM – at River Rock Commons (520 North Sherwood in Fort Collins) – by donation (and if you feel better with a suggested amount, how about $7) – If you’re still not sure what zikr is, please feel free to contact me by phone or e-mail and I will try to explain it.

It will be most marvelous if all of you who voted for “A” actually follow through with that.

It will also be good and grand if half of you who voted for “B” actually follow through with that.

Those of you who voted for “C” aren’t reading anymore. My apologies.

There is still a women’s dance in Denver tonight (Tuesday) and a chant on Clover Lane this Friday.

Anything beyond that will be in the June mailer, which I haven’t written yet.

Patience, my dears, patience,



pop quiz

A possibility…

Are y’all interested in sharing an evening of zikr with me?

Do y’all know what zikr is?

Just in case…

Zikr is a form of Sufi prayer. It literally means “remembrance.”

What is Sufi?

It’s a mystical spiritual path that talks a lot about Allah.

I dig it.

I’m considering holding an evening of zikr on the night of May 30th (the 5th Tuesday of this month). My decision about it is presently hinging on the responses I receive to this here e-mailed query.

Please reply to this e-mail saying:

a)      YES!!! I would LOVE to attend a zikr on the 30th!!!

b)      Gee, I don’t know, can I just show up if I feel like it that night?

c)      I thought my spam blocker was supposed to filter out e-mails with the word “Allah.”

If I get enough “a” responses, I’ll send out a definitive invitation with all the details you’ll need for an evening of zikr. Please be prompt.

If I get enough “b” responses, I’ll do nothing.

If I get enough “c” responses, I’ll drop this hare-brained eye-deer and take up residence in a hermitage (after shaving my head and taking vows of silence… don’t laugh!).

Salaam (peace),


tassles and fringes

A couple little tidbits…

This Tuesday, May 9th – Mama Sing – 10 AM – Greyrock Commons (off Liberty Dr. in Ft. Collins) – women and children welcome – we’ll sing ‘til around 11:30.

About the local Pagan family-friendly campout:

You need to RSVP.


Richard will be going up early to reserve campsites (HURRAY!! Thank you, Richard!).

Marylea needs to know how many campsites we need and some coordination around meals needs to happen.

Please e-mail or call Marylea to RSVP immediately.

For more info about the campout, see the “wrapping ribbons round the pole” e-mail.

All other events for the month are still on.



wrapping ribbons round the pole (fun, huh?)

Calling all Pagans!
Calling all Heathens!
Calling all Dirt Worshiping Tree Huggers!
It’s time to frolic!
It’s time to make merry!
It’s time to leap into full-blown Spring!

Monday, May 1st – Beltane – 5:30 PM – Treehenge – see previous “A.B.C.D.” e-mail for details – RSVP, bring flowers, food, drums, dishes and donations, come in your spring finery or be thrown to the wolves (not that most of you would mind that)!

Tuesday, May 2nd – Momma Sing – 10 AM – Greyrock Commons (off of Liberty Dr.) – Chant for women and children – just singing away the morning

Tuesday, May 2nd – Dance of Universal Peace – 7:15 PM – River Rock Commons (520 N. Sherwood) – dancing, singing and praising The One in all its many forms – $7 suggested donation

Tuesday, May 9th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – Sunrise Ranch (5569 NCR 29, Loveland) – see above spiel – $5 suggested donation

Friday, May 12th – Full Moon ritual – 7 PM – 449 Clover Lane – must be taller than a hobbit to attend (adults only please and thank you) – by donation – RSVP (I really mean it. Don’t come without telling me you’re coming. I’m going to start barring the door and throwing lit matches at late comers through the window slats)

Friday, May 19th – Chant – 7 PM – 449 Clover Lane – singing, more singing, and even more singing – by donation

Tuesday, May 23rd – Women’s Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – St. Barnabas Church (southeast corner of 13th and Vine, in Denver) – $6 suggested donation

Friday, May 26th – Chant – 7 PM – 449 Clover Lane – and, if you can believe it, more singing, and more and more singing – by donation

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, June 2, 3, 4 – Local Pagan Family Friendly Campout – Jack’s Gulch Campground (22 miles up the Poudre Canyon) learn about the campsite click here – Let Marylea know if you can volunteer to go up Friday morning to get campsites – will definitely include fresh air, fire, music, drumming, dancing, food, hiking, games, etc – Questions, comments, suggestions, and to RSVP e-mail or call Marylea (not Sára)
If you think you have received this e-mail in error, please check your number and try your call again (or unsubscribe). To RSVP for rituals, for more information about semi-precious stones, for interesting facts about human babies and their strange tendency to drool a lot, for directions to any of these kooky get-together-and-pray shindigs (what in the blazes is a shin dig anyway?), or to send a Morse code message across the veil to your late great-uncle, please call or e-mail someone (preferably me) at or (970)224-4797.

May your hair and clothing smell like campfire starting now and going through the end of September.
Blessed Be!


One – Rituals, chants and Dances are always co-ed and always open to anyone who wants to attend (I think y’all know that by now but there’s your reminder). I do, however, require RSVPs for rituals strictly because I (or other facilitators) need to plan supplies. It comes down to basic courtesy and respect for the facilitators. Let me know in advance how many people to expect. That’s all.

Two – Rituals always involve creating a sacred space. If you aren’t there at the beginning, you can’t participate in that creation and entering the circle after it’s cast is disruptive and disrespectful. Please arrive to rituals on time or at least let me know that you’re going to be a little late so we can wait for you to arrive.

Three – I have told some of you that my family is CONSIDERING the POSSIBILITY of moving to Hawaii. Let me be very clear that it is a CONVERSATION, NOT a plan. IF at some point we do decide to move, I would not be leaving the state for (at the very least) one full year. I’m not going anywhere and IF I ever do, you’ll have plenty of notice. So y’all can quit freaking out and stop the rumor mill already!

A.B.C.D. (about beltane, campout, dragonfest)

Hello Again!
Three main things to share with you: Beltane, a local pagan campout, a BIG pagan campout. Read on!ABOUT BELTANE

RSVP – If you are planning to attend, you must let me know. For supply preparations, I need a general head count sooner rather than later. Contact me at (970)224-4797 or

WHERE – Ritual will be held at Treehenge (just east of Lee Martinez Park in Fort Collins). If you need directions, let me know. If we have a blizzard (which is not unheard of), we will move our festivities to the shelter at Lee Martinez Park. That’ll keep the wet off but it doesn’t block out the cold so be prepared for unpredictable Colorado weather.

WHEN – We will begin at 5:30 PM on Monday May 1st. Please be prompt. Upon arrival everyone will be invited to make flower crowns before ritual begins. The potluck will follow the ritual so you may need a snack before arriving. Food may not start until 7 or so.


  • Drums and noisy toys
  • A bouquet of flowers
  • Wear bright, happy clothes, fun ritual garb if you like, horns and fairy dust, flowers, leaves, mud masks…
  • Vegetarian food and/or drink to share
  • Personal, non-disposable dishes and utensils (throw away items are very un-pagan-like)
  • Donation money (always appreciated)

If anything else occurs to me, you will certainly receive another e-mail.


WHEN: June 2, 3, 4

WHERE: Jack’s Gulch Campground (located ~22 miles up the Poudre
Canyon). Has vault toilets, fire grates, picnic tables, some electrical sites and drinking water. (no reservations, so someone should go early and snag some sites)

WHAT: Camping, Fresh Air, Fire, Music, Drum, Dance, Relaxation, Food, Games, Hiking, etc.

EATS: community meals or fend for yourself, depends on interest and turn-out.

WHAT TO DO RIGHT NOW: If you’re interested – mark your calendars!
Otherwise, nothing – this is in the planning stages. We’ll ask for your RSVP in the next newsletter emailing

Questions, comments, suggestions? Contact Marylea at her special campout email address:
Alyx Reese, the ritual coordinator for Dragonfest this year has asked me to send these announcements (I’ve edited them down).

Dragonfest is looking for ritual presenters. If you have a Mystery Ritual or some other special rite you’d like to present, please e-mail your ideas to

And they are looking for priests/priestesses who would like to participate in the Multiple Drawing Down. The format is changing this year so priests and priestesses will draw down for shorter periods. If interested e-mail

And for the entertainment stage: they are looking for performers (no auditions required). If interested, contact Thomas

what do you say to an angry witch?

Speaking of April,

A joke, compliments of Teva, my son:

What’s worse than raining cats and dogs?

Hailing taxis! Ha! Ha! Ha!


Tomorrow, Friday, March 31st – 7 PM –
Chanting, chanting, chanting… – 449 Clover Lane – by donation


Saturday, April 1st – all day – April
Fool’s Day – play pranks on your children, pets, spouses and
unsuspecting neighbors. Everyone loves having their faces painted while they
sleep, finding their cell phones and keys in the laundry hamper, discovering
their shampoo has been replaced with dishwashing detergent, and noticing their
cars unexplainably moved one block north.


Tuesday, April 4th – 10 AM – Momma
Sing – Greyrock Commons (off of Liberty Drive in Fort Collins) – a
chanting circle for new and expectant mommas. Children are welcome!


Another Teva joke: If all you have is a truck, where do you

In the bed! Tee-hee-hee!


Tuesday, April 4th – 7:15 PM – Dance
of Universal Peace – River Rock 520 N Sherwood, Fort Collins – $7
suggested donation


Friday, April 7th – 5 PM – Beltane
planning meeting – 449 Clover Lane – potluck, bring food/drink to
share. The Beltane gathering is the largest yearly celebration. Please come
help with the visioning, planning and preparations! If you’re interested
in helping but can’t make this meeting, let me know and I’ll set a
time to meet with you. 


Friday, April 7th – 7 PM – Chant
– 449 Clover Lane – by donation


One more Teva joke: What did the horse say when the farmer
walked past his stall with the horse’s lunch?



Tuesday, April 11th – 7 PM – Dance of
Universal Peace – Sunrise Ranch 5569 NCR 29, Loveland (near Masonville)
– $5 suggested donation


Thursday, April 13th – 7 PM – Full
Moon Ritual – 449 Clover Lane – adults only – RSVP – by


Friday, April 21st – 7 PM – Chant
– 449 Clover Lane – by donation


All right, one more Teva joke: Why did the man put a clock
under his desk?

Because he wanted to work overtime! Bwa ha ha!!!


Tuesday April 25th – 7 PM –
Women’s Dance of Universal Peace – St. Barnabas Church in Denver
(southeast corner of 13th and Vine) – $6 suggested donation


Monday, May 1st – 5:30 PM – Beltane
– located in Treehenge (just east of Lee Martinez Park in Fort Collins)
– family friendly – RSVP – by donation


It’s looking like a very full, rich and beautiful
month of circles!

If you need directions, more information or sweater knitting
instructions, please feel free to contact me at (970)224-4797 or e-mail

If you get caught in the act of any above listed pranks,
don’t blame me.

By signing my name at the end of this e-mail correspondence
I hereby negate any and all responsibility for y’all’s

See you in circle!



P.S. Answer to subject header:
