
Dear Community,
Here are a couple bits of information and reminders.

A FUN-raiser for my latest educational endeavors is TOMORROW (Sunday), May 6th, 1 to 4 PM at River Rock Commons (520 N Sherwood). The afternoon will include live music by Susan Zevenbergen and Debb Noland (harp and flute), silent auction (some wonderful auction items include: massage, drum sessions, gift cards, hand made items…), raffle (a wild six foot Totem pole!), Dances of Universal Peace, chanting, snacks, etc. I hope to see many of you there tomorrow.

Also, the yard sale has been adjusted slightly. It will now be a one-day event, Saturday, May 19th, 8 AM, 416 N Hollywood.

About both of these events:
Thank you to Marylea (chief organizer), Christine, Lisa and Brooke who have been helping coordinate details route traffic and pull things together! And thank you to all of you who have been contributing items and services. I am amazed and tickled and deeply grateful for all your generosity and loving support!

At our last practice gathering for the Dragonfest ritual, Deborah captured recordings of the music we’ll be using. Steven then created a link so y’all can go download them, listen to them, burn them onto disc and go jogging with them…

Thank you, again, for contributing to the fundraising efforts and for participating in this beautiful tapestry of community!

All love and blessings,

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