an invitation

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen,

As I’m sure you all know by now, I have been in the
Interspiritual Mentor Training Program for the last six months.

For the next
six months or longer I need to do a practicum working with the skills and
processes I’ve been learning.

So I’m inviting all of you who are interested to meet
and discuss how this practicum could include you.

Here’s a brief introduction:

There are two main forms of Spiritual Mentoring. One is a
group format with 3 or more people working together facilitated by a mentor.

The other is a one-on-one format, an individual working
directly with a mentor.

In both forms, the underlying idea is to invite the guidance
of The Divine/God/Goddess/Spirit/The One. It is not therapy and it is not
church, though it may include elements of either/both. There is an opportunity
for participants to engage with each other inviting the Divine to offer

The group meetings are rooted in a silence that is meant to
allow contemplative listening to each other and to the voice of the Goddess.

Individual mentoring is much more fluid but maintains the
same atmosphere and intention of deeply listening for the guidance of Spirit.
It is often described as “two listening for the third.” Spiritual
Mentoring is NOT religious and includes no dogma. Names for The One and
terminology are negotiated by the participants so that all can feel honored,
respected and comfortable with the language.


If you are interested please come:


Monday, February 20th at 7 PM – 5000
Boardwalk #13


At this time I am not asking for a commitment of any kind. I
envision folks showing up Monday, talking for awhile about what Spiritual
Mentoring is, I’ll explain the training and outline the process, we’ll
assess group/individual interest (followed by a mass exodus of everyone who
decides it’s not for them), then we can spend some time with the brave
remaining souls deciding on personal preferences for group/individual
mentoring, dates, times, etc.

The evening could last 2 hours but I don’t expect any
longer than that.


The only requirement for this process, either in group or one-on-one,
is an earnest desire to invite the guidance of God more fully into one’s

Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or want
more information before Monday. Also, if you can’t make the Monday
meeting, but want to know more about this work, I’ll be happy to meet
with you individually or schedule another group conversation.


Thank you all, again, for your ongoing support and
encouragement. I am excitedly looking forward to talking with you and exploring
the possibilities for this work!

With love and gratitude,






seeing stars

Dear Circlers,

With my head bowed and my feet a-shuffling, I must confess
that I parked in a reserved space at River Rock and have been thoroughly (and
justly) scolded for my trespasses.

So, here’s a reminder to everyone attending events at
River Rock (including, but not limited to, the upcoming Dance of Universal

Please do NOT park in the River Rock parking lot.

Please DO park in Lee Martinez Park and head up the sidewalk
to the common house.

The “reserved” spaces in River Rock are totally
off limits.

Thank you for respecting the needs of the community that so
graciously continues to host our gatherings.


And a heads up:

I am planning to be out of town for a couple weeks in March,
which means I will not be here for the full moon or Ostara (Spring Equinox),
which means I would love to help y’all as a community coordinate the
festivities before I leave, which means I’m hereby scheduling a meet’n.

Mandy will be facilitating the full moon ritual, HURRAY!!!
(She’s such a great witchy woman!)

Ostara will be cooperatively facilitated by everyone who
shows up at the meeting.

How’s about:

Saturday, February 25th, 5 PM, potluck and planning
preceding the chant – 449 Clover Lane – If you are interested in helping
with the Ostara ritual but cannot make this meeting time, please let me know
a.s.a.p. If enough people vote for a different time, I’ll change it.
Bring something to scribble on, something to scribble with, food and/or drink
to share with your fellow pagans.

Reach me by calling 970-224-4797 or e-mailing      


Your humble servant,




(Hey, did you laugh at the “humble servant” bit?)

full moon detail

Connecting with the divine in self
and another at a deeper level

Sunday, February 12th – Full Moon
Ritual – 7 PM – 449 Clover Lane –
Richard is going to include some simple partner meditation exercises from the
Argentine Tango that he learned in Buenos Aires, Argentina.  You may have
seen the Argentine Tango and wondered how the couple flows as one.  These
meditations will be used to connect with a partner at a deeper level. 
They are not of a sexual nature (although the Argentine Tango certainly can
be).  They can be done by any two individuals so this ritual is OK for
singles or couples. Adults only por favor –– RSVP to Sára by
calling 970-224-4797 or e-mailing
– we do a light potluck following ritual so if you’re planning to
attend, bring a snack or drink to share – by donation

when using headphones, keep the volume down to retain excellent hearing.

Welcome back to the wonderful world of extra-curricular sports!

Or, if your interest in sports is limited (mine is impaired),
you’re welcome to explore our alternative offerings of pagan and eclectic
spiritual festivities.

Please pay extra special close attention to the details of this
month’s goings-on; I’m trying to confuse you.


Wednesday, February 1st – A Druidic Ceremony for the
Festival of Imbolc presented by The Treehenge Seed Group of the Order of Bards,
Ovates and Druids (John, William, Jim, Joe and Marta) – 7 PM –
adults only, mostly scripted ritual with parts for guests, formal wear
encouraged, limited to the first 10 RSVPs. To RSVP, contact Joe at – Also, you
can check out their website:


Wednesday, February 1st – Dance of Universal Peace
– at the Temple Events Center in Denver (southwest corner of 16th
and Pearl) – 7:15 PM – I’ll be leading the evening of dance
this evening and will certainly focus on themes around Imbolc – $8 at the
door or punch card

Thursday, February 2nd – Imbolc Gathering –
River Rock Commons (520 N Sherwood) – 5:30 potluck, 6:30 ritual –
family-friendly open circle, bring the little, medium and big ones – RSVP
to me (so I can keep a general head count) – by donation –
REMINDERS ABOUT RIVER ROCK: park at Lee Martinez Park, no children in the play
room, please bring your own dishes for the potluck, River Rock thanks us and we
thank River Rock!

Tuesday, February 7th – Dance of Universal Peace
– River Rock Commons – 7:15 PM – singing and dancing our
prayers through oh, so many beautiful traditions – $7 suggested donation

Sunday, February 12th – Full Moon Ritual facilitated
by Richard – 7 PM – 449 Clover Lane – adults only por favor
– RSVP to me (I may be sending out another announcement about this one)
– we do a light potluck following ritual so if you’re planning to
attend, bring a snack or drink to share – by donation

Tuesday, February 14th – Dance of Universal Peace
– Sunrise Ranch (5569 NCR 29, near Masonville) – 7 PM –
contact me for the exact location of this month’s dance – $5
suggested donation

Friday, February 17th – Chant – 7 PM – 449
Clover Lane – and singing and singing and singing and singing and singing
(I may create a list in advance this time) – by donation

Saturday, February 25th
(yes, it’s a Saturday) – Chant – 7 PM (really, Saturday)
– 449 Clover Lane (Saturday) – by donation

Tuesday, February 28th – Dance of Universal Peace for
Women – St Barnabas Church (SE corner of 13th and Vine in
Denver) – 7 PM – $6 suggested donation

To RSVP for the Druid’s February 1st Imbolc, contact

To RSVP for full moon and/or February 2nd Imbolc, contact

For more information about any of these listed events, contact me.

For more information about events listed elsewhere, contact someone

If you need directions to the Dances, rituals, chants or the local food
co-op, contact me.

If you need directions to the Allstate Insurance Salesman’s
Annual Convention, do NOT contact me.

To contact me try calling 970-224-4797 or try e-mailing or see my incomplete
but sweet little site

To contact me you could also try standing anywhere out of doors and
yelling at the top of your lungs (it could work).

Juxtaposed blessings of hot fires on cold nights,


john jacob jingleheimer schmidt

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to the calendar… Happy birthday to you!

It’s a new year (according to some people) and I have lots of little things that people left behind at the Yule celebration. So, if you’re missing your children or small pets, please get in touch with me. I’m taking care of them to a minimal extent and will be happy to give them back to you for a nominal fee.

This month you can look forward to:

Tuesday, January 3rd – Dance of Universal Peace – at River Rock co-housing community’s common house (520 N Sherwood) – 7:15 PM – Singing and dancing our prayers to God through many world traditions – $7 suggested donation

Friday, January 6th – Imbolc planning meeting – 449 Clover Lane – 5 PM – this is another large Sabbat ritual celebrating the journey of the Sun, the beginning of Spring, clearing out the old, setting intentions for the new. I would love your help planning the ritual and gathering supplies. Please bring food to share for this meeting and we’ll spend a couple hours eating and conspiring, followed by…

Friday, January 6th – Chant – 449 Clover Lane – 7 PM – just singing and singing and singing and singing and singing and singing – by donation

Tuesday, January 10th – Dance of Universal Peace – at Sunrise Ranch (5569 NCR 29, Loveland) – 7 PM – including birthday celebration for, and co-created with, Kiri – please contact me to find out which room we’ll be in on the Ranch – $5 suggested donation

Saturday, January 14th – Full Moon ritual – 449 Clover Lane – 7 PM – y’all know the spiel about no kids by now, right? We love ‘em but they aren’t allowed so don’t bring ‘em, please and thank you – RSVP – by donation

Friday, January 20th – Chant – 449 Clover Lane – 7 PM – and singing and singing and singing and singing and singing and singing – by donation

Tuesday, January 24th – Women’s Dance of Universal Peace in Denver – St. Barnabas Church (southeast corner of 13th and Vine) – 7 PM – this circle has been a gorgeous circle of prayer, music and movement. If you live in Denver or know women in Denver who would be interested in this sort of gathering, please feel free to forward this info – $6 suggested donation

Thursday, February 2nd – Imbolc ritual – where? I don’t know yet. But RSVP and I’ll let you know when I figure it out – 5:30 PM – Family friendly potluck and ritual – by donation

A note about River Rock: when we hold gatherings there, the play room is totally off limits. The lovely homeowners of the community have very graciously and generously offered their common house for our ritual and dance use and we need to be respectful of the space and their rules. Thank you.

Another year of community, celebration, prayer and blessings… Here we come!!

Thank you all for your beautiful participation, contributions, intentions, wisdom, and presence in the last year of ritual and music circles!

It is an amazing privilege and honor to serve this community and share sacred space with all of you.

May the Goddess shine her benevolent, peaceful light on our next cycle around the sun!

For more information about these here listed hooplas, give me a jingle (no bells, please) (970)224-4797 or shoot me a cyber-note

For more information about skin pigmentation of polar bears, color of yak’s milk, actual swimming speed of sea turtles, gestational duration of mermaids and/or thickness of elephant skin, please contact an emergency legal advice hotline.

Lots of luscious, lovely blessings for your new year!
