Peace to All the People

Hello Community Friends,
The theme for today is Peace. I often marvel at the ongoing need and the intensity of the need for this constantly relevant theme. Here we are. Humanity. It’s easy to think that the need, the disharmony and suffering is greater than ever. I don’t believe it is. But I do believe we are in a moment of evolution in which we can see our fellow humans more directly, more intimately, more personally than ever before. 
Murshid SAM used to say, “you may think we are about music and dance, but we are actually about peace on earth.” I invite you, friends, to join in these circles of music, prayer, peace on earth, creating an atmosphere of beauty and harmony within ourselves so we can embody tolerance, kindness and friendship in the world. C’mon! 

This evening, Saturday, May 15th, 7 PM Mountain Time (1 AM Sunday UTC) – Zikr – we will include prayers and blessings for Murshida Siraja Khadija Goforth who left her body Thursday night – A few friends will be joining me in my home…there is room for a couple more if you’re in the Fort Collins area and feel comfortable and happy about being in the zikr vibe with us. Or Zoom:

Tomorrow, Sunday, May 16th, 10 AM Mountain Time (4 PM UTC) – I’m delighted to be part of Aliela’s Joy of Singing Zoom. She hosts these online chant, dance, and zikr gatherings from Moscow, Russia. Contact me directly for the link. 

Monday, May 17th – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC) – one hour of Sufi readings and practices focusing on one Beautiful Name of God each week – if you’re around and want to join us in-person, let me know…or Zooming:

Thursday, May 20th – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Friday UTC) – Gathas Class – and it’s almost time to submit your votes for the next text we’ll read after the Gathas! – Bring a doughnut, or seethe with envy over mine. Here’s the Zoom link:

DAILY PRAYERS – Noon Mountain time (6 PM UTC) – every single day…15 minutes of Sufi practice, a bit of music, and sweet community, for real.
NOTE: Thank you to Mirabai and Khabir for hosting prayers and music while I’m out of town May 21st, 22nd and 23rd. We are truly blessed! Happy Birthday to my mama, Rahchayl! 

Monday, May 24th – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM…same as above

Thursday, May 27th – Gathas Class – 7 PM…same as above

Friday, May 28th – Chant, Dance, Pray – all the love, all the heart, all the beauty… 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Saturday, UTC) – Let me know if you want to join me in person (Fort Collins) indoor/outdoor…tbd…and Zoom!

Monday, May 31st – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM – see above

Thursday, June 3rd – Gathas with Doughnuts – 7 PM – see above

Friday, June 4th – Chant, Dance, Pray…- 7 PM – see above

Monday, June 7th – Sufi meditation – 9:30 AM – see above

Thursday, June 10th – Gathas with treat! – 7 PM – see above 

Friday, June 11th – Unveiling the Beloved – Khabir and I welcome you to be in the prayerful atmosphere of JOY!! Laughter, play, happiness…stories, music, and silly hats! – 10 AM Mountain, 6 PM Germany (4 PM UTC) – Two hours of yummy spiritual delight…then noon prayers…all on the same zoom. Bring a smile…and we’ll have some to share! –
You can send monetary appreciations here:

Monday, June 14th – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM – see above

You know what, friends, life is sweet…short…precious and gorgeous. We should spend part of it on retreat! 
YES!! We’ve scheduled one. 
September 9th to 13th – at Buckhorn Camp (Bellvue, CO) – it’ll be all inter-faith, pagan, sufi, chanting, chanting, chanting, time in nature, dancing, prayers, and cherished time together – No guest leaders this year, just me and all of you! Price structure isn’t clear yet, but as always, I’ll offer it at cost (lodging and food) and leave it up to you how much you’d like to contribute as gratitude. Mark your calendars. More info soon… 

Blessings of Peace, Understanding, Harmony, Love and Kindness to All,
