butternut squash jack-o-lanterns

Dear Friends,
If you are able to carve an upside-down butternut squash and hang it from the eaves, I think it could make a fabulous skeleton head. If you try it, please send me pictures.

Tomorrow, Friday, October 18th is Murshid SAM’s birthday. Let’s dance in his honor! 7 PM, at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Boulder (5001 Pennsylvania Ave) – $10 to $20 suggested donation

Saturday, October 19th is not Murshid SAM’s birthday, but it is ZIKR night! Let’s Zikr! 7 PM at the Rocky Mountain Miracle Center in Denver (1939 S Monroe St) – $10 to $20 donation and dessert/snack potluck with conversation following Zikr

Sunday is church day. Go if you want.

Monday, October 21st is Sufi Meditation morning at my house; come on over! – 9:30 AM – 2727 Alan St, Fort Collins, or join us online if you live far away.

Thursday, October 24th we’ll have a Dance of Universal Peace evening in Fort Collins, 1401 W Vine (Unity Church) – 7 PM – $10 to $20 suggested donation – Our friend Khabir from Germany will be here and I sure do hope he’ll co-lead the evening with me! He’s a gem!

Saturday, October 26th is the Witches’ Ball in Denver…woo-hooo!! – I’ll be heading up the midnight ritual with a bunch of hooligan witchy brethren and sistren and otheren! You can buy tickets for the whole Witchy Shindig here: https://denverwitchesball.com/ or you can sign up to volunteer here: https://denverwitchesball.com/?page_id=56
or you can just show up for the midnight ritual at 11:30 PM for free!
It’ll be FABULOUS!!

Monday, October 28th – Sufi Meditation ONLINE ONLY – do not go to my house… – 9:30 AM – contact me for Zoom link and prayers.

Thursday, October 31st – spend approximately $200 on CANDY to inspire and delight neighborhood children out past their bedtimes rotting their teeth and developing unwarranted trust in strangers. Or, commune with your ancestors, set up an altar for the dead, tell stories, hold a seance, tend to your dreams and give thanks to those who have gone before.

Sunday, November 3rd – CHANGE YOUR CLOCK! And offer a heartfelt apology to your body’s circadian rhythm.

Monday, November 4th – Sufi Meditation at my house – 9:30 AM – I’ll be here.

Thursday, November 7th – CHANT in Fort Collins – 7 PM – Unity Church, 1401 W Vine – $10 to $20 suggested

Monday, November 11th – Sufi Meditation – my house.

Friday, November 15th – Dance in Boulder – 7 PM – same as above, but different.

Saturday, November 16th – Zikr in Denver – 7 PM – as above…so below.

Oh my golly, I just found this lady. She makes me laugh! Bet she’ll make you laugh too. And start talking with a fun accent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92lofCtx52k

Enjoy the Autumn Colors!