
Dear Community,
Oh my golly, I’m just home from a whirlwind trip visiting ancient Goddess temple ruins, all juiced up and looking forward to being with all y’all for some good singing, dancing and honoring the changing seasons!

BOULDER!!! – Friday (technically today), September 20th – Dances of Universal Peace at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 5001 Pennsylvania Ave – 7 PM – $10 to $20 suggested donation

DENVER!!! – Saturday, September 21st – Zikr, Zikr, Zikr, Zikr… – at the Rocky Mountain Miracle Center, 1939 S Monroe St – 7 PM – snack/dessert potluck and Sufi-centric conversation following our singing and moving practice – $10 to $20 suggested

FORT COLLINS!!! – Monday, September 23rd – Sufi Meditation – at my house, 2727 Alan St – 9:30 AM – come on over…or, if you live at a distance, Zoom in!

RETREAT REGISTRATION DEADLINE!!! – Wednesday, September 25th is our final deadline for registration! “The Art of Being and Becoming: Sufi Retreat with Sára” at Buckhorn Camp in Bellvue CO – October 10 to 13 – There is still room for you, if you’re on the fence, I hope you’ll climb down on the retreat side! Get in touch with Rahima to get all your questions answered: retreat@trigoddess.org or just go here to register: https://trigoddess.org/special-events/

Thursday, September 26th – Dances of Universal Peace – Unity Church, 1401 W Vine Dr, Ft Collins – 7 PM – $10 to $20 suggested donation

Monday, September 30th – Sufi Meditation at my house – 9:30 AM … or Zoom from a distance…

Thursday, October 3rd – CHANT!!! I love CHANT!!! – 7 PM – Unity Church, 1401 W Vine Dr, Ft Collins – $10 to $20 suggested

Friday, October 4th – Dances of Universal Peace in Boulder – Unitarian Universalist Church – 7 PM – $10 to $20 suggested

Monday, October 7th – Sufi meditation – 9:30 AM – My house

BELLVUE!! – Sufi Retreat – October 10 to 13… see info above…

Monday, October 14th – Sufi meditation – 9:30 AM – my house

Friday, October 18th – Dances of Universal Peace – Unitarian Church, Boulder – 7 PM – $10 to $20 suggested

Saturday, October 19th – Zikr – 7 PM – Rocky Mountain Miracle Center, Denver – $10 to $20 suggested

And, I know you know this, but I just want to tell you, Mary, Mother of God, is the most loved, revered, well-known, cherished Goddess of all time… Here’s a nostalgic, glorious example:

Blessings of harmony, balance, abundance and grace to each of you!