coming up daisies

Would you like the latest info about my shenanigans?
Read on!

TOMORROW – Thursday, May 22nd – Dance in Fort Collins – 344 E Mountain Ave – 7:30 PM – I will be leading with some sweet contributions from Brooke and Willow! We’re so lucky! – $10 suggested

NEXT Thursday, May 29th – Dance in F.C. – ditto to all the above…


Sunday, June 1st – NEW EVENT – Five Wishes Party – 4:30 PM – Avogadro’s Number (625 S Mason St, Ft Collins) – Bring money for dinner, drink, dessert… – I will bring copies of the Five Wishes and pens… if you don’t know what I’m talking about, please read on…
Five Wishes are an easy, simple, fast and awesomely effective way to do some end-of-life planning… state your advanced directives, name your medical decision maker, outline your desires and plans in a clear, effective manner. Many people put off these plans because it’s just hard to prioritize or it’s scary or it doesn’t feel urgently important… and then (as I see in my hospice work), it often ends up being a stress and struggle for family members, loved ones, and individuals facing difficult decisions under difficult circumstances. Much better to get things in order early. Please plan to join me at Avo’s… Contact me if you have questions or want more info… AND.. please RSVP so I can set up a table with enough chairs!

We’ll go CHANT!!! – Sunday, June 1st – 7 PM – Chant at 344 E Mountain – $10 suggested

Thursday, June 5th – 7:30 PM – will be led by Willow and Brooke and friends! – 344 E Mountain – Please plan to join the circle… it is bound to be a sweet, beautiful, and lovely opportunity for all of you to enjoy the leadership of these wonderful young women! – $10 suggested

June 6 to 8, I’ll be in Virginia for a Singing Retreat at Anahata… join me if you can! – e-mail me for more info!

Thursday, June 12th – Fort Collins Dance – I’ll be back in the leadership ring… 7:30 PM

NO DANCE on the 19th… because…

MEADOWFEST – y’all sure are slow about signing up this year… if you’re planning to come camping with us, e-mail me IMMEDIATELY!!! – Meadowfest goes from Thursday June 19th to Sunday June 22nd – at Jack’s Gulch – $35/adult

AND… the next big chapter for me… and you… I am certifiably insane. After long consideration and much discussion, I have agreed to assume leadership of the Boulder Community Zikr as Habib is retiring. There will be some changes afoot… here’s the info, starting…

Saturday, June 21st – Zikr will begin at 7:00 (yes, it’s 30 minutes earlier) – at Studio Be (2077 30th St, Boulder, in the Aspen Plaza) – please plan to arrive on time. There will be a 30 minute (or so) seated portion of the evening, which will likely include some wazifa practice, readings, breath concentrations, etc… – Zikr will end at 9:30… and dessert potluck will follow. – Suggested donation $5

I think that’s plenty for now. If that’s not enough to put on your calendar, please consider joining one of the following meetup groups:
1. llama hair weaving hippie mamas with long, painted-orange fingernails in the northern colorado area
2. mountain climbing 35 to 55 year old former catholics with propensities for using too much hair gel
3. confused adult children of OCD fathers married to spanish soap opera addicted mothers, who play boxcar dominos as healthy coping mechanism
Love and happy rain to all,
