
Happy Autumn!
I hope you’re ready for it… leaves are falling, colors are emerging, frosty mornings are here… and they won’t be leaving for awhile. Time to break out the wool socks… darn!
Let’s sing!


Saturday (technically tomorrow), September 24th, 7 PM to midnight – CHANT – 5000 Boardwalk #13, Fort Collins – bring light food/drink to share – Suggested donation $10 to $40


Monday, September 26th – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln, Fort Collins – by donation


Tuesday, September 27th – Women’s Dance – 7 PM – St Barnabas (1280 Vine, Denver) – $7 suggested donation


Wednesday, September 28th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7:30 PM – Clayton Learning Center (northwest corner MLK Jr Blvd and Colorado Blvd, Denver) – I’m covering for Timothy – $10


Thursday, September 29th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7:30 PM – Art and Science (346 E Mountain, Ave, Fort Collins) – $10 suggested donation


Friday, September 30th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7:30 PM – Community United Church (2650 Table Mesa, Boulder) – I’m leading for Timothy – $10


Monday, October 3rd – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM – Clover Ln – by donation


Tuesday, October 4th – Mama Sing – 10 AM – Avogadro’s Number (625 S Mason, Ft Collins) – by donation


Wednesday, October 5th – Denver Dance – 7:30 PM – I might be leading for Timothy again… I’ll let you know… or maybe I’ll forget to let you know… come dance either way! – Clayton Learning Center – $10


Thursday, October 6th – Dance – 7:30 PM – Art and Science, Ft Collins – $10 Suggested


Saturday, October 8th – Chant – 7 PM – not an uber-long one, just a couple of sweet hours – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – $7 suggested donation


Monday, October 10th – Sufi Meditation with Basira – 9:30 AM – Clover – by donation


Thursday, October 13th – Dance with Basira – 7:30 PM – Art and Science, Ft Collins – $10 suggested


Monday, October 17th – Sufi Meditation with Basira – 9:30 AM – Clover – by donation


Thursday, October 20th – Dance with Basira (and maybe Grace Marie…) – 7:30 PM – Art and Science, Ft Collins – $10 suggested


Monday, October 24th – Sufi Meditation with Basira – 9:30 AM – Clover – by donation


Tuesday, October 25th – Women’s Dance – 7 PM – St Barnabas, Denver – I’ll be back and super excited to dance with you!!! – $7 suggested


Thursday, October 27th – Dance – hurray for me getting to dance with you! In Fort Collins! – 7:30 PM – Art and Science – $10 suggested


Friday, October 28th – Kalliope at the Witches Ball – 8:30 PM – Mercury Café – We’re so excited to go sing with all the witches                ! – Join us if you can! – some good Samhain ritual shenanigans will certainly be included in the evening…


Sunday, October 30th – Chant – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – $7 suggested donation


Monday, October 31st – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM – Clover Ln – by donation


Hey, do y’all want a Samhain ritual this year? If I hear from at least 10 of you, I’ll schedule it for the night of the 31st (yes, Monday, late). If not, I won’t… pending…?


Tuesday, November 1st – Mama Sing – 10 AM – Avo’s – by donation


Tuesday, November 1st – Zikr with Leilah Be – Starhouse, Boulder – 7:30 PM – I don’t know how much yet, but no amount is too great! Leilah is absolutely, far and away, the most brilliant, sweet, powerful, magnificent Zikr leader in the whole entire universe! – Let me know if you want help arranging carpools from Fort Collins.


Obviously, I’ll be traveling for a couple weeks of October. It would be so particularly awesome of y’all to keep the rhythm of meditation and dance circles with Basira in my absence. She does a fantastic job of creating sacred programs and tending to the community with great sweetness.


By the by, borsht is by far the best, most beautiful way to blend bountiful beets into blessed eats! Talk to Jodie for the recipe and tips (my only advice: wear red when preparing beets, no white, yellow, green, blue or silver clothes… naked would work too… hmmm…). And I still advocate following up healthy foods with utterly unhealthy foods. Dessert is Divine!
Do feel free to contact me about Samhain, Harry Potter trivia, and nail polish color consultations. Anything more serious must certainly require a physician, psychiatrist, or lawyer.


All blessings,

