
Dear Community,
It’s just after midnight for me, which means it’s time to get to work. My brain kicks in when the calendar flips to the next day. There are so many little and big things to share with you. In chronological order:

1. I’ll be at the Fort Collins Unity Church to sing with you tonight! Saturday, August 26th – 7 PM to 9 PM – Our lives, and our very beings, are made of music. Interfaith chanting helps us remember and enjoy this fact! Come on over: 1401 W Vine Dr. – or join the Zoom Here! – suggested donation $15 to $30 

2. Tomorrow (Sunday) morning, I’ll be at Fort Collins Unity Church again to give the morning talk – 10 AM – I’ll be sharing some thoughts, insights, and practices around the Sufi Invocation – “Towards the One!” – It’s always a great delight to see familiar, friendly faces in the midst of the unfamiliar, friendly faces. Come on over! 

3. Early Registration deadline for Sirat-i Inayat Retreat is September 1st, cost $330 – This retreat will be a lovely opportunity to be with local and long-distance friends on the path – All the Sirat-i Inayat leaders will be here to share the facilitation: Themis Waduda (Temple of the Divine Feminine), Khabir Wali’ (Mysticism of Sound and Movement), Rahima (Universal Worship), Abdullah Arshad (Healing Collective), Zahira (Kinship), Halim (Ziraat), and me…plus Sadiq’s phenomenal vegetarian cooking, a gorgeous location, and sweet friends! – After September 1st, it’ll be a bit more expensive. Register now: https://trigoddess.org/special-events/

4. A slight change of plans: Day of Prayer at Unity Center of Denver will be WEDNESDAY, September 13th! – I’ll be sharing Dances of Universal Peace as part of the opening program for this yearly day of spiritual practice and prayer. Please plan to join us! 

5. I’m on the verge of formally announcing a new Cherag Training group, which will start in January, 2024. If you have a little inkling that you might like to learn more about it, and/or might be feeling inspired to join the next group of cherags-in-training, please join me for an informational zoom Saturday, September 16th (It’s Rosh Hashana, which feels somehow appropriate) – 10 AM Mountain (4 PM UTC) – Zoom Here! – I am hopeful that some ordained cherags and folks in the current training cohorts will be available to share about their experience and answer questions with us! 

6. Aramaic Workshop: The Mystic Heart of Christianity is on the horizon! – Saturday, September 30th – at the Rocky Mountain Miracle Center, 1939 S Monroe St, Denver – Registration is open now! A full day of exploring the Aramaic teachings and prayers of Jesus with music, meditation, and dance. Here’s the link to get registered: https://trigoddess.org/special-events/

7. The Cherag Ordination Retreat is happening the first weekend of December. If you are currently in the training cohort, please get registered. If you are already an ordained cherag who would like to join us for retreat, please get registered! Here’s the registration link: https://trigoddess.org/special-events/
Space is limited and we’re opening registration bit by bit. If you think you would like to join the retreat but are not yet in training, please contact me to see if there is room for you.

8. And, I keep forgetting to tell you, we have a new Meetup group. Salim has been doing a fabulous job of keeping events updated on there, and it’s already proving a good platform helping people find our sweet community. Please become a member of the Meetup group: 

The rest of these things are the usual shenanigans. See and sing with you soon! 

Monday, August 28th – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM (3:30 PM UTC) – RSVP to come over or Zoom Here!

Thursday, August 31st – Githas Class – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Friday UTC) – Zoom Here!


Monday, September 4th – Sufi Meditation – Zoom only! 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC) – Zoom Here!

Wednesday, September 6th – Sufi Guides Kinship meeting – for any Sufi initiators working with their own mureeds – 90 minutes of mutually supportive conversation, resource sharing, and friendship! – contact me for more info and Zoom link – 10 AM Mountain (4 PM UTC) 

Thursday, September 7th – Githas Class – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Friday UTC) – Zoom Here!

Saturday, September 9th – Interfaith Chant at my house! – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Sunday UTC) – RSVP if you want to come sing with me in person…or Zoom Here!

Sunday, September 10th – I’ll be offering teachings and practices for Dervish Coffee with the Sufi Path of Awakening – 7 AM Mountain (WHAT?! Yep. 1 PM UTC) – Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86089743955?pwd=NjNjdHNnMDJMMFFrUTZUOXBXcjYxZz09

Meeting ID: 860 8974 3955
Passcode: 701176

Monday, September 11th – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC) – RSVP to join me in person…or Zoom Here!

Wednesday, September 13th – Dances in Denver at Unity Spiritual Center – stay tuned for timing and cost… 

Thursday, September 14th – Githas Class – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Friday UTC) – Zoom Here!

Saturday, September 16th – Cherag Training Info Zoom! – 10 AM Mountain (4 PM UTC) – Zoom Here!

Saturday, September 16th – Sufi Circle and Zikr – Rocky Mountain Miracle Center, Denver – 3 PM Sufi Class, 5 PM break for dinner, 7 PM Zikr, 9 PM snack and talk Sufi stuff…it is Rosh Hashanah…so you can anticipate some Jewish wisdom themes in the mix! – Zoom Here! – or join us in person, suggested donation $20 to $50

Monday, September 18th – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC) – RSVP for in person…or Zoom Here!

Thursday, September 21st – Githas Class – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM UTC) – Zoom Here!

Saturday, September 23rd – Chant and Pray at Unity Church in Fort Collins – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Sunday UTC) – Zoom Here! – Or join us in person, suggested donation $15 to $30

Monday, September 25th – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC) – Zoom Here! – or RSVP if you want to come over. 

Saturday, September 30th – ARAMAIC WORKSHOP – a full, lovely day in Denver – Rocky Mountain Miracle Center – 10 AM to 9 PM – Vegetarian potluck lunch, break and wander off for dinner – $50 to $100 sliding scale – more info and registration here: https://trigoddess.org/special-events/

Sirat-i Inayat Interfaith Sufi Path Retreat – October 5th to 8th – Buckhorn Camp, Bellvue CO – $330 covers all food and lodging – Early registration deadline is September 1st – https://trigoddess.org/special-events/

EVERY DAY – 15 minute prayer zoom – 12 PM Mountain Daylight (6 PM UTC) –  Zoom Here!

Youtube channel for Chant and Pray recordings: Sára’s YouTube

Love and Delight in Everyday Life!




Sunday, August 27th – Jesus Meditation with Rahima – 8 AM Mountain (2 PM UTC) –  Zoom Here! 

Sunday, August 27th – Kinship Reading Group with Zahira – 10 AM – 4550 Larkbunting Dr, Fort Collins – Join Zahira and friends for a monthly, in person gathering to read Sufi books together and have an easy flowing open discussion. The goal is to cultivate friendship while delving into different Sufi authors. This is open to all. Please bring a vegetarian snack to share, coffee and tea will be provided. This will be held on the last Sunday of every month from 10 am to 11:30 am mountain time.  In person only. For more information contact: zahira@siratiinayat.org

Tuesday, August 29th – Goddess Hour with Themis Waduda – 7:30 PM Mountain (6:30 PM Pacific) – Zoom Here! 

Wednesday, August 30th – Joy of Singing with Aliela – 10 AM Mountain (7 PM Moscow) – Email Aliela for the zoom link: aliela@inbox.ru

Wednesday, August 30th – Gathas Class with Abdullah Arshad – 3 PM Mountain (2 PM Pacific) – Zoom Here! 

Thursday, August 31st – Universal Worship Service with Aliela – 10 AM Mountain (7 PM Moscow, Russia) – Email Aliela for the zoom link: aliela@inbox.ru

NO JESUS MEDITATION SEPTEMBER 3rd – Rahima will be traveling. 

Wednesday, September 6th – Gathas Class with Abdullah Arshad – 3 PM Mountain (2 PM Pacific) – Zoom Here! 

Sunday, September 10th – Jesus Meditation with Rahima – 8 AM Mountain (4 PM UTC) – Zoom Here! 

Tuesday, September 12th – Goddess Hour with Themis Waduda – 7:30 PM Mountain (6:30 PM Pacific) – Zoom Here! 

Wednesday, September 13th – Gathas Class with Abdullah Arshad – 3 PM Mountain (2 PM Pacific) – Zoom Here! 

Wednesday, September 13th – Ziraat Rose Garden with Halim – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Thursday UTC) – Zoom Here! 

Sunday, September 17th – Jesus Meditation with Rahima – 8 AM Mountain (4 PM UTC) – Zoom Here! 

Daily Prayer Zoom with Khabir Wali’ – 4 AM Mountain (12 PM Germany) – English and German languages – email Khabir for zoom link: ch_mayer@gmx.de

Daily Prayer Zoom with Aliela – 12 AM Mountain (9 AM in Moscow) – email Aliela for the zoom info: aliela@inbox.ru

Subscribe to the Sirat-i Inayat calendar and see more details for all these offerings here: https://siratiinayat.org/calendar-and-connections/