homemade yogurt…nom!

Dear Friends,
I’m so impressed with people who make their own yogurt, almond milk, beds, lip balm, chai, and mead. I make my own messes, and brush my own teeth. Pretty good, eh? What you can do is perfect, and what you can celebrate about what others can do is also perfect! Let’s celebrate what that Big Ol’ Mama God can do in Her shaping of the whole world! Music anyone? Yep.

Tonight, Friday, September 23rd – Chant, Dance and Pray at Unity Church – in the Rumi Room (east side of the building) – 1401 W Vine Dr., Fort Collins – 7 PM to 9 PM – themes around Rosh Hashanah, Navaratri, and the Equinox (moment of balance) – $15 to $30 suggested donation – and if you’re not close by, you are welcome to join us on the Zoom: Zoom Here! 

Sunday, September 25th – Fraternity of Light Dervish Coffee – I’ll be leading practices, teachings and songs focused on “A Torch in the Darkness” – blessed new moon time, tending the inner light…- 7 AM Mountain (I know, right!) – 1 PM UTC – This is a weekly offering organized by Pir Moinuddin Christopher Clarke – All are welcome! – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86089743955?pwd=NjNjdHNnMDJMMFFrUTZUOXBXcjYxZz09

Monday, September 26th – Sufi Meditation – our weekly attunement to a Beautiful Name of God, prayers and practice – 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC) – Zoom Here!  or let me know if you want to join me in my home 

Thursday, September 29th – Philosophy, Psychology, Mysticism – Our weekly Sufi class has moved to Volume XI – all are welcome – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Friday UTC) – on the Zoom Here! 

Friday, September 30th – Sufi Contact Friday Meditation – 12 PM Mountain (6 PM UTC) – our usual noon zoom will be an extended process on the last Friday of each month – you are welcome to join us for the first 15 minutes…or stay for the entire 45 minutes – This is a monthly attunement with short periods of silence, readings from Inayat Khan, praying with worldwide Sufi friends – Zoom Here! 

Friday, September 30th – Interfaith Chant Evening at my house… – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Saturday UTC) – singing, singing, singing, praying, praying, praying… – let me know if you want to join us in person…or Zoom Here! 

Monday, October 3rd – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC) – let me know if you’re coming over…or Zoom Here! 

Wednesday, October 5th – Sufi Guides Kinship meeting – 10 AM Mountain (4 PM UTC) – for Sufi initiators and guides working with their own mureeds…contact me for more info and zoom link. 

Thursday, October 6th – Philosophy, Psychology, Mysticism Sufi Class – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Friday UTC) – Zoom Here! 

Friday, October 7th – Chant, Dance, Pray (very possibly with me and Khabir Wali’!) – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Saturday UTC) – Zoom Here!  – for real, our friend Khabir and his beloved husband Bernd will be here and if they’re not too jet lagged, we’ll co-create the evening…we shall see! – online or in our home…

Monday, October 10th – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC) – let me know if you want to join me in my home…or Zoom Here! 

Thursday, October 13th – Philosophy, Psychology, Mysticism Sufi Class… – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Friday UTC) – Zoom Here! 

FRIDAY evening and SATURDAY ALL DAY and EVENING…October 14th and 15th – Unveiling the Beloved – Khabir and I are co-leading this mini-retreat at the Rocky Mountain Miracle Center in Denver (1939 S Monroe) – We love sharing these delightful adventures with all of you! Come in person for a sweet, warm, engaging, inspiring and enriching time! 
Friday 7 to 9:30 PM 
Saturday 10 AM to 9 PM (with breaks for lunch and dinner) 
$80 suggested per person – sign up here: https://trigoddess.org/special-events/

Monday, October 17th – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC) – Zoom Here!  – or let me know if you want to come over. 

Thursday, October 20th – Philosophy, Psychology, Mysticism Sufi Class – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Friday UTC) – Zoom Here! 

Friday, October 21st – Chant and Pray – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Saturday UTC) – Zoom Here!  or in my home! 

And…looking ahead… 
If you are an ordained cherag or a cherag-in-training, our yearly Cherags Retreat is the first weekend of December at Sunshine Mountain Lodge – Friday, December 2nd to Monday, December 5th – estimated cost is $300 per person, which will cover all meals and lodging. Registration is open now: https://trigoddess.org/special-events/

Daily prayers – 15 minute spiritual zap every day – 12 PM Mountain (6 PM UTC) – Zoom Here! 

Sirat-i Inayat has a separate email list and calendar of events. Peruse the calendar and/or subscribe here: https://siratiinayat.org/calendar-and-connections/
The current offerings include: 
– Sunday morning kinship coffee (Mirabai)
– Wednesday afternoon Gathas class (Abdullah) 
– Twice monthly Sunday Healing Service (Raziya) 
– Daily German noon prayer zoom (Khabir) 
– Daily Russian 9 AM prayer zoom (Aliela) 
– Quarterly Universal Worship Service (Rahima) 
– plus…all of Sára’s shenanigans…

Youtube channel for Chant and Pray recordings: Sára’s YouTube
OneDrive with daily zikr/song from our noon prayer zooms: Zikr Downloads

Here’s a lovely interfaith ditty for you. Thank you Michael Stillwater! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaplrUR0k1U

In the Vast Love,
