making good choices

Darlingest Community,
The Sun says, it’s a bright, happy day, get moving! The Moon says…(yawn)…what’s the rush? 
Birds are singing, breezes are blowing, buds are popping, hearts are singing…join the chorus! 

This evening (Thursday), April 7th – 7 PM Mountain Daylight (1 AM Friday UTC) – In an Eastern Rose Garden Sufi Class – I have a doughnut (not to show off or anything, you can bring one too) – an hour and a half of music, wazifa, Murshid’s teachings and conversation. All are welcome. –  Zoom Here!  

Tomorrow, Friday, April 8th – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Saturday UTC) – Interfaith Chant and Pray – RSVP if you want to come sing with me in my Fort Collins home…or  Zoom Here!  

Sunday, April 10th – Dance Leader Training – Monthly 90 minutes of instruction, information, attunement, resources…answering questions, responding to requests…all are welcome – Pop onto the zoom if you wish, or get in touch with me directly if you have questions – 10 AM MDT (4 PM UTC) – Zoom Here!  – financial gratitude is welcome here: 

Monday, April 11th – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC) – RSVP to join me in my home, or Zoom Here! 

Thursday, April 14th – In an Eastern Rose Garden Sufi Class – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Friday UTC) Zoom Here! 

Friday, April 15th – Unveiling the Beloved with Sára and Khabir – 10 AM Mountain, 6 PM Germany, 4 PM UTC – Two sweet hours of stories, practices, music and love…followed immediately by our daily prayer zoom…15 bonus minutes! – Zoom Here! 
And if you like what Khabir and I offer, you are welcome to say “thank you” with money here: 

SATURDAY, APRIL 16th…Sorry, still no location for monthly Zikr…I’m working on it…and several other people are working on it too. I’ll keep you posted. 

Sunday, April 17th – He is risen! Yay, Jesus!! 

Monday, April 18th – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC) – RSVP if you want to come over…or Zoom Here! 
Note: it’s also tax day. Coincidence? Probably not. 

Thursday, April 21st – In and Eastern Rose Garden Sufi Class – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Friday UTC) – Zoom Here! 

Friday, April 22nd – EARTH DAY!! – Celebration at Mile Hi Church in Denver – 6 to 9 PM – More info here:
I’ll be leading Interfaith Dances of Universal Peace honoring our Big Earth Mama God. Come on out! 

Monday, April 25th – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM MDT (3:30 PM UTC) – RSVP to come over…or Zoom Here! 

Thursday, April 28th – In an Eastern Rose Garden (and it’ll soon be time to choose a new book! send me your suggestions!) – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Friday UTC) – Zoom Here! 

Friday, April 29th – Chant and Pray – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Saturday UTC) – just a few minutes until Beltane!! It’s the vibe…burgeoning life, delight, love and union of opposites…bring it on!! Also the new moon…planting seeds and setting the course! – RSVP if you want to come over…or Zoom Here! 

Sunday, May 1st – Dance Leader Training on BELTANE!! – Y’all want some yummy Beltane-ish dances? – 10 AM Mountain (4 PM UTC) – It’s our monthly zoom training. All are welcome – Zoom Here! 

Monday, May 2nd – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC) – RSVP to come over…or Zoom Here! 

May 5th to 9th – Chant Retreat! – Hurray! – five delicious days of singing, dancing, singing, dancing and enjoying each other’s excellent company! – $333 covers food and lodging – At the Sunshine Mountain Lodge near Estes Park – Our new caterer, Stephen Lamborn, is incredible! – Sign up here:
Registration deadline is April 15th (8 days to go) 

Then…Join us in Germany for “Rose Petals Touching Ground” Sufi retreat – June 3rd to 7th – more info here:

Daily Prayer Zooms are still going strong! – 12 PM Mountain (6 PM UTC) every single day – 15 minutes of prayer, breath, music and catching sweet little glimpses of our friends across the country and around the world – Zoom Here! 

Youtube channel for Chant and Pray recordings: Sára’s YouTube
OneDrive with daily zikr/song from our noon prayer zooms: Zikr Downloads

With preemptive apologies…but not really…here’s the song in my mind right now (now your mind too):

With Love, a Smile and Heart Hug! 
