chickens and ducks

Hi Friends!

No women’s circle this week… sorry… stay tuned for the next one…

I have TWO spots open for Saadi’s retreat this weekend. Is it you? Are you joining us? Here’s the link:

Special Events

And… tomorrow, April 10th is the last day for the early bird rate for the Women’s Sacred Song Retreat! Ladies, please do come sing and pray with us! Rabbi Shefa Gold is a treasure house of wisdom and inspiration! I was just up at the Buckhorn Camp this morning and it is GORGEOUS!! Here’s the link to register:

Special Events

Monday, April 15th, Sufi Meditation at my house – 9:30 AM

Friday, April 19th – Dance of Universal Peace in Boulder with me and Khadijah, Yay! – 7 PM – 5001 Pennsylvania Ave – $10 suggested

Saturday, April 20th – Zikr in Denver, Woohoo! – Dinner at Mad Greens at 5:30 if you wish… Zikr at 7 PM at the Rocky Mountain Miracle Center, 1939 S Monroe St – $10 to $20 suggested… and dessert/snack potluck

Monday, April 22nd – Sufi Meditation at my house – 9:30 AM

Thursday, April 25th – Dance of Universal Peace in Fort Collins… IF you RSVP! – 7 PM – Unity Church… please let me know if you plan to attend no later than April 19th

Sunday, April 28th – Dance of Universal Peace in Johnstown! – 4 to 6 PM – I don’t remember the address at the moment…stay tuned for more info!

Monday, April 29th – Sufi Meditation at my house – 9:30 AM

Thursday to Sunday, May 2nd to 5th – Women’s Sacred Song Retreat with me and Rabbi Shefa Gold at Buckhorn Camp!

Monday, May 6th – Sufi Meditation at my house – 9:30 AM

So much goodness!
I’m jazzed and pumped and raring to go!
See you in the circle!
Love and daffodils!