rose quartz, rose water, rose petals, rosy cheeks

Dear Community,
We’re DANCING tonight! Wanna come?

Friday, March 29th – 7 PM – Dance of Universal Peace in Boulder – Unitarian Universalist Church, 5001 Pennsylvania Ave – led by me and Khadijah… woohoo! – $10 suggested donation

Monday, April 1st (seriously) – 9:30 AM – Sufi Meditation at my house – come on over! Watch out for flailing kittens!

Thursday, April 4th – Chant in Fort Collins – 7 PM – Unity Church, 1401 W Vine Dr – $10 suggested donation

Monday, April 8th – Sufi Meditation at my house – 9:30 AM – did someone say, “coffee?”

Thursday, April 11th – stay tuned… we’re supposed to have women’s circle this evening… but I might have to cancel due to preparation commitments with Saadi’s event… don’t show up unless I tell you it’s on, eh?

Friday April 12th to Sunday April 14th – Murshid Saadi in Boulder – “The Beautiful Names of Life” non-residential retreat at the StarHouse – it’s so close to being full! Only about 5 spots left… is one of them yours? – the Friday evening only option is CLOSED – You can sign up for the whole weekend, $175… registration link is here:

Monday, April 15th – Sufi Meditation at my house – 9:30 AM

Friday, April 19th – Boulder Dance with me and Khadijah – Unitarian… 7 PM – $10 suggested

Saturday April 20th – ZIKR – in Denver – 7 PM – Rocky Mountain Miracle Center, 1939 S Monroe St – I’m so looking forward to being with you for this evening of prayerful remembrance! – It’s Easter Eve… let’s Sufi it up! – $10 to $20 suggested… bring a snack/dessert to share afterward if you wish.
And, feel free to join us for dinner before Zikr – Mad Greens is the way to go (Colorado at Buchtel) at 5:30 PM

Sunday, April 21st – Lay eggs for Jesus!

Monday, April 22nd – Sufi Meditation at my house – 9:30 AM

Thursday, April 25th – Fort Collins Dance of Universal Peace – RSVP if you plan to attend – 7 PM – Unity Church – I’ll let you know a week ahead of time whether it’s happening… based on your responses!

Monday, April 29th – Sufi Meditation at my house – 9:30 AM

Thursday to Sunday, May 2nd to May 5th – Women’s Sacred Song Retreat with Rabbi Shefa Gold and me! – Ladies, there is still time to jump on board for early bird pricing… $270 until April 10th… after that, it jumps to $310. I’m delighted and excited to be co-creating this women’s retreat with Rabbi Shefa, a mystic wisdom teacher with an exquisite connection to the Source of Divine Music! Buckhorn Camp has a new lodge, gorgeous grounds… It’ll be amazing! Sign up here:
or contact Rahima for more info:

And… two weeks later…

Devi Tide and I will be co-creating a Sufi day in Denver!
“When Wisdom Leads and Power Follows”
Devi will be a guest teacher for our Boulder Dance May 17th… then she and I will co-lead a full day Sufi workshop at the Rocky Mountain Miracle Center in Denver from 10 AM to 5 PM, May 18th… followed by our monthly Zikr evening, 7 PM to 9:30 PM
More info and registration link here:
or contact Malika and Sharif for more info:

Sincerely, friends, go see Kevin Franklin at Xpert Kneads in Boulder. He’s so damn good!

And drink tea with chamomile, lavender, and a teaspoon of local honey. We all need more sweetness and peace in our lives!

Love and blossoming life,