info and question

Hi Friends!

Question for you:
Samhain is coming right up… Saturday, October 31st. Are you interested in a late night ritual? Start at 10 PM… end after midnight
if you want to be on the guest list for such a ritual (facilitated by me), please respond within the next 3 days. It would be in Fort Collins.

Info for you:

Thursday, the 22nd – Dance of Universal Peace – 7:30 PM – Unity Church (1401 W Vine, Fort Collins) – suggested donation $10

Monday, the 26th – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM – 2727 Alan St, Ft Collins

Thursday, the 29th – Dance with Samhain theme honoring the ancestors – 7:30 PM – Unity Church, FC – $10 suggested

Monday, November 2nd – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM – Alan St

Thursday, November 5th – Dance – 7:30 PM Unity – $10 suggested

It’s raining and B’kitu, my dear old cat just came inside… soaked. I do believe soaking wet cat is the most pitiful image in all of creation. Well… that and an empty butter dish.
Well… those and a “closed” sign on the doughnut shop.
I hope you are already asleep and therefore will not have nightmares based on these sad ideas.
Happy thoughts!