Kuan Yin and the bottle of saki

Summer is Swinging!
In a big, steamy, smokin’ hot way!
I’m so glad my ode to sweat has had a positive effect on so many of you.

Here’s another scheduling update. Life is a moving target.

Sunday, June 30th (That’s TODAY!) – Chant – 135 Circle Dr, F.C. – 7 PM – $7 suggested

Monday, July 1st – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM – Alan St – by donation

Tuesday, July 2nd – Mama Sing AND PICNIC LUNCH – 10 AM to 1 PM – Fort Collins City Park – We’ll meet in-between the little kid and big kid playgrounds – by donation

Tuesday, July 2nd – Dance at Sunrise Ranch (100 Sunrise Ranch Rd, Loveland) – 7 PM – $5 to $10 suggested

Thursday, July 4th – Try not to light your eyebrows on fire… in the name of patriotism… Amen… NO DANCE THIS EVENING…

Thursday, July 11th – Dance with Jyoti! – 7:30 PM – Art and Science, 346 E Mountain Ave., F.C. – $10 suggested – Thank you, Jyoti, for leading in my absence!

Thursday, July 18th – Dance in F.C. – I’ll be back! – 7:30 PM – Art and Science – $10 suggested

Saturday, July 20th – SUFI CLASS in Boulder – 6 PM – Curious? Interested? Let’s talk Sufism! – Habib and I will put together a short program for you and facilitate conversation preceding Zikr – by donation – Studio Be – 2077 30th St, Boulder – RSVP to me so I know how many of you to expect.

Saturday, July 20th – Boulder Community Zikr – Habib and I will co-lead the evening – 7:30 PM – Studio Be 2077 30th St – $5 suggested donation and dessert potluck

Monday, July 22nd – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM – 2727 Alan St. F.C. – by donation

CANCELLATION – from this moment on into eternity, the Denver Women’s Dance is officially kaput! I am imagining the possibility of offering something else… we’ll see what happens. Sorry to disappoint.

Thursday, July 25th – Dance in F.C. – I’ll be with you! – 7:30 PM – Art and Science – $10 suggested

Sunday, July 28th – Chant – 135 Circle Dr. F.C. – $8 suggested donation – 7 PM

Monday, July 29th – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM – Alan St. F.C. – by donation

DANCING WITH THE GODDESS – women’s retreat – Friday, September 20th to Monday, September 23rd – Camp Santa Maria – It’s time to sign up! -http://trigoddess.org/special-events/

Phew… I’m panting and my heart rate is up trying to keep pace with my own typing!
My suggestions for faster typing: drink coffee, eat celery… THEN… put a little pine resin on your fingertips to keep them from slipping off the keys.
Hope to see you for chant and dance!
Cheerio, Darlings!
