smoke rings

If I was a peanut, I would grow underground. Did you know that peanuts grown underground? I am not making this up. Anyway, if I was a peanut, I would grow underground all chummied up with at least one other peanut, but I think I’d rather be in an extend-a-pod with two or three other peanuts. If I was a peanut, I would want to be unearthed at night, so the sunlight wouldn’t hurt my poor little peanut eyes (if I had eyes). If I was a newly unearthed, moon-bathed peanut, I would want to be roasted in fire, which wouldn’t hurt because I’d be a peanut with no nervous system. Then I would want to be covered in honey and salt, LOTS of salt, and LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of honey. Then, if I was a newly unearthed, moon-bathed, fire-roasted, honeyed and salted peanut, I would want to be taken to the Beltane ritual and I would want to be consumed by the Goddess! And since I (as a peanut) would contain the most concentrated protein in the plant queendom, She would be oh, so very happy to transform me into pure energy!
Let’s sing!

Friday, March 26th – Chant – 7 PM – 230 N Sunset St, Ft Collins (Kiri and Mark’s) – $7 suggested donation

Monday, March 29th – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln, Ft Collins – “Al Sabur” “The Patient” – by donation

Friday, April 2nd – Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – 112 F Street in Salida – I don’t know the “suggested donation” amount, but I’m sure there’s a basket or something out… Hope to see some of you there!

Sunday, April 4th – Easter! – Boil an egg, dye an egg, hide an egg, find an egg, eat an egg or be an egg for Jesus!

Tuesday, April 6th – Mama Sing – 10 AM – Avogadro’s Number 605 S Mason, Ft Collins – Women and children welcome! – by donation

Tuesday, April 6th – Zikr – 7:30 PM – Congregation Har Shalom 725 W Drake Rd, Ft Collins – $7 suggested donation

Friday, April 9th – Chant – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk #13, Ft Collins – suggested donation $7

Monday, April 12th – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln – “Bismillah” “Beginning with God” – Hey, guess what? We’ve finished the entire set of 99 (and then some) names of God! It’s been almost exactly 2 years since we started doing this Monday morning meditation practice. And now we’re starting all over again. Want to jump on board? Check it out… A really sweet way to start the week, reciting names of God, reading a short chapter illuminating each name, inviting more awareness and a more conscious relationship with the many faces of the Divine each week. Feel free to join the caravan anytime – by donation

Tuesday, April 13th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – Sunrise Ranch 100 Sunrise Ranch Rd, Loveland – $5 suggested donation

Friday, April 16th – Mama Sing – 10 AM – 2936 Brookwood Drive in Fort Collins (near Drake and Lemay) – women and children, as usual – by donation

Monday, April 19th – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln – “Allah” “The One” – by donation

Friday, April 23rd – Chant – 7 PM – 416 N Hollywood St, Ft Collins (Marylea’s house) – Bring a cushion! There is no furniture in the house so the acoustics are good fun and it’ll be a nice way to bring some blessings and good juju into the house before Marylea moves back in – Really, bring a cushion or something to sit on – $7 suggested donation – Did I mention that you should bring something to sit on? Please do.

Monday, April 26th – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln – “Ar-Rahman” “The Compassionate” – by donation

Tuesday, April 27th – Women’s Full Moon Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – St Barnabas 1280 Vine St, Denver – $7 suggested donation

Saturday, May 1st – Beltane – 1 PM – Treehenge (just east of Martinez Park, Ft Collins) – RSVP to me – potluck and ritual – drumming and dancing – fires and frolicking – children welcome – $10/adult suggested donation

Saturday, May 1st – Beltane – 7 PM – Starhouse in Boulder – I think Timothy and I will be co-creating this celebration – I don’t know how much it will cost… I’ll keep you posted if you like.

Tuesday, May 4th – Mama Sing – 10 AM – Avogadro’s Number 605 S Mason – by donation

Tuesday, May 4th – Leilah Be Zikr – 7:30 PM – Starhouse in Boulder – $15 – There will be NO zikr in Fort Collins this month. Let’s all go sing and dance and pray with Leilah!

Thursday May 6 to Sunday May 9 – Beltania Festival – Florence Mountain Park, CO – Living Earth’s Beltane festival features live music concerts, rituals, workshops, and vendors. The new, beautiful, secluded location is about 2 hours South of Denver. Registration ends April 30th – for details and register – I’ll be leading the opening ritual Thursday evening, and possibly a Friday morning hoopla – See you there!

Well, even if the Gods of Snow aren’t cooperating, the calendar of events is looking very much like Spring is in full swing!
To RSVP and/or if you want to help with the Fort Collins Beltane celebration, give me a call or send me an e-mail: (970)227-5275 or
If you need someone to talk you out of sky-diving or into a career as a Nascar driver, you can also call me.
If you can’t remember all the words for the Star Spangled Banner or if you need someone to talk to about mushroom hunting, do not call me.
If you need a buddy for going to Elitch Gardens, call me.
If you need a buddy for scuba diving, do not call me.
Just being clear.
All Spring-Associated Blessings to you!

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