hostess cupcakes

Dear Community,
Here’s a very small schedule and update for you:

Sufi Circle tomorrow morning, 9:30 AM – facilitated by Basira – 449 Clover Ln – focus on “Al-Qawi” “The Strong” – by donation

NO NEW MOON CIRCLE MONDAY EVENING – I am still aiming to start this up at the end of May.

Mama Sing – Tuesday, 10 to 11:30 AM – facilitated by Basira – at Avogadro’s Number – by donation

THANK YOU, BASIRA!!! For picking up the ball and running with it in my absence. We are all so fortunate to have you in the community, ready and able to be of service… and so beautifully!

I am still in Costa Rica with Tim.
He has another surgery on Tuesday. After that we’ll know more about when we might be able to come home.
The skin graft is healing nicely, and we are both itching to get home! Jodie continues to be an incredible blessing, love and support for our children.

THANK YOU to all who have sent e-mails, made phone calls, sent and brought things that we’ve needed, donated to Tim’s Benefit Fund, and supported us and our family in so many incredible ways! We are so grateful!

Enjoy singing together… I look enthusiastically forward to making music with you when I return.

All love,