Dear Ones,
Quick update…
1. Fort Collins Dance of Universal Peace tomorrow (Thursday, the 30th) – wear all black – bring pictures or small items for the Altar for the Dead – the dance will be focused on the ancestors and honoring the departed… 7:30 PM – 1401 W Vine – $10 suggested donation.
2. NO MEDITATION THIS COMING MONDAY – if you show up at my house, the dog will bark at you… and Tim will probably greet you at the door in his bathrobe… really… no meditation on the 3rd.
3. NEXT WEEK DANCE – Thursday, November 6th – Y’all are in for a treat!!!
Brooke and Willow will be leading the Fort Collins dance in my absence… YAY!!! – 7:30 PM – Unity Church on Vine St – These wonderful ladies have planned a beautiful dance program for you… I wish I could be there! – $10 suggested donation.
4. NO MEDITATION at my house again November 10th – feel free to follow the meditation format on your own…
5. I’ll be back to lead the Fort Collins dance November 13th – hope to see you there!
6. COMMUNITY ZIKR is MOVING… Please do mark your calendars for November 15th… location is not entirely decided yet… but it looks like we’re moving to DENVER!!! – stay tuned… I’ll be sending an announcement with a solid plan on Friday this week…
7. Looking a few steps ahead… I’ll be leading a dance afternoon in La Veta, CO, Saturday, December 6th… more details shortly… please let your friends in the area know!
8. Looking several leaps ahead… I am happy, Happy, HAPPY to tell you that I have invited the Fabulous, Inspiring, Magnificent, Sweet, Beautiful, Wise and Graceful Leilah Be to co-lead the women’s retreat with me next September. Details pending… but mark your calendars September 17 to 21…
9. One more thing… scotch, whiskey and bourbon are NOT tasty in real life. They only look good in the movies… don’t drink them if you value your tastebuds, esophagus, or liver… it’s not worth it. Chocolate on the other hand… always good for everyone all the time. Just say “no” to hard liquor, say “yes” to life with CHOCOLATE!!!
Love and smiles,
P.S. Mead is fine… as is port. They go nicely with chocolate.