
Dear Community,
In case the autumnal season is getting you down:
It makes me laugh every time!

Coming right up…

Monday (tomorrow), October 20th – 9:30 AM – Sufi Meditation – 2727 Alan St (my house)

Thursday, October 23rd – 7:30 PM – Dance – Unity Church, Fort Collins – $10 suggested

Saturday, October 25th – Witches Ball in Denver – Masonic Temple – I’ll be heading up themidnight ritual with a bunch of you helping! – $25 in advance… $30 at the door

Monday, October 27th – 9:30 AM – Sufi Meditation – my house

Thursday, October 30th – (WEAR ALL BLACK) – Dance of Universal Peace (wear black) – Unity Church 1401 W Vine, Fort Collins –7:30 PM (Come dressed entirely in black) – $10 suggested donation – Bring photos or small items for an altar for the dead – and Wear Black this evening! 

Monday, November 3rd – 9:30 AM – Sufi Meditation – my house

The Boulder Community Zikr will continue… but we are looking for a new home… stay tuned… and mark your calendars: November 15th… Zikr… SOMEWHERE…

There are still a couple openings for the Caravan to the Desert in March, 2013… want to join us? It is a co-ed group this time… Going to the Sekhmet Temple near Las Vegas… March 13 to 17… let me know if you’re coming!

I LOVE rice krispy treats! And while I have very little self-discipline as a life rule… I am DEDICATED to keeping rice krispy treats as a healthy, balanced part of my happiness diet! Here’s the recipe:
*melt 3 tablespoons of butter with an entire bag of VEGAN marshmallows, which you can buy at Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage (which is a stupid name for a good store) over low heat until smooth –
*remove from heat and add 6 cups of rice krispies (elves are happy and therefore make happy food products) –
*mix gently but assertively until well blended –
*empty mixture onto waxed paper,
*coat your bare hands with a bit of butter and press this heavenly concoction flat and even.
*Cut into desired squares while still warm.
*Eat all of it in one sitting if it makes you happy. I do.

Love and joy to all!