Accommodation for Love

Beloved Community, 

Here are some updates to our scheduled events these coming days… and a longer explanation about Michael Lloyd-Billington and the unfolding process with him. 

Many of you have been close friends along the way…and some of you may be receiving this information for the first time. Michael has been an integral part of the Fort Collins community for over 20 years, as a yoga teacher, fitness trainer, Food Co-op member and employee, yoga philosophy and teacher trainer, spiritual counselor, friend and mentor to many, many fortunate people. He has also been one of my beloved partners for almost 5 years, and I am grateful!
Michael has been navigating intense health challenges and chronic pain for over 12 years and has come to the moment when it is time to let his physical body die and let his soul fly into the next grand adventure. With the support of a great team of compassionate medical friends, he will be receiving Medical Aid in Dying this Wednesday, June 12th between 5 PM and 6 PM.

Living Memorial Zoom for Michael, TODAY – Friday, June 7th – 1 PM Mountain (7 PM UTC) – contact me directly for zoom link – a time for friends and family to share memories, stories, blessings and love… 

Prayer and Meditation for Michael, Sunday, June 9th – 5 PM Mountain (11 PM UTC) – contact me directly for zoom link – a time for prayer, ceremony, sacred music, meditation, ritual and blessings… 

Wednesday, June 12th – Michael’s closing moments with us on the earth plane…please keep his soul in your prayerful awareness all day…and especially when he is scheduled to receive end-of-life medication between 5 PM and 6 PM. 

Michael is planning to be with me for noon prayers every day until his death….so you can see and hear him there each day. It’s heartbreaking and beautiful! 

Cherag Training – if you are in the current cohort for Cherag Training, we will still hold our class to start a new unit tomorrow, Saturday, June 8th


Monday Sufi Meditation is still happening, online only… June 10th – 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC) – Michael will be with me, so you can expect some tears and extra poignant practices! –  Zoom Here!

Right now, I think we’ll still have Githas class next week…and Zikr…but please stay tuned for further changes, depending on my personal energy and process needs.

Thursday, June 13th – Githas Class – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Friday UTC) – Zoom Here!

Saturday, June 15th – Zikr in Denver – 7 PM to 9 PM (starts 1 AM Sunday UTC) – Rocky Mountain Miracle Center – bring snacks/desserts and stay for post-zikr Sufi conversation if you wish – $15 to $30 suggested

Sunday, June 16th – Give thanks and praise to the fathers and the Father! 

Monday, June 17th – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC) – RSVP if you want to come to my house, or Zoom Here!

Wednesday, June 19th – monthly conversation about Death and Dying – if you are local, you are welcome to join me in my home…or contact me for the unique zoom link – Our time may include: sharing information and resources, meditation and prayer, spiritual teachings on death, end-of-life planning, bereavement support, deepening our understanding and comfort with themes of death and dying – 10 AM Mountain Daylight Time (4 PM UTC) – email Sára for zoom link: 

Thursday, June 20th – Githas Class – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Friday UTC) – Zoom Here!

Saturday, June 22nd – Chant and Pray at Unity Fort Collins – 1401 W Vine Dr – 7 PM MDT – $15 to $30 suggested donation – Come sing with us in person or join the Zoom Here!

Sunday, June 23rd – I’ll be leading the Dervish Coffee with the Sufi Path of Awakening – 7 AM Mountain (1 PM UTC) – I’ll send the zoom info later…

Monday, June 24th – Sufi Meditation – my house…and Zoom Here! – 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC)  – RSVP if you want to come over. 

Thursday, June 27th – Githas Class – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Friday UTC) – doughnuts-r-us – Zoom Here! 

Friday, June 28th – Sufi Contact Meditation – our extended noon zoom concentration… Zoom Here! 

Monday, July 1st – Sufi Meditation – my house…and Zoom Here! – 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC)  – RSVP if you want to come over. 

Wednesday, July 3rd – Sufi Guides Kinship Meeting – 10 AM Mountain (4 PM UTC) – contact me directly for more info and zoom link

Wednesday, July 3rd – Men’s Circle in Honor of the Divine Feminine – if you’re in this closed group, you’ll receive a separate reminder email. 

Thursday, July 4th…I suspect y’all will be busy lighting things on fire and eating BBQ so…no Githas Class…darn. 

Friday, July 5th – Happy Birthday, MURSHID!! 

Saturday, July 6th – Dances of Universal Peace in Denver – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Sunday, UTC) – Rocky Mountain Miracle Center – $15 to $30 suggested – Zoom Here! 

Sunday, July 7th – I’ll be the guest speaker at Unity Spiritual Center, Denver – 10 AM Service…potluck lunch…then Dances of Universal Peace!! Make a day of it! 

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 


One Day Workshop in Prague, Czech Republic! Saturday, September 28th – More details in the works…

SIRAT-I INAYAT RETREAT in GERMANY: October 3rd to 6th (residential) – Retreat Registration: $333 USD 

SIRAT-I INAYAT RETREAT in FRANCE: October 9th to 11th (non-residential) – Retreat Registration: $95 USD 
Registration is OPEN!! 
Here’s the link for more details and to get signed up. Space is limited, register as soon as you can!
Noon Prayer Zoom, every day! – 15 minutes of prayer and song – 12 PM Mountain Time (6 PM UTC) Zoom Here! 

Youtube channel for Chant and Pray recordings: Sára’s YouTube

OneDrive link with all the Zikr recordings: Zikr Melodies 

Present with You in the Heart of the One,



Tuesday, June 18th – Goddess Hour with Themis Waduda –  6:30 PM Pacific Daylight (7:30 PM Mountain) – Zoom Here! 

Wednesday, June 19th – Healing Service with Abdullah – 2 PM Pacific Daylight –  Zoom Here!

Saturday, June 23rd – Contemplative Kinship Conversation with Zahira – 10 AM Mountain – in person only, Fort Collins – email Zahira for more info and address:

Tuesday, July 2nd – Goddess Hour with Themis Waduda –  6:30 PM Pacific Daylight (7:30 PM Mountain) – Zoom Here! 

Weekly Prayer Zoom with Aliela – This might be moving to a different day and/or time… contact Aliela directly to join her email list:

Daily Prayer Zoom with Khabir Wali’ – 12 PM Germany – English and German languages – (4 AM MDT) email Khabir for zoom link:

Daily Prayer Zoom with Sára – 12 PM in Colorado – Zoom Here! 

Subscribe to the Sirat-i Inayat calendar and see more details for all these offerings here: