human ingenuity

Beloved Friends, 
It’s a grey day in my cozy Colorado home…and still the birds are singing like frenzied mad things! They know a Spring impulse when they feel it. Sky color and thermometer readings be damned. Not really damned, you know…just not to be put at the center of our experience. I’m recovering from a Spring cold that zapped a lot of my energy this week, but my life force is strong and I’m aiming to be with you in Denver tomorrow for Sufi shenanigans. 
I have some new things in the hopper along with the usual offerings that you all know and love! 

COMMUNITY POLL: How comfortable are you talking about death? Mundane, spiritual, personal, philosophical? It’s in my awareness as a prevalent theme in many conversations and I’m feeling a renewed impulse to offer an online and/or in-person circle for conversation, planning, spiritual teachings, and nitty-gritty considerations. Want it? Date and time preferences? 

Saturday, February 17th – Sufi Circle and Zikr in Denver…3 PM to 5 PM teachings and practices… 5 PM to 7 PM dinner break – 7 PM to 9 PM Zikr – 9 PM until we’re yawning…snacks and Sufi conversation – Rocky Mountain Miracle Center (1939 S Monroe St) – $20 to $50 suggested – Zoom Here!  

Monday, February 19th – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (4:30 PM UTC) – RSVP if you might want to come to my house…I may or may not be home…but you can definitely join the Zoom Here!  

Thursday, February 22nd – Githas Class – 7 PM Mountain (2 AM Friday UTC) – Zoom Here!  

Friday, February 23rd – Sufi Contact Meditation – 12 PM Mountain (7 PM UTC) – a bigger version of our daily prayer zoom including readings and heart-connection with Sufi friends around the world – usually takes about 45 minutes – Zoom Here!  

Saturday, February 24th – Interfaith Chant and Pray at Unity in Fort Collins (1401 W Vine Dr) – 7 PM – $15 to $30 suggested

Monday, February 26th – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (4:30 PM UTC) – RSVP if you’re coming to my house…or join the Zoom Here!  

Thursday, February 29th – LEAP YEAR!! – FEBRUARY TWENTY NINTH!!! I LOVE IT!! – Let’s have Githas Class! Yay! – 7 PM Mountain (2 AM Friday UTC) – Zoom Here!  

Saturday, March 2nd – Dances of Universal Peace in Denver – Rocky Mountain Miracle Center (1939 S Monroe St) – 7 PM Mountain (2 AM Sunday UTC) – dinner beforehand…yep – $15 to $30 suggested – or  Zoom Here!  

Sunday, March 3rd – I’ll be offering the morning talk at the Fort Collins Unity Church service – 1401 W Vine Dr – I think it’ll be something about Sufism…Ramadan…and shaping the personal spiritual path… – 10 AM Mountain (5 PM UTC) – and they still livestream it:

Monday, March 4th – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (4:30 PM UTC) – RSVP if you’re coming to my house…or join the Zoom Here!  

Wednesday, March 6th – Sufi Guides Kinship meeting – monthly conversation for Sufi teachers / initiators – 10 AM Mountain – contact me for more info and zoom link. 

Wednesday, March 6th – Men’s Circle integrating the Divine Feminine – closed circle…if you’re part of the group, I’ll email you reminders a few days ahead…

Thursday, March 7th – Githas Class – 7 PM Mountain (2 AM Friday UTC) – Zoom Here!  

Saturday, March 9th – Universal Worship Chant – in Sára’s home and online – this is my new monthly habit – An evening of Interfaith Chants woven into the traditional Universal Worship Service – candle lighting, prayers, a central theme expressed through the variety of faiths – 7 PM Mountain (2 AM Sunday UTC) – RSVP if you’re coming over…or Zoom Here!  

Monday, March 11th – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (4:30 PM UTC) – online only… – I won’t be home…join the Zoom Here!  

MARCH 13 to 17 I’ll be unavailable…leading a retreat…
DAILY ZOOMS will be held by some dedicated, skillful, beloved friends!! 
No Githas class this week. Sorry. 
No Sufi Circle or Zikr in Denver this week. Sorry. (well…it’ll happen but later in the month)

MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Sufi Circle and Zikr in Denver will be March 30th – all the usual times and places…

NEW WAY OF THE CHERAG RHYTHM: starting in May, I’ll be organizing a quarterly “Way of the Cherag” zoom, teachings and practices with Cherags and Sirajs. The current dates are: 
May 5th, August 4th, November 3rd… 10 AM Mountain… more details soon! 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 


“What Moves the Soul to Sing” Interfaith contemplative retreat with Sára – Chanting, Meditating, Dances of Universal Peace, Zikr…yummy spiritual practice time – May 30th to June 3rd, 2024 – At Sunshine Mountain Lodge near Estes Park, CO – catered by the amazing Sadiq Stephen Lamborn – Space is limited in this cozy retreat center, and it’s filling up! Get registered soon if you want to join us. –

Sirat-i Inayat Retreat for 2024 in Europe!
RETREAT in GERMANY: October 3rd to 6th
TIME in FRANCE: October 9th to 11th
Registration is OPEN!! 
Germany retreat: $333 USD 
France retreat: $95 USD 
here’s the link for more details and to get signed up. Space is limited, register as soon as you can!
Noon Prayer Zoom, every day! – 15 minutes of prayer and song – 12 PM Mountain Time (6 or 7 PM UTC) Zoom Here! 

Youtube channel for Chant and Pray recordings: Sára’s YouTube

Here’s the OneDrive link with all the Zikr recordings, there’s a new folder posted here with music from my 2023 retreat: Zikr Melodies 

Thank you, friends, for being part of this conscientious caravan of spiritual community!
All Love!



Sunday, February 18th – Kinship Coffee, exploring religions class with Anjali – 8 AM Mountain (3 PM UTC) – Zoom Here! 

Wednesday, February 21st – Healing Service with Abdullah – 2 PM Pacific, 3 PM Mountain – Zoom Here! 

Sunday, February 25th – Contemplative Kinship Conversation with Zahira – 10 AM Mountain – in person only, Fort Collins – email Zahira for more info and address:

Tuesday, February 27th – Embracing the Divine – Intro to Sufism class with Zahira – for ages 20 to 40 – Fort Collins in person only – second of four classes – contact Zahira for more info:

Tuesday, February 27th – Goddess Hour with Themis Waduda –  6:30 PM Pacific (7:30 PM Mountain) – Zoom Here! 

Thursday, February 29th – Dances of Universal Peace with Aliela – 7 PM Moscow (9 AM MST) – email Aliela for the zoom link:

Saturday, March 2nd – Journey to the Heart of Nature, Ziraat with Rahima – 10 AM Mountain (5 PM UTC) – Zoom Here! 

Wednesday, March 6th – Healing Class with Abdullah – 2 PM Pacific, 3 PM Mountain – Zoom Here! 

Sunday, March 10th – Contemplative Kinship Conversation with Zahira – 10 AM Mountain – in person only, Fort Collins – email Zahira for more info and address:

Tuesday, March 12th – Embracing the Divine – Intro to Sufism class with Zahira – for ages 20 to 40 – Fort Collins in person only – third of four classes – contact Zahira for more info:

Tuesday, March 12th – Goddess Hour with Themis Waduda –  6:30 PM Pacific (7:30 PM Mountain) – Zoom Here! 

Every Monday – 9 AM in Moscow (11 PM previous day MST) – Weekly prayer zoom with Aliela – email her for the zoom link:

Daily Prayer Zoom with Khabir Wali’ – 12 PM Germany – English and German languages – email Khabir for zoom link:

Daily Prayer Zoom with Sára – 12 PM in Colorado – Zoom Here! 

Subscribe to the Sirat-i Inayat calendar and see more details for all these offerings here: