
Dear Friends,
Spending some sweet time with very young children is a good way to remind ourselves what it’s like to be completely present to our experience. The joys that are full on, the tantrums that are absolute, the wonder, curiosity, the constant discovery of new phenomena, new abilities, new sensations, new, new, new… HIGH RECOMMEND!! I give it two thumbs up. The best teachings and the best examples to follow (or at least admire).

This evening, Thursday, July 14th – In an Eastern Rose Garden – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Friday UTC) – Sufi teachings, a bit of singing, wazifa, and conversation – I just might bring a doughnut. – Zoom Here! 

Friday, July 15th – ZIKR, ZIKR, ZIKR!!! At Nyland Cohousing Community, 3525 Nyland Way, in Lafayette, Colorado! – 7 PM to 9 PM (1 AM Saturday UTC) – Come sing and pray and join the circle of beloveds… – Thank you, Baraka, for hosting us and sharing your birthday with us!! – We’ll either be in the common house, or in the outdoor pavilion, depends on the conditions of life and all y’all’s preferences. – join us live, or Zoom Here! 

Monday, July 18th – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC) – Zoom Here! 

Thursday, July 21st – Eastern Rose Garden – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Friday UTC) – Zoom Here! 

Friday, July 22nd – Chances of Universal Peace – 7 PM to 9 PM (1 AM Saturday UTC) – IN PERSON at Unity Church of Fort Collins!! – 1401 W Vine Driver – $15 to $25 suggested donation – and you are also welcome to Zoom Here! 
We’re resuming a 4th Friday of the month Chant/Dance gathering at Unity Church. Would you prefer seated chant, dances, or some of both? 

Monday, July 25th – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC)  – Zoom Here! 

Thursday, July 28th – In an Eastern Rose Garden (or maybe we’ll have finished it and be moving on to the next book…any suggestions for our next book?) – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Friday UTC) – Zoom Here! 

Monday, August 1st – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC) – Zoom Here! 

Wednesday, August 3rd – Sufi Guides Kinship meeting – 10 AM MDT (4 PM UTC) – mutually supportive conversation forum for Sufi teachers…contact me for the zoom link. 

Thursday, August 4th – In an Eastern Rose Garden (or whatever we’re reading) – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Friday UTC) – Zoom Here! 

Sunday, August 7th – Dance Leader Training Zoom – 10 AM Mountain (6 PM UTC) – open to your requests for dances, topics, songs… – Zoom Here! 

Monday, August 8th – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC) – Zoom Here! 

Thursday, August 11th – Eastern Rose Garden…or another book – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Friday UTC) – Zoom Here! 

Friday, August 12th – seems highly likely we’re resuming Dances of Universal Peace in Boulder… 7 PM … mark your calendars, but don’t hold your breath yet…I’m working on logistics… 

We’re resuming Zikr in Denver, at the Rocky Mountain Miracle Center, starting Saturday, August 20th! 3rd Saturday of each month – 7 PM to 9 PM – Suggested donation $15 to $25 – It’ll be so nice to be back in our Zikr home!! – still with an online option: Zoom Here! 

It’s never too late to start a daily prayer practice. Well…at some point it is too late…but not yet. 
Join us any day, every day, 12 PM Mountain (6 PM UTC) – 15 of the sweetest minutes!! – Zoom Here! 

And…registration is flowing…join us in September for a lovely deep dive into Sufi practices and Zikr! 
Illuminated Presence Sufi and Zikr Retreat – September 8 to 12 – Buckhorn Camp in Bellvue, CO – meals catered by our beloved friend, Stephen! – $300 covers all food and lodging. Registration is open here: https://trigoddess.org/special-events/

And, finally… 
Please join us for the Blessing Ceremony and Dedication of Sirat-i Inayat Interfaith Sufi Path – a newly incorporated church and Sufi order. Community celebration September 13th, 10 AM Mountain (4 PM UTC) – in person (Colorado) and online – I’m not sure of location yet…stay tuned… 

Youtube channel for Chant and Pray recordings: Sára’s YouTube
OneDrive with daily zikr/song from our noon prayer zooms: Zikr Downloads

I know you love it when I give you songs that make me cry. Tears are good for the soul, don’t ya know? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVahAI-j_cg&list=PL1nEPlmKSjZGe_8sJwEeZyax4-AnMR432&index=10

With an Abundance of Love and Peace, 
