mattress factory

Dear Community,
In this moment, my heart is grateful for the opportunity to be with you on this wild, winding journey of life and spirit and friendships and music…so much goodness!
Plus, I recently discovered this guy whom you probably all know:
Now that we’ve wrapped up our super sweet retreat, we’re back to the usual shenanigans. 
Thank you, Mirabai, for hosting noon prayers while I was gallivanting around! 

Thursday, September 16th – Eastern Rose Garden Class – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Friday UTC) – Zoom: 

Saturday, September 18th – Zikr – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Sunday UTC) – in person and online – Rocky Mountain Miracle Center, it was so nice last month to have our fabulous musicians and to hear each other’s voices in the same room. Join us if you wish! Suggested donation $15 to $30 as you are able – Bring snack/dessert to share afterward – And, if you can’t be with us in person, join the zoom: 

Monday, September 20th – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC) – Zoom! And you are welcome to join me in my home! (RSVP) – 

Thursday, September 23rd – In An Eastern Rose Garden Class – 7 PM Mountain – (1 AM Friday UTC). – zoom: 

Friday, September 24th – Chant, Dance, Pray – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Saturday UTC) – Zoom! And my home (RSVP) 

Monday, September 27th – Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC) – Zoom and in my home (RSVP) … 

Thursday, September 30th – In an Eastern Rose Garden class – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Friday UTC) – Zoom! 

Friday, October 1st – Chant Dance Pray – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Saturday UTC) – join me in my home (RSVP), or join us in the zoom room: 

Monday, October 4th – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC) – my home (RSVP) or zoom 

Monday, October 4th – Sohbat Circle (Sufis and friends, age 20 to 39) – 1 PM Mountain (7 PM UTC) – conversation, practices, teachings and friendships – Contact Sára for the zoom info:

Thursday, October 7th – In an Eastern Rose Garden – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Friday UTC) – zoom, zoom, zoom: 

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8th – Unveiling the Beloved: Part 9 (my favorite number) – with Khabir and me – 10 AM Mountain (6 PM Germany, 4 PM UTC) – ZOOM!!!
Financial gratitude welcome here:

Monday, October 11th – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC) – my house (RSVP) – or zoom:

Thursday October 14th – In an Eastern Rose Garden – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Friday UTC) – Zooming:

Saturday, October 16th – Zikr, Zikr!! – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Sunday UTC) – Rocky Mountain Miracle Center or on the zoom:

DAILY PRAYER ZOOMS are still happening. We’re not tired of it yet. 12 PM Mountain, every single day – (6 PM UTC) – 15 minute prayer dose! Join us anytime you wish: 

Here’s my youtube channel:
And the dropbox for our daily prayer songs:

A blessing for you: may your laundry and dishes be clean and tidy.
Love and an Orderly Life (if you wish), 
