Women… then Rumi… then Jesus

Dear Friends,
Just three wee little reminders:

Tomorrow, Sunday, December 2nd is our Women’s Circle at Fort Collins Unity Church – 7 PM – All women are welcome! – $10 to $20 suggested donation

Saturday, December 15th – “Only the Beloved” Celebration of Rumi’s Urs – 7 PM at the Rocky Mountain Miracle Center in Denver – Pouria and I will be co-leading this sweet evening including Zikr, poetry and sohbet – All are welcome! – $15 to $25 suggested – and bring a finger-food snack/dessert to share!

Tuesday, Christmas Night, December 25th – We will have a Celebration of the Mystical Christ at Fort Collins Unity – 7 PM – Attuning to the heart of Jesus’s teachings through the Aramaic Lord’s Prayer – $10 to $20 suggested donation – And please let me know if you plan to attend. I’ll have some supply prepping and program planning based on number of participants.

All blessings in this season of deep dark and new light!