I like KITTENS!!!!

Dear Friends,
Tomorrow is Zikr day! Hip-hip-Hurray!
Come on out! Shaping up to be a sweet evening of singing, moving, praising, remembering, attuning, connecting and diving into The One!

Zikr – Saturday, November 18th – 7 PM – 1939 S Monroe St, Denver – I’ll be facilitating the evening with joy in my heart – NOTE: after our usual zikr-ings, we’ll share treats and conversation in the zikr hall, seated in a lovely circle. This is a new experiment for our community and I encourage y’all to participate! Sharing Zikr is a powerful experience and the opportunity to continue our time with intentional conversation, shared space, being with each other to share stories, questions, and spiritual adventures is valuable. Let’s take advantage of it.
$10 suggested donation and dessert potluck

PRE-ZIKR DINNER – 5:30 PM at Mad Greens (southwest corner of Colorado and Buchtel)

Sufi Meditation – Monday, November 20th – 9:30 AM – at my house. Come on over… or join us online (contact me for the link) – 2727 Alan St, Fort Collins

Every single day – Practice gratitude – it’s the opposite of complaining. Try it on. Make it a habit. Keep it up!

Sufi Meditation – Monday, November 27th – 9:30 AM – my house or online… see above

CHANT!! – Tuesday, November 28th – 7 PM – 1401 W Vine, Fort Collins (Unity Church – the Rumi Room) – $10 suggested donation

Then there will be more Monday meditations… same old, same old…

AND THEN… Here are the details for the December Zikr hoopla… So excited!!

Saturday, December 16th – “Come into this Love: Celebrating Rumi’s Urs” – 7:30 PM to midnight! – 1939 S Monroe St, Denver – a lovely, long evening of Zikr, poetry, Sufi sweetness – Facilitated by Pouria Montazeri and yours truly – $15 to $50 suggested donation – more details here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1726735397336974/

Want to see the most adorable creature on the planet? Here: https://www.facebook.com/saraswati.rain/posts/10214556952142491?pnref=story

Want to be happy?
Wear soft fabrics. Spend time with nice people. Listen to and respect your body. Watch stand up comedians. Eat chocolate (unless you don’t like it, Marylea… then, don’t). Pay attention to the Dalai Lama (that guy’s onto something).
Nurture love, harmony and beauty (within and around you).
