extra special sauce

Hi Again!
Did you miss me?
Here are the super-duper fantastically wondiferous events and retreats coming in the next… months.
Wouldn’t it be fabulous to put ALL of them on your calendar and map out a delightful, magnificent, glorious season of tribe-centric events?
Let’s do it!

April 5th (Easter Sunday) – Chant circle with Sára – 7 PM – Unity Church (1401 W Vine, Ft Collins) – $10 suggested

April 23rd – Thursday – ZIKR with ALLAUDIN OTTINGER – 7:30 PM – at the Rocky Mountain Miracle Center (1939 S Monroe, Denver) – $10 to $25 suggested donation – Please plan to join Allaudin for an inspired and energizing Zikr evening!

April 24th to April 26th – Chant and Dance Retreat with Sára and Allaudin – arrive at 8 AM on Friday – stay until 5 PM on Sunday – Camp Santa Maria (near Bailey, Colorado) – $115 covers lodging and meals (donations for facilitators greatly appreciated!) – Register here: http://trigoddess.org/special-events/

May 22nd to May 27th – Ozark Sufi Camp – http://shiningheartcommunity.org/camp/ozarksuficamp.htm – let me know if you want to participate in a caravan from Colorado! I’m happy to help coordinate. – Extra Super Awesome leaders this year include Asha Greer and Darvesha… plus Allaudin, Nuria and many others… I’m on staff for this… but I don’t know what I’ll be doing! Join in the mystery!

June 25th to June 28th – MeadowFest – Our sweet little local Pagan campout! $35 for the campsite and breakfast! Potluck dinners… rituals, drumming, chanting facilitated and/or organized by Sára – Jack’s Gulch campground about 45 minutes northwest of Fort Collins – Register here: http://trigoddess.org/special-events/

July19th to July 26th – Mendocino Sufi Camp – http://mendosuficamp.org/ – want to join us in California? Youth Retreat and Silent Retreat options as well. – Staff include Shabda, Allaudin, Asha, Darvesha, and so many others! I’m on staff for the main retreat… don’t know what I’ll be doing there either… but I’m certain it will be lovely!

September 18th to September 21st – Women’s Retreat with Leilah Be and Sára Rain – Friday evening to Monday lunch – Zikr, Dances of Universal Peace, music, meditation, all women, all wonderful! – Camp Santa Maria (near Bailey, Colorado) – $240 covers lodging and meals (additional donations for facilitators greatly appreciated!) – Register here: http://trigoddess.org/special-events/

September 22nd – ZIKR with LEILAH BE – at the Starhouse (3476 Sunshine Canyon Drive, Boulder) – 7:30 PM – $10 to $25 as you are able – All are welcome! – Please carpool if you can.

Please contact me for more info about any of these shenanigans.
And for your own joy and well-being, please watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mz3TkxJhPc
