last minute…

Hi Everyone!
Sorry for the late notice. I’m in a big “wing it” mode! Not a good mode for things like: filing income tax returns, choosing schools for your children (pre-school through graduate school), learning to drive stick-shift vehicles at any age…
Some life activities do require pre-meditated discipline.

Here’s the immediately pending schedule of events:

1. Sufi Meditation at my house, Monday, December 29th, 9:30 AM (yes, less than 13 hours from now) – come on over!

2. New Year’s Day Dance of Universal Peace – Thursday, January 1st – 7:30 PM – Unity Church (1401 W Vine) – $10 suggested

3. Meditation at my house, Monday, January 5th – 9:30 AM

4. Dance in Fort Collins – Thursday, January 8th – 7:30 PM – Unity Church – $10 suggested

THEN… I’ll be out of town.. BUT…

5. Dance in Fort Collins, Thursday, January 15th – 7:30 PM – led by Gayan Galik!!! YAY!!! THANK YOU, GAYAN!!! – All of you Fort Collins dancers are in for a treat!!! – $10 suggested…

6. Zikr in Denver – Saturday, January 17th – 7:00 PM – led by Habib!!! YAY!!! THANK YOU, HABIB!!! – All of you crazy dervishes will be very happy to know Habib is taking a break from retirement to lead zikr in my absence. – Rocky Mountain Miracle Center (1939 S Monroe St, Denver) – $5 suggested donation and dessert potluck

Please pay attention… my schedule will be somewhat wonky coming up… stay tuned for unusual activity and…
don’t hesitate to contact the authorities if my calendar looks concernedly sporadic, conservative, or leaning too far in the direction of powerpuff-girl or barbie doll antics.

Happy Kwanzaa!