Goddesses Galore!!!

For all you Goddess Lovers in the Mailing List Mix,
Two super awesome things…

1. Dancing with the Goddess Retreat – led by Starhawk and me – September 26 to 29 – time to sign up! – http://trigoddess.org/special-events/ – deadline is September 1st.

2. Goddess Caravan… Round TWO!!! This retreat was amazing in March of 2013. We’re doing it again in 2015!!!
Friday March 13 to Tuesday March 17
share the drive with our wild tribe ($115)
or fly ($90 plus airfare of your choice)
We’ll have four nights and three full days at the temple.
Sharing meals, chanting, drumming, ritualing and contributing our labors of love to the Temple and the grounds.
The Temple of Goddess Spirituality Dedicated to Sekhmet is 40 minutes north of Las Vegas (12 hours in the car)
Jodie and I plan and bring all the food for everyone.. all vegetarian
There is no charge for lodging, but donations to support the temple, the guest house, and your super wonderful organizers are greatly appreciated!
Here is a link to the Goddess Temple website if you would like more info. http://www.sekhmettemple.com/
Send Sára $100 check or paypal to save your spot!
This retreat filled up in less than a week last time, so be quick!
2727 Alan St, Ft Collins, CO 80524

Blessed Be!
