Hi Friends!
Tomorrow, Thursday, the 10th, Dance, in Fort Collins, 7:30 PM, followed by, local ice cream outing! I love ice cream! Bring a friend! – $10 suggested for the dance… ice cream cost depends on how fancy you get!
Thursday Dance on the 17th… in Fort Collins… see above…
Then… ZIKR – Saturday, the 19th – Studio Be, Boulder, 7 PM – Sufi practices, readings, etc. somewhere in the middle of the evening – Bring a dessert to share – and $5 donation.
Pir Shabda is coming to Boulder in September – I am unable to send a flyer with this e-mail list… but here’s the most important info: Friday, 9/19, 7:30 PM talk and Dances – Saturday and Sunday 9/20 and 9/21 full day workshop 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM – Saturday evening Zikr 7:30 PM ($10 to $20 suggested) – Register before 9/5 for discount rate $120/weekend, $65/day – all events occur at Adi Shakti Sanctuary (6717 Valmont Rd, Boulder) – contact Waduda for more info: (303)718-9712
Register for the “Dancing with the Goddess” retreat – It’s filling up… September 26 to 29 – facilitated by the amazing Starhawk and me! – http://trigoddess.org/special-events/
Register for “Sufi Meditation Retreat” – October 30 to November 3 – facilitated by me! – http://trigoddess.org/special-events/
While I am entirely too tired to be funny right now, please allow me to leave you with this thought…
Bathing in lemonade is the most summer refreshment you can possibly get.
Scrub between your toes with fresh mint leaves from your garden… or come harvest some from mine.
If you find a few happy toads on your way into the garden, step carefully. Toads are your friends. They may even be some of our long lost witchy relatives.
Happy Summer Storming Blessings,