
Welcome to November! What a lovely month! Trees (which are WAY smarter than us) are getting naked, birds (also WAY smarter than us) are heading for warmer climates, bears (need I say, smarter than us) are going to sleep for the next few months, and here we are in all of our delusional human-ness, getting ready to go shopping, partying, socializing until our brains turn to pepto-bismol and our population of therapists starts reaping the rewards!

Let’s sing, dance, and pretend it’s still summer!

Thursday, November 1st – Dance of Universal Peace – 7:30 PM – Art and Science Studio, 346 E Mountain (Ft Collins) – $10 suggested donation – we’ll be honoring Patti’s 50th birthday and All Soul’s Day!

Saturday, November 3rd – Dance Leader Workshop – 10 AM to 5 PM – 2120 S Holly St #9 (Denver) – RSVP as soon as you can… I may send more details to folks who are attending – $20 to $120 suggested – no experience necessary… just a love for the Dances, a desire to learn and practice together in a supportive, welcoming community of growing leaders!

Monday, November 5th – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln (Ft Collins) – by donation

Tuesday, November 6th – VOTE!!! – VOTE!!!! – VOTE!!!!! – or maybe you already mailed in your ballot or voted early… in which case, take yourself out for a congratulatory pint of Ben and Jerry’s!

Tuesday, November 6th – Mama Sing – 10 AM – Avo’s 625 S Mason (Ft Collins) – $7 suggested donation

Tuesday, November 6th – Sunrise Ranch Dance – 7 PM – 100 Sunrise Ranch Rd (Loveland) – $5 to $10 suggested

Thursday, November 8th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7:30 PM – Art and Science Studio, 346 E Mountain (Ft Collins) – $10 suggested donation

Saturday, November 10th – Starhouse Deeper Dance – 7:30 PM – 3476 Sunshine Canyon Rd (Boulder) – I will be leading in Timothy’s absence… a gorgeous venue, beautiful community, and an evening of inter-faith prayer through dance! – $12 (I think) – Cynthia Jaffe and Gregg Hansen are the musicians for the night… Woo-Hoo!!!

Sunday, November 11th – Chant – 7 PM – 135 Circle Dr (Ft Collins) – $7 suggested donation

Monday, November 12th – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln (Ft Collins) – by donation

Thursday, November 15th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7:30 PM – Art and Science Studio, 346 E Mountain (Ft Collins) – $10 suggested donation

Saturday, November 17th – Community Zikr – 7:30 PM – 2077 30th St (Boulder) – $5 suggested donation and dessert potluck – Habib will be leading most of the evening… with a little help from me

Sunday, November 18th – Dance Leader Workshop – 10 AM to 5 PM – 2120 S Holly St #9 (Denver) – RSVP – $20 to $120 suggested – if the training on the 3rd goes well, there will be another one on the 18th… RSVP so I can send you specific details and/or changes. Thank you!

Monday, November 19th – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln (Ft Collins) – by donation

Thursday, November 22nd – THANKSGIVING – No Dance – Enjoy your family, turkey, pie and belly ache!

Saturday, November 24th – SUPER CHANT!!!!! – 7 PM to Midnight! – 449 Clover Ln – It’s Jodie’s birthday so I will bake and bring LOTS of CAKE!!! – Let’s sing praises to The One in many forms for several hours! – bring snacks and/or beverages to share – $10 to $40 suggested donation

Monday, November 26th – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln (Ft Collins) – by donation

Tuesday, November 27th – Women’s Dance – 7 PM – 1280 Vine St (Denver) – $8 suggested donation

Thursday, November 29th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7:30 PM – Art and Science Studio, 346 E Mountain (Ft Collins) – $10 suggested donation

There is a possibility I will be leading the Denver Dance November 14th and/or 28th. I’ll keep you posted.

NOTE of ADVICE: get an 8 week old kitten RIGHT NOW to keep you entertained, happy, and busy all winter long.
NOTE of WARNING: if you are planning to overeat this winter, please don’t do it with grease and salt. You’ll die of a heart attack before your fruitcake expires. It’s really best to overeat with various forms of sugar: chocolate, cake, cookies, muffins, sweet breads, candy, donuts, soda, and children under the age of 6.
NOTE of MUSIC: C sharp.
NOTE of INQUIRY: why don’t our automobiles put the driver’s seat in the center of the car? Wouldn’t it make it so much easier to find the center of the lane?
