the worms crawl in, the worms crawl out

Dear Circlers, Squarers and Triangulars,
Welcome to a brand spanking new year!
There are, again, some changes in the schedule for January, so please pay extra special attention to the man behind the curtain.

Going into 2008, I would love to invite some help from all of you for growing the Dance of Universal Peace circles. It would be great to pull together a committee of DUP lovers to brainstorm and plan some efforts to publicize, energize, and expandicize the circle. If you are interested in helping out with this endeavor either just by sharing thoughts or by taking on some tasks to implement the thoughts, please let me know asap. I’ll be scheduling a time to meet in the next week or two. Thanks!

Now, on to the calendar:

There will be NO Mama Sing or River Rock Dance Tuesday, January 1st.

Monday, January 7th – New Moon Ritual – contact me for more information

Tuesday, January 8th – Mama Sing – Greyrock Commons (2265 Shooting Star Ln) – 10 AM

Tuesday, January 8th – New Moon Dance of Universal Peace – Sunrise Ranch (5569 NCR 29, Loveland) – 7 PM – $5 suggested donation

Friday, January 11th – Chant – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – 7 PM – $7 suggested donation

Tuesday, January 15th – Drum Circle/Class and Dance of Universal Peace – River Rock Commons (520 N Sherwood) – 7:15 to 7:45 PM Drumming with Deborah (bring an African or Middle Eastern drum if you like) – 7:45 to 9:45 Dances of Universal Peace – Tim will be photographing a portion of the evening for promotional purposes; smile! – $7 suggested donation

Friday, January 18th – Chant – Greyrock Commons – 7 PM – $7 suggested donation

Saturday, January 19th – Zikr – Studio Be (2077 30th St in Boulder) – 7:30 PM – I will be leading the community Zikr for this month since Dahnya and Habib will be out of town – It is a beautiful practice in a beautiful circle – dessert potluck after – $5 suggested donation

Sunday, January 20th – Dance of Universal Peace – Studio Soma (2540 W 29th Denver) – 7:15 PM – $8-$12 suggested donation

Monday, January 21st – Full Moon Ritual – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – 7 PM – adults only – RSVP to me – $10 suggested donation

Tuesday, January 22nd – Full Moon Women’s Dance of Universal Peace – St. Barnabas Church (1280 Vine, southeast corner 13th and Vine in Denver) – 7 PM – women only – all goddess dances all night! Dress for the occasion as you wish. – $6 suggested donation

Saturday, January 26th – Tuatha CD release party – Avogadro’s Number – 7:30 PM – Buddha Bomb closing out the evening

Tuesday, January 29th – Zikr – River Rock Commons – 7:15 PM – $7 suggested donation

Saturday, February 2nd – Family-Friendly Imbolc Festivities – will include potluck and ritual – more information will be forthcoming.

And something you may be interested in: Chris Maldonado (a frequent chanter, constant community friend, and soon to be my Reiki teacher) is offering some classes with emphasis on giving people tools to heal themselves. Currently available: Usui Reiki (all 3 levels), Communicating With Your Body, Communicating With Animals, and How to Heal Your Life (a 6 week class learning basic energetic tools you’ll need to heal on every level). Classes will start in January and form based on interested participants. For more details including price listings, call or e-mail Chris at or (970)221-7246 or (970)402-6921

Also, Kiri Saftler is forming more Peace Circles starting January 14th and 23rd. If you’re interested, please contact Kiri for more info: (970)493-1427 or

Does anyone else think it’s unfair that the Chinese New Year warrants fireworks and the American one doesn’t? What’s up with that? I want fireworks!
As always, please do call or e-mail me for more information, directions or to RSVP for the events listed herein. (970)224-4797 or
See you next year!


About Yule, I’ve been asked by several folks about a gift exchange as part of Friday evening’s Yule celebration.

How about this: if you feel inclined to bring a gift for an exchange, please do! The gifting circle will follow the formal ritual.
If you don’t want to participate, please don’t!

Guidelines for gifts: please bring something with some spiritual significance, homemade is great, less than $10 or so…it is not a “white elephant” exchange to which people bring gag gifts (that make people gag).
Children can bring child-oriented gifts.
Adults can bring adult-oriented (not adult-rated!) gifts.

I hope this makes (nearly) everyone happy.
See you Friday!

Long night blessings,

chinese checkers

We three kings (or queens) of Orient (or Caucasian descent) are,
bearing gifts (of fruitcake) we traverse to Fort Collins (or Loveland, or Denver),
field (or desert) and fountain (or river) moor (aka valley) and mountain (aplenty)
following yonder starlet.
Oh-oh-ho-ho here are the events for December chants,
please won’t you join us for music and dance,
community and ritual, through long nights and short days
helps us through the holiday craze!

Tuesday, December 4th – Mama Sing – 10 AM – Greyrock Commons (2265 Shooting Star Ln, Fort Collins) – Women and children welcome!

Tuesday, December 4th – Dance of Universal Peace at River Rock Commons (520 N Sherwood, Fort Collins) – 7:15 PM – Suggested donation $7

Tuesday, December 11th – Dance of Universal Peace at Sunrise Ranch (5569 NCR 29, Loveland) – 7 PM – Suggested donation $5

Friday December 14th – Chant – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – Suggested donation $7

Sunday, December 16th – Dance of Universal Peace at Studio Soma (2540 W 29th, Denver) – 7:15 PM – Suggested donation $8-$12

Tuesday, December 18th – Dance of Universal Peace at River Rock Commons (520 N Sherwood, Fort Collins) – 7:15 PM – Suggested donation $7

Friday, December 21st – Yule Ritual – Potluck 5:30 PM – Ritual 6:30 PM – River Rock Commons (520 N Sherwood, Fort Collins) – Family friendly, bring the kids! Noise friendly, bring the drums! Belly friendly, bring food/drink to share! – RSVP to me ASAP (I need to plan supplies for enough people, don’tcha know) – Suggested donation $10/adult

Saturday, December 22nd – Yule Celebration – 8 PM (I think) – Mercury Cafe in Denver – Tuatha is playing, I am helping with ritual, should be a grand time!

Sunday, December 23rd – Full Moon Ritual – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk #13, Fort Collins – Adults only. We’ll have had enough of the kids at the Yule celebration! – RSVP to me – Suggested donation $10

December 25th – Happy Birthday, Jesus! – There will be no Women’s Dance in Denver this month. See you in January!

Saturday, December 29th – North Chant at Greyrock Commons (2265 Shooting Star Ln, Fort Collins) – 7 PM – This was such a great chant in November! Let’s do it again! – Suggested donation $7

Saturday, December 29th – Belly Blessing for Mandy – 10 AM – 449 Clover Ln – The baby is due Febuary 9th! All women, young ladies who have had their first cycle and babies at the breast are welcome to attend this blessing – Potluck brunch following the blessing – RSVP to Traci

To RSVP for Yule or Full Moon, call or e-mail me. For more information about any of these events, call or e-mail me. For directions, use Google (we love Google!). For fun, “Dial a Bible Story” at (970)482-0100 (Yes, it’s a real thing. My kids love it!). For optimal holiday sanity, wear earplugs in public to avoid hearing more serious versions of my Christmas ditty above!
All blessings for light and peace in this season!


tea, tea with jam, jam and bread

Welcome to the November mailer! It looks like another very full month of music, dance and ritual. Please take note of some special events and changes in this calendar.

Tuesday, October 30th – Zikr – River Rock Commons (520 N Sherwood) – 7:15 PM – singing the beautiful names of God in Arabic (mostly). A devotional evening of music, movement and prayer. – Suggested donation $7

Wednesday, October 31st – Samhain ritual – 10:30 PM – adults only – RSVP for more info

Tuesday, November 6th – Mama Sing – Greyrock Commons (2265 Shooting Star Ln) – 10 AM – women and children sharing a morning of chant

Tuesday, November 6th – Dance of Universal Peace – River Rock Commons (520 N Sherwood) – 7:15 PM – Suggested donation $7

Friday, November 9th – New Moon Chant – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – 7 PM – all welcome! an evening of singing and celebrating the dark moon, the lunar Samhain, through song. – suggested donation $7

Tuesday, November 13th – Dance of Universal Peace – Sunrise Ranch (5569 NCR 29, Loveland) – 7 PM – Led by Markus and Christine – suggested donation $5

Sunday, November 18th – Dance of Universal Peace – Studio Soma (2540 W 29th in Denver) – 7 PM – suggested donation between $8 and $12

Tuesday, November 20th – Dance of Universal Peace – River Rock Commons (520 N Sherwood) – 7 PM – suggested donation $7

Saturday, November 24th – Full Moon Chant – Greyrock Commons (2265 Shooting Star Ln) – 7 PM – this is an experimental chant on the north end of Fort Collins. If there is enough interest, I may start holding an evening of singing on the north end more frequently. Let me know if this appeals to you. – suggested donation $7

Tuesday, November 27th – Women’s Dance of Universal Peace – St Barnabas in Denver (southeast corner 13th and Vine) – 7 PM – a little warning: there will be no women’s dance in December due to the holidays. Please do join us this month in this beautiful circle of women singing, dancing and weaving magic together. – suggested donation $6

Friday, November 30th – Chant – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – 7 PM – suggested donation $7

And, a couple friendly reminders from your sponsor: Please do not talk on cell phones in restaurants, in conversation with other human beings (robots don’t seem to mind), or in public places in which other people can easily overhear you. Most of our mothers couldn’t teach us these manners because they didn’t have cell phones, but if they (the mothers) could see us today, they’d have us standing in corners in every public establishment in the western world.

Consuming carrots is excellent for your vision. Consuming doughnuts is not. Distributing chocolate will earn you friends. Distributing toads will not.

Feel free to contact me for more information about public etiquette, nutrition and spirituality: (970)224-4797.

A blessed Samhain to you!


orange and black striped stockings

Happy Witches’ New Year!

Out with the old vibrant happy days of summer; in with the new cold, bleak, depression of winter! Let’s celebrate, shall we?

Friday, September 28th – 7 PM – Chant – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – suggested donation $7

Sunday, September 30th – 2-4 PM – Dance of Universal Peace in Estes Park – St. Bartholomew’s Church (880 McGregor) – I will be helping Mary Ellen with this dance. It’s always sweet! – By donation

Tuesday, October 2nd – 10:30 AM (notice the later start time) – Mama Sing – Greyrock Commons (2265 Shooting Star Lane) – women and children welcome!

Tuesday, October 2nd – 7:15 PM – Dance of Universal Peace – River Rock Commons (520 N Sherwood) – Suggested donation $7 – Thank you to Markus and Christine for offering a beautiful dance in September! What a blessing.

Sunday, October 7th – 7 PM – Dance of Universal Peace in Denver – Studio Soma (2540 W 29th) – suggested donation $8-$12 – Stuart and I traded dates again this month. Sorry for the confusion.

Tuesday, October 9th – 7 PM – Dance of Universal Peace in Loveland – Sunrise Ranch (5569 NCR 29, in the Aspen Room) – suggested donation $5

Wednesday, October 10th – New Moon Ritual – contact me for more information

Friday, October 12th – 7 PM – Chant – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – Suggested donation $7

Tuesday, October 16th – 7:15 PM – Charge of the Goddess – River Rock Commons – An entire evening of song, prayer and movement devoted to the Goddess. Men and women are welcome. It’s been a while since we’ve done this complete cycle and it feels like a ripe time for it – Suggested donation $7

Tuesday, October 23rd – 7 PM – Dance of Universal Peace for Women in Denver – St. Barnabas Church (southeast corner 13th and Vine) – Suggested donation $6

Thursday, October 25th – 7 PM – Full Moon Ritual – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – Adults only – light potluck after ritual – suggested donation $10

Friday, October 26th – 7 PM – Chant – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – Suggested donation $7

Tuesday, October 30th – 7:15 PM – Zikr – River Rock Commons – Suggested donation $7

Wednesday, October 31st – 10:30 PM – Samhain Ritual – Adults only – RSVP for more information

That looks like a plenty full month. Hope I didn’t forget anything. As always, contact me to RSVP for rituals, for more information, directions, etc. Call (970)224-4797, e-mail, or send up Morse code smoke signals from Old Town Square.

Hey, I’m thinking about dying my cat black for Halloween. Has anyone tried that? I’m open to suggestions.

Don’t take candy from strangers (how do we manage to disregard that rule so utterly once a year, making up for the other 364 days in spades?).


yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum

Dearest in Buddha, Christ, Isis and Pan,
As I was leaving my house this morning I saw a yellow leaf fall out of the sky (well, off of a tree) and land in the street. Has anyone else been seeing this? It’s official. Autumn has begun. Start your grieving or celebrating as you see fit. Here are the month’s hooplas to help you along:

Tonight (Tuesday, August 28th) – Women’s Dance of Universal Peace in Denver – St Barnabas Church (13th and Vine) – 7 PM – women only please – $6 suggested donation

Sunday, September 2nd – Dance of Universal Peace in Denver – Studio Soma (2540 W 29th) – 7 PM – $8-$12 suggested donation

Tuesday, September 4th – Mama Sing – Greyrock Commons in Fort Collins (2265 Shooting Star Lane) – 10 AM – women and children welcome!

Tuesday, September 4th – Dance of Universal Peace in Fort Collins – River Rock Commons (520 N Sherwood) – 7:15 PM – $7 suggested donation

Friday, September 7th through Sunday September 9th – Meadowfest Campout at Red Feather Ranch! – look directly to your right to download all the necessary info and registration form.

Tuesday, September 11th – New Moon ritual – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk #13

Tuesday, September 11th – NO DANCE AT SUNRISE RANCH

Friday, September 14th – Chant – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – 7 PM – $7 suggested donation

Tuesday, September 18th – Dance of Universal Peace in Fort Collins – River Rock Commons (520 N Sherwood) – 7:15 PM – Christine and Markus will be leading the dance this evening! Please plan to attend, it is sure to be a sweet evening of music, dance and prayer – $7 suggested donation

Sunday, September 23rd – Mabon Ritual – Treehenge (just east of Martinez Park in Fort Collins) – 5:30 PM – presented by the Treehenge Seed Group (The Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids) – just show up if you like!

Tuesday, September 25th – Women’s Dance of Universal Peace in Denver – St. Barnabas Church (13th and Vine) – 7 PM – still just female creatures please – $6 suggested donation

Wednesday, September 26th – Full Moon Ritual – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – 7 PM – adults only please – $10 suggested donation – RSVP (really)

Friday, September 28th – Chant – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – 7 PM – $7 suggested donation

To RSVP, for directions, to submit questions for our semi-monthly cookbook study group, or to enroll in our soon-to-commence quilting bee, please e-mail or call your local witch networker: me. (970)224-4797 or

Meadowfest September 7-9

Hi All!

MeadowFest is scheduled for September 7th through 9th (Friday through Sunday).

To register, please look immediately to your own right, the link to download the form is under “other links.”

If you want to reserve a room in the Bed and Breakfast, please do so quickly (or else Carla will be releasing rooms to the general Christian population in short order!).

I look forward to camping, chanting, drumming, dancing and playing with everyone next month!


aloha shirts

Happy last weekend of July, Folks!
A sad farewell to Julius.
And a bit of a melancholic hello to Augustus.
Lots of opportunities to enjoy the final hooplas of Summer and try to accept the pending Autumn (sigh).
Do you think it’s an accident that August and Autumn each start with Au?
Here’s the ice cream scoop for the month:

Wednesday, August 1st – Dance of Universal Peace in Denver – 7:15 PM – Christ Church United Methodist (yes, that really is the name of it. southeast corner 7th and Colorado) – Timothy is going to be out of the country and I will be leading – $8 or punch card

Thursday, August 2nd – Lammas ritual – 6 PM potluck, 7 PM ritual – Treehenge (just east of Lee Martinez Park, Fort Collins) – children welcome! – $10 suggested donation

Sunday, August 5th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – Studio Soma (2540 W 29th Ave, Denver) – Stuart and I have traded dance nights this month. Come dance with me on the 5th and with Stuart on the 19th. – $8 to $12 suggested donation

Tuesday, August 7th – Mama Sing – 10 AM – Greyrock Commons (2265 Shooting Star Lane, Fort Collins) – women and children welcome!

Tuesday, August 7th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7:15 PM – River Rock Commons – $7 suggested donation

Wednesday, August 8th – Dance of Universal Peace in Denver – 7:15 PM – First United Church of the Sacred Christ Community Congregation Methodist Revival (southeast corner 7th and Colorado) – Timothy will still be abroad so I’ll be back aboard to lead – $8 or punch card

Wednesday, August 8th to Sunday August 12th – DRAGONFEST!!! – See y’all there!

Sunday, August 12th – No new moon ritual – we’ll all just be getting back from Dragonfest and desperately needing showers (an excellent cleansing ritual for new moon intention setting!)

Tuesday, August 14th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – Sunrise Ranch (5569 NCR 29, Loveland) – $5 suggested donation

Tuesday, August 21st – Dance of Universal Peace – 7:15 PM – River Rock Commons – $7 suggested donation

Friday, August 24th – Chant – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk #13 (Fort Collins) – $7 suggested donation

Monday, August 27th – full moon ritual – 7 PM – RSVP for location – light potluck following ritual – adults only – $10 suggested donation

Tuesday, August 28th – Women’s Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – St Barnabas Church (southeast corner 13th and Vine in Denver) – $6 suggested donation

Please observe RSVP requests. My inner Kali is preparing to cancel events that don’t seem to generate enough interest. Without RSVPs I can’t know how many to expect and therefore how to plan for you.
Also, keep an eye out for further e-mails this month with (potentially) an additional chant night and/or any changes that may occur.

To RSVP, for directions, more information, to share your favorite apple pie recipe, or to donate your children for our upcoming gypsy slave auction extravaganza, please call or e-mail yours truly at (970)224-4797 or

Blessed Bar-B-Que-ing!

jitterbug perfume

Hi All,

Summer is in full swing. Let’s chant, shall we? Or, if chanting isn’t your cup of tea, how about ritual and dance?

On with the schedule!

Tuesday, July 24th – Women’s Dance of Universal Peace – St Barnabas Church in Denver (southeast corner 13th and Vine) – $6 suggested donation

Friday, July 27th – Chant! – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – 7 PM – $7 suggested donation

Sunday, July 29th – Full Moon Ritual – Treehenge (maybe?) – 7 PM – adults only please – $10 suggested donation

Tuesday, July 31st – Zikr – River Rock Commons – 7:15 PM – $7 suggested donation

And jumping ahead a bit – August 2nd – Lammas ritual (cross-quarter between summer solstice and autumn equinox) – family friendly – potluck and ritual – RSVP to me

Please call or e-mail me for directions, to RSVP, or with questions about any of these gatherings.

I hope everyone’s enjoying the radiance of summer!




all your country favorites

Welcome to Summer!
Break out the sunscreen, the bug spray, and the lemonade!
Here’s the line up for the end of May and all of June.

Tonight, Tuesday, May 29th – Zikr – 7:15 PM – River Rock Commons – singing, moving and praying Toward the One, mostly in Arabic, simple circle movements and repetitive chants facilitate a deepening into the reality of Unity – $7 suggested donation

Thursday, May 31st – Full Blue Moon ritual – 7 PM – Treehenge – This ritual is being facilitated by Brooke. Please bring what you need to feel comfortable outside for a couple hours. Light potluck to follow ritual – RSVP to me

Tuesday, June 5th – Mama Sing – 10 AM – Greyrock Commons – for women and children

Tuesday, June 5th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7:15 PM – River Rock Commons – $7 suggested donation

Friday through Sunday – June 8, 9 and 10 – Meadowfest Campout – please register below (scroll down a bit), print, fill out and mail your information to Tanja. It is not too late to register. The weekend will include ritual, chanting, drumming, fire, potluck meals, hiking, hot tub, sunburns and mosquito bites! Come and enjoy!

Tuesday, June 12th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – Sunrise Ranch – $5 suggested donation

Friday, June 15th – Chant – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – This chant includes birthday blessings for Brooke and Lisa (respectively born June 14th and 16th) – $7 suggested donation

Saturday, June 16th – Dragonfest Practice – 10 AM to noon – Treehenge – even if you have not been at the previous practices, if you are interested in helping with this ritual, you are welcome to come participate in this practice. It would be wonderful to have your support!

Sunday, June 17th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – Studio Soma – $8-$12 suggested donation – if you know folks in Denver who may be interested in this dance, please forward this information.

Tuesday, June 19th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7:15 PM – River Rock Commons – $7 suggested donation

Thursday, June 21st – Summer Solstice Ritual – 5 PM potluck, 6:30 ritual – Treehenge – this will be a full experience of the ritual we are presenting at Dragonfest this year. It would be wonderful to have a LARGE circle! – family-friendly – $10 suggested donation – RSVP to me

Tuesday, June 22nd – Dance of Universal Peace for Women – 7 PM – St Barnabas Church – Mary Ellen will again be facilitating this evening of dance. Please come support her in this beautiful circle of women – $6 suggested donation

Friday, June 29th – Chant – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – $7 suggested donation

Saturday, June 30th – Full Moon Ritual – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk #13 (maybe) – adults only please, snack potluck to follow ritual – $10 suggested donation – RSVP to me

I know some of you are curious about the fundraising efforts, so here’s an update. THANK YOU, again, to all of you who have been so generous and supportive through donations of time, energy, money, items, services… I feel deeply blessed and I am so grateful for all of your efforts!
The goal to cover all expenses for the Masters Program is $8000.
Right now, with my money, the silent auction event and the yard sale as well as private donations, all of you have managed to raise $4,100!! Did I say “thank you?” Let me say it again, thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU!!!
The totem pole went home with Chris Maldonado. Congratulations, Chris!

If you have questions, comments, concerns, to RSVP or if you need directions to any of the above listed hooplas, please do call or e-mail me: (970)224-4797 or
It has, once again, been my pleasure to serve you.
Thank you,