Hail Mary, Full of Grace

Darling Circlers,
It’s time for another round of “what are the pagans up to now?”
Get out your handy-dandy daytimer, palm pilot, itouch, iphone, outlook, google calendar, or whatever new fancy-schmancy mechanisms those ADD techno-geeks are persuading you to buy. Lots of loop-scooping this month.

Friday, October 2nd – Salida Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – Salida Yoga Center (112 F St, Salida)

Saturday, October 3rd – Full Moon Ritual – 7 PM – Adults only – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – RSVP – $10 suggested donation – bring a snack/dessert to share after ritual

Monday, October 5th – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln – focus on “Az-Zahir” “The Manifest” – by donation

Tuesday, October 6th – Mama Sing – 10 AM – Greyrock Commons (2265 Shooting Star Ln, Fort Collins) – by donation

Tuesday, October 6th – Zikr – 7:30 PM – Fort Collins Yoga Center (210 E Oak St) – $7 suggested donation

Tuesday, October 6th – Rick Shory (whom many of us enjoy chanting with) is speaking as part of the Quaker Quest series: A Spiritual Path for Our Time – 6:30 PM – River Rock Commons  (520 N Sherwood, Ft Collins) – more info: http://fortcollinsquakers.org/events.html

Friday, October 9th – Chant – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – $7 suggested donation

Monday, October 12th – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln – focus on “Al Batin” “The Hidden” – by donation

Tuesday, October 13th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – Sunrise Ranch (100 Sunrise Ranch Rd, Loveland) – $5 suggested donation

Monday, October 19th – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln – focus on “Al-Wali” “The Patron” – by donation

Tuesday, October 20th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – Creative Living Center (37th and Federal, Denver) – $10 suggested donation

Friday, October 23rd – Chant – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – $7 suggested donation

Friday, October 23rd – Ani’s Fundraiser – 6:30 PM – Greyrock Commons – Many of us have known Ani and her children for many years. They are headed west to start a new chapter. Fundraiser includes: dinner, silent auction, Singin’ Sisters, and a DJ – $15 – More info: 970-690-5939

Monday, October 26th – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln – focus on “Al-Muta’ali” “The Self Exalted” – by donation

Tuesday, October 28th – Women’s Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – St Barnabas Church (13th and Vine, Denver) – $7 suggested donation

Saturday, October 31st – Samhain Ritual – late night – adults only – RSVP for more details!

The Singin’ Sisters are open for new singers to jump on board! If you’re interested (women only please!), let me know and I’ll get you all the details about times, locations, etc.

And the next Sufi Retreat is being scheduled for March 5, 6, and 7 – WOO-HOO!

Time changes the night of Samhain!! It’s been happening twice a year my whole life (and I’m getting REALLY old) but I’m still throwing a tantrum about it every year.
To RSVP for full moon or Samhain, for more information about chants or dances, to enlist in the Singin’ Sisters, or for great “terrorize the neighborhood children for Halloween” ideas, call or e-mail me: (970)227-5275, rain@trigoddess.org.
Happy Ancestor Honoring Blessings!

a bushel and a peck

Dear Heathens and Rogues,
Or, if you prefer,
Dear Gentle Folk and Angelic Beings,
I’ve fallen behind the bookcase and it’s rather tedious to type back here so the schedule this month is a bit overdue. My apologies.

Monday, August 31st – Sufi Circle – 449 Clover Ln, Ft Collins – 9:30 AM – by donation

Tuesday, September 1st – Mama Sing – Greyrock Commons (2265 Shooting Star Ln, Ft Collins) – 10 AM – women and children welcome – by donation

Friday to Sunday, September 4th to 6th – Sufi Meditation Retreat – Sunrise Ranch – 9 AM Friday to 5 PM Sunday – http://trigoddess.org/sufiretreatflyer.pdf

Monday, September 7th – Sufi Circle – 449 Clover Ln – 9:30 AM – by donation

Tuesday, September 8th – NO DANCE at SUNRISE RANCH – see you next month!

Friday, September 11th – Chant – 5000 Boardwalk, #13 – 7 PM – $7 suggested donation

Saturday, September 12th – Dances of Universal Peace – Peace in the Park – Civic Center Park, Loveland – Dance times are 2 PM and 4 PM

Sunday, September 13th – Dances of Universal Peace – Church of Inner Divinity – 2465 Sheridan, Denver – 11 AM

Monday, September 14th – Sufi Circle – 449 Clover Ln – 9:30 AM – by donation

Tuesday, September 15th – Dances of Universal Peace – Creative Living Center – 3025 W 37th Ave Ste 209, Denver – 7 PM – $10 suggested donation

Friday, September 18th – New Moon Chant – 5000 Boardwalk, #13 – 7 PM – $7 suggested donation

Saturday, September 19th – Dances of Universal Peace – Journey Books – 7735D Wadsworth, Denver – Dance times 1:30 PM and 3:30 PM

Sunday, September 20th – Dances of Universal Peace – Equinox Fest somewhere around Parker… details forthcoming… I hope… – 3 to 4 PM

Sunday, September 20th – Dances of Universal Peace – Studio Soma – 2540 W 29th, Denver – 7:15 PM – $8 to $12 suggested donation

Monday, September 21st – Sufi Circle – 449 Clover Ln – 9:30 AM – by donation

Monday, September 21st – Mabon Celebration – Treehenge (just east of Martinez Park, Ft Collins) – 5 PM – ritual and potluck – family friendly – bring drums, food/drink to share, dishes to use (and NOT throw away), outdoor equipment – RSVP to me – $10/adult suggested donation

Tuesday, September 22nd – Women’s Dance of Universal Peace – St Barnabas (1280 Vine St, Denver) – 7 PM – an Equinox celebration! – $7 suggested donation

Saturday, September 26th – Dances of Universal Peace – Red Door Sanctuary open house – Rocky Mountain Miracle Center – 1939 South Monroe Street, Denver – Dance time 9:30 AM (yes, in the morning)

Saturday, September 26th – Chant in Denver (Kevin’s place 1506 E 8th #2) – 7 PM – by donation

Monday, September 28th – Sufi Circle – 449 Clover Ln – 9:30 AM – by donation

Lots of dancing this month… Are you ready for it?
Also, turning the wheel into the dark half of the year… Are you ready for that?
To RSVP for Mabon, for more information, or to commiserate about the descent into darkness after too little light, give me a call or type it up and send it by e-mail. (970)227-5275 or rain@trigoddess.org.
You know, there are ultra-violet light treatment boxes you can have if you are able to convince your psychiatrist that you suffer seasonal depression due to the fading light. Most Pagans don’t qualify, but sleeping under a grow light just might be an interesting experience… or not.
Happy Autumnal Blessings!!

peaches in the summertime

Dearly Beloved,
We are gathering here and there today and tomorrow to celebrate life, liberty and the pursuit of lemonade flavored happiness.
I know there’s a week (or so) before August arrives, but there are so many things to tell you about, I just couldn’t wait one more second!

Sunday, July 26th, 6:30 PM – Chant – at Kevin’s Place in Denver (1506 E 8th #2) – If you live in or near Denver, come on over to sing! Kevin is a delightful host and the music is always sweet! Feel free to forward this info to your friends and communities in and around Denver! – by donation

Monday, July 27th, 9:30 AM – Sufi Circle – 449 Clover Ln in Fort Collins – focus on “Al Majid” “The Magnificent” – by donation

Tuesday, July 28th, 7 PM – Women’s Dance of Universal Peace – St Barnabas 1280 Vine St Denver – $7 suggested donation

Friday, July 31st, 7 PM – Chant – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – If weather is lovely, we sing outside. Bring something to sit on and something to spray on your skin to keep it young and supple (or at least free of mosquito punctures) – $7 suggested donation

Sunday, August 2nd, 10:30 AM to 2 PM – Wind, Derek, Karuna, Cedar and Sol’s going away party – 230 N Sunset St in Fort Collins – The Markham family is moving to New Mexico. If you know and love them (so many of us do!), come bless their journey, celebrate their cherished presence in this community and share the love. Bring potluck lunch, your own dishes, a blessing for the family, and bring lots of tissues (we’ll need them).

Sunday, August 2nd, 5 PM – Lammas Celebration – Treehenge (immediately east of Martinez Park in Fort Collins) – Bring the kids. Bring the neighbors. Bring bug spray, food to share, dishes to eat from, utensils to eat with, blankets to sit upon, drums to thump upon… – This will be the run through for Dragonfest ritual. It’s always great to have LOTS of people to get an idea about how things will be in the hills. Come if you can!! – $10/adult suggested donation

Monday, August 3rd, 9:30 AM – Sufi Circle – 449 Clover Ln – focus on “Al Wahid” “The Manifestation of Unity” – by donation

Tuesday, August 4th, 10 AM  – Mama Sing – Greyrock Commons (2265 Shooting Star Ln, Fort Collins) – women and children, come spend some sweet morning time singing and playing together – by donation

Wednesday to Sunday, August 5th to 9th – DRAGONFEST!!! – Here’s the scoop on my/our contributions…

*Thursday 1 PM – Drumming and Chanting workshop – Iannin and I will be co-facilitating – bring a drum!

*Friday 1 PM – Dance of Universal Peace workshop – Taliesin the Green and I will be co-facilitating – an inter-faither experience of music and movement.

*Saturday Evening – Main Ritual – Many of us will be presenting the celebration of Sacred Balance, dancing with duality, and being in the flow.

Monday, August 10th, 9:30 AM – Sufi Circle – 449 Clover Ln – focus on “Al Ahad” “The One” – by donation

Tuesday, August 11th, 7 PM – Dance of Universal Peace – Sunrise Ranch (100 Sunrise Ranch Rd, Loveland) – $5 suggested donation

Friday, August 14th, 7 PM – Chant – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – prepare for the great outdoors – $7 suggested donation

Sunday, August 16th, 7:15 PM – Dance of Universal Peace – Studio Soma  (2540 W 29th, Denver) – $8 to $12 suggested donation

Monday, August 17th, 9:30 AM – Sufi Circle – 449 Clover Ln – focus on “As Samad” “The Everlasting” – by donation

Tuesday, August 18th, 7 PM – Dance of Universal Peace – Creative Living Center (3025 W 37th Ave Ste 209, Denver) – We’re starting up a new monthly dance! Come on out to sing, dance and pray together in a new space! – $10 suggested donation

Wednesday, August 19th, 7:30 PM – Dance of Universal Peace – Christ Church United Methodist (690 Colorado Blvd, Denver) – I’ll be leading this one – $8 or punch card at the door

Monday, August 24th, 9:30 AM – Sufi Circle – 449 Clover Ln – focus on “Al Qadir” “The Powerful” – by donation

Tuesday, August 25th, 7 PM – Women’s Dance of Universal Peace – St Barnabas 1280 Vine St Denver – $7 suggested donation

Wednesday, August 26th, 7:30 PM – Dance of Universal Peace – Christ Church United Methodist (690 Colorado Blvd, Denver) – I’m leading this one too – $8 or punch card at the door

Friday, August 28th, 6 to 7 PM- Singin’ Sisters Performance – at the F/Stop Cafe (400 N College, Ft Collins) – Part of a summer series of music, the Sisters (many of whom you know, love, and/or are married to) will be singing! Lots of new music. – $3 (I think)

Saturday, August 29th, 7 PM – Chant! – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – $7 suggested donation

Monday, August 31st, 9:30 AM – Sufi Circle – 449 Clover Ln – focus on “Al  Muqtadir” “The Creator of Power” – by donation

Friday, September 4th to Sunday, September 6th – follow this link to view the flyer and/or register: http://trigoddess.org/sufiretreatflyer.pdf

See! I told you it was a lot! I need a nap. I recommend hammocks for afternoon snooze time. I also recommend making silly faces at children; driving, walking, skipping or riding bikes directly through puddles of all sizes; smoothies for breakfast (better than coke, but beware the raspberry seeds that get stuck in your teeth), sunscreen on the tips of your ears (opposite the lobe), RSVP-ing for ritual and contacting me for more information about anything on this HUGE list of events.
Until we meet again,


three cheers for shade!

Dear Ones,
We have so very much in common! For example, we were all sired by human fathers and born to human mothers, we all have hearts that continue to pulse (approximately 60 to 100 beats per minute) through every moment we’re alive, we all have facial hair (though some more visible than others), and we all breathe exactly the same composition of 21% oxygen-content air on a normal breath-to-breath basis.
Let’s celebrate!

Tonight (June 30th) – Zikr – Greyrock Commons – 7:15 PM – $7 suggested donation

Monday, July 6th – sufi circle – 449 Clover Ln, Fort Collins – 9:30 AM – focus on “Hayy” “Ever Living” – by donation

Tuesday, July 7th – mama sing – Greyrock Commons (2265 Shooting Star Ln, Fort Collins) – 10 AM – by donation

Tuesday, July 7th – Full Moon Ritual – Treehenge (just east of Martinez Park, Fort Collins) – 7 PM – adults only please – RSVP to me – $10 suggested donation

Monday, July 13th – sufi circle – 449 Clover Ln – 9:30 AM – focus on “Qayyum” “Sustainer of All” – by donation

Tuesday, July 14th – Dance of Universal Peace – Sunrise Ranch (100 Sunrise Ranch Rd, Loveland) – 7 PM – $5 suggested donation

Friday, July 17th – Chant – 5000 Boardwalk, #13 – 7 PM – $7 suggested donation

Sunday, July 19th – Dance of Universal Peace – Studio Soma (2540 W 29th, Denver) – 7:15 PM – $8 to $12 suggested donation

Monday, July 20th – sufi circle – 449 Clover Ln – 9:30 AM – focus on “Wajid” “The Unfailing” – by donation

Friday, July 24th – Dance of Universal Peace – Creative Living Center (3025 W 37th Ave. Suite 209, Denver) – 7 PM – $10

Sunday, July 26th – Chant in Denver – Kevin’s Place (1506 E 8th, #2) – 6:30 PM – $7 suggested donation

Monday, July 27th – sufi circle – 449 Clover Ln – 9:30 AM – focus on “Majid” “The Magnificent” – by donation

Tuesday, July 28th – Dance of Universal Peace for Women – St Barnabas (1280 Vine St, Denver) – 7 PM – $7 suggested donation

Friday, July 31st – Chant – 5000 Boardwalk, #13 – 7 PM – $7 suggested donation

Sunday, August 2nd – Lammas Celebration – Treehenge –
Family Friendly! – potluck, ritual, community time – RSVP to me – $10/adult suggested donation

Sufi Meditation Retreat – September 4th, 5th and 6th (Start Friday 9 AM, end Sunday 5 PM) – Sunrise Ranch (Loveland) – mostly silent retreat, meditation, yoga, reciting the beautiful names of Allah, delicious and healthy meals… – Mark Williams will be leading yoga and movement for the weekend. I will be leading meditation and prayer, zikr both Friday and Saturday evenings, and offering Spiritual Mentoring. Rachel Rain will be offering chair massage throughout the weekend. – To register, click the link on the right side of this page, under “Other Links.”

To RSVP for Full Moon or Lammas, call or e-mail me: (970)227-5275 or rain@trigoddess.org.
And, my darlings, please remember to light the bottle rockets pointing AWAY from your face, and at least 500 yards from the nearest propane filling station. And, I’m sorry I have to say this, but potato chips being the number one fourth of July food, I feel it is my duty to warn you, that if you don’t chew thoroughly, you run a serious risk of internal injury and bleeding, which is no way to celebrate the birth of our peaceful nation. Beware the chips!

Hail Caesar!


Dear Happy Pagan People,
X-Men is at the drive-in. Yes, we still have a drive-in. All y’all, the drive-in is a dying venue. Support it, won’t ya!?

All this week (through Thursday), the drive-in schedule is as follows:
Theater 1 – X-Men on the Up and Up
Theater 2 – Star Terminator Trek
Shows begin at dusk (around 7:30 PM)
John Travolta loves drive-ins!!

Monday, June 1st – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln, Fort Collins – focus on “Al Muhsi” “the accounter” – by donation

Tuesday, June 2nd – Mama Sing – 10 AM – Greyrock Commons (2265 Shooting Star Ln, Fort Collins) – women and children chant morning

Tuesday, June 2nd – Dance of Universal Peace – 7:15 PM – Greyrock Commons – $7 suggested donation

Friday, June 5th – Chant – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk, #13 – $7 suggested donation

Saturday, June 6th – Spiritual Direction in Paganism – 2 PM to 3 PM – Empire Grange (2306 W Mulberry, Fort Collins) – What is Paganism? What is Spiritual Direction? How do they go together? – A free talk with yours truly!

Sunday, June 7th – Full Moon Ritual – 7 PM – probably at Treehenge, but get in touch with me to make sure – adults only – suggested donation $10

Monday, June 8th – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln – focus on “Al Mubdi” “The Initiator of All” – by donation

Tuesday, June 9th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – Sunrise Ranch (100 Sunrise Ranch Road, Loveland) – $5 suggested donation

Thursday, June 11th to Sunday, June 14th – MEADOWFEST – It’s not too late to register! A four-day campout including community potluck dinners, drumming, chanting, ritual, morning Earth Prayer, nature (yes, it still exists!), sun, moon and stars… – go to www.trigoddess.org to download registration pages, scribble in all the blank spaces, and mail it in. I look forward to being with y’all  up there!

Monday, June 15th – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln – focus on “Al Mu’id” “The Restorer” – by donation

Tuesday, June 16th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7:15 PM – Greyrock Commons – $7 suggested donation

Saturday, June 20th – Solstice Celebration – 12 Noon – Treehenge (even if it’s blizzarding) – Family friendly ritual and potluck – RSVP to me – suggested donation $10/adult

Saturday, June 20th – Zikr – 7:30 PM – Studio Be in Boulder -canned food drive, dessert potluck – suggested donation $5

Sunday, June 21st – Dance of Universal Peace – 7:15 PM – Studio Soma (2540 W 29th Ave, Denver) – suggested donation $8 to $12

Monday, June 22nd – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln – focus on “Al Muhyi” “The Giver of Life” – by donation

Tuesday, June 23rd – Dance of Universal Peace for Women – 7 PM – St. Barnabas Church (1280 Vine St, Denver) – suggested donation $7

Wednesday, June 24th – Denver Dance of Universal Peace – 7:30 PM – Southeast corner 7th and Colorado – $8 or punchcard

Friday, June 26th – Chant – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk, #13 –  suggested donation $7

Sunday, June 28th – Dance of Universal Peace – 11 AM – Church of Inner Divinity (2465 Sheridan Blvd)

Monday, June 29th – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln – focus on “Al Mumit” “The Bringer of Death” – by donation

Tuesday, June 30th – Zikr – 7:15 PM – Greyrock Commons –  suggested donation $7

To RSVP for ritual, for directions, more information and for further movie listings in the greater Fort Collins area, please do call (970)227-5275 or e-mail rain@trigoddess.org. Or you can check out the Fort Collins Movie Page, www.fortcollinsmovies.com.
Do something ridiculous with your life, for crying out loud!!
Popcorn and Coca-Cola Classic Blessings!

make a yodeling noise unto the lord

Deck the Trees with Ribbons and Flowers, fa-la-la…….
Tis the season to jump over fires, fa-la-la……….
Don we all our festive garlands, fa-la-la…….
Beat the drums and make love in the woods (oh, wait, that doesn’t rhyme… oh well), fa-la-la la-la-la-la!!!!!

Friday, May 1st – Beltane at Treehenge – more info: rain@trigoddess.org

Saturday, May 2nd and Sunday, May 3rd – Leilah Be in Boulder – more info: bldrcommunityzikr@comcast.net

Monday, May 4th – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln, Fort Collins – focus on “Al-Qawi,” “The Strong” – by donation

Tuesday, May 5th – Mama Sing – 10 AM – Greyrock Commons (2265 Shooting Star Ln, Fort Collins) – Women and children welcome!

Tuesday, May 5th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7:15 PM – Greyrock Commons – Suggested donation $7

Friday, May 8th – Full Moon Ritual – 7 PM – check with me for location (pending weather) – please no wee ickle creatures, all-growed-up humans exclusively – RSVP – Suggested donation $10

Friday, May 8th to Sunday, May 10th – Beltania in Berthoud – more info: www.beltania.com

Sunday, May 10th – Love-Your-Mama Day! – Give her a smooch! Send her flowers!

Monday, May 11th – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln – focus on “Al Matin,” “The Steadfast” – by donation

Tuesday, May 12th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – Sunrise Ranch (100 Sunrise Ranch Rd, Loveland) – All welcome! – Suggested donation $5

Friday, May 15th – Chant – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk, #13 – Suggested donation $7

Sunday, May 17th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7:15 PM – Studio Soma (2540 W 29th Ave, Denver) – Suggested donation $8 to $12

Monday, May 18th – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln – focus on “Al Wali,” “The Protecting Friend” – by donation

Tuesday, May 19th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7:15 PM – Greyrock Commons – Suggested donation $7

Monday, May 25th – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln – focus on “Al Hamid,” “The All Praiseworthy” – by donation

Tuesday, May 26th – Women’s Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – St Barnabas Church (1280 Vine St, Denver) – Suggested donation $7

Friday, May 29th – Chant – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – Suggested donation $7

Monday, June 1st – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln – focus on “Al Muhsi,” “The Accounter” – by donation

To Recreationally Slice Virtual Pickles, for more information about any of the aforementioned circles, or if you are a fan of old school musicals including Brigadoon, My Fair Lady, and/or Fiddler on the Roof, please contact me so I won’t feel so all alone in the world. My number is (970)227-5275 or e-mail rain@trigoddess.org.
Also, I just need to know, if I have a dream about getting an adorable little kitten does that mean God wants me to get a kitten and it’s therefore sinful to disobey? Please e-mail me your responses so I can forward the affirmative ones to my husband. If you have responses in Cat language that would be great too, so I can explain the will of God to my two current feline companions.

Fuzzy Spring Blessings to Every Blessed One of You!

hot diggety dog

Dear Me Oh My Land’s End of Time Immemorial,
It’s time for another round of “let’s make the most of the springy spring time of your life and death of a salesmen in black with flower print shop-a-holics anonymous free associating Pagan stuff!”
Get out your super-powered bi-focalized reading glasses of water. Lots of silly and not so silly little and not so little things this month!

Monday, March 30th – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln, Fort Collins – focus on “Al Majid” “The All Glorious” – by donation

Tuesday, March 31st – Zikr – 7:15 PM – Greyrock Commons (2265 Shooting Star Ln, Fort Collins) – $7 suggested donation – HEY! Would y’all like to do a little Sufi turning (whirling dervish) lesson before zikr? Let me know, eh? I thought we might spend a half hour or so before the zikr turning and turning and turning, maybe with music, definitely with prayer… But I’d need to check on the space availability and line up music…

Thursday, April 2nd – Singin’ Sisters on Live at Lunch – 12 PM – you can listen online from anywhere in the world! Go to the website ahead of time and set it up. http://krfcfm.org/listen.php

Friday, April 3rd – Chant – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk #13, Fort Collins – $7 suggested donation

Saturday, April 4th – Singin’ Sisters – 7 PM – at Everyday Joe’s (144 S Mason, Fort Collins) – opening for Mountain Trance Medicine Band (8 PM) – I think it’s $9 at the door.

Monday, April 6th – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln – focus on “Al Ba’ith” “The Resurrector” – by donation

Tuesday, April 7th – Mama Sing – 10 AM – Greyrock Commons – held together by Wind, Kristianne and Christine

Tuesday, April 7th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7:15 PM – Greyrock Commons – led by Christine and Glen – $7 suggested donation

Thursday, April 9th – Would someone like to facilitate the full moon ritual? – I’ll be out of time/town/state/country/my mind – Let me know soon…

Sunday, April 12th – Easter! – lay an egg for Jesus!

Monday, April 13th – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln – focus on “Ash Shahid” “The Witness” – by donation

Tuesday, April 14th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – Sunrise Ranch (5569 NCR 29, Loveland) – $5 suggested donation

Friday, April 17th – Chant – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk #13 (unless I tell you otherwise) – $7 suggested donation

Sunday, April 19th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7:15 PM – Studio Soma (2540 W 29th, Denver) – $8 to $12 suggested donation

Monday, April 20th – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln – focus on “Al Haqq” “The Truth” – by donation

Tuesday, April 21st – Dance of Universal Peace – 7:15 PM – Greyrock Commons – $7 suggested donation

Friday, April 24th – New Moon Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – Abby Hall, 136 Main St, Breckenridge (no kidding) – $10 donation

Monday, April 27th – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln – focus on “Al Wakil” “The Dependable” – by donation

Tuesday, April 28th – Women’s Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – St Barnabas Church (1280 Vine St, Denver) – $7 suggested donation

Friday, May 1st – BELTANE!!! – 5 PM – Treehenge (just east of Martinez Park, Fort Collins …. in case of blizzard, we’ll be in the pavilion by the playground) – potluck, ritual, maypole, flowers, drums, fire, fun, fun, fun!!! – bring the fam! – bring food or drink to share along with dishes and utensils – bring bugspray, sunscreen, polar fleece, thermal underwear, flowers, a fan, waders, mittens, and the kitchen sink! – RSVP with your numbers as soon as you can – $10 suggested donation for adults.

A special announcement: Leilah Be (my delightful Sufi teacher and a fantabulous Zikr leader) will be in Boulder for an all-day workshop and evening Zikr Saturday, May 2nd, and another evening zikr Sunday May 3rd. For more information give me a shout and I’ll forward the flyer. I’m not sending it unless you ask for it. Or you can e-mail Habib bldrcommunityzikr@comcast.net

A reminder: Meadowfest is scheduled for June 11th to June 14th – The registration info is up here (on the right) – clickety, load it down, print it out, fill it in, and mail it off. Let me know if you have questions or problems.

Another reminder: if you’re attending Dragonfest this year, the registration is now open. Go to www.dragonfest.org to print your registration forms.

Holy smoking tamales, that’s a lot of happy happenings!
Hold onto your britches!
For more information, to RSVP for rituals, for directions or to commiserate about the poor frozen baby flowers, please call or e-mail me (970)227-5275, or rain@trigoddess.org.
Enjoy snowshoeing out to your mailbox and back! Gotta love the Colorado Weather Gods!

Trivia: "Austrian Oak" was a nickname for whom?

I know it’s late in the game, but February is such a short month, the end snuck up on me like a little slithering green garter snake. Are they waking up yet? They’re so darn cute! I spy with my little eye green grass peeking through the brown winter version. I hear with my little ear springy birdsong. I say with my big mouth, “let’s have some circles to celebrate the changing season!”

Friday, February 27th (tonight!) – Chant – 7 PM – Greyrock Commons (2265 Shooting Star Ln, Fort Collins) – $7 suggested donation

Monday, March 2nd – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln, Fort Collins – focus on “Al Mujib” “The Responder to Prayer” – by donation

Tuesday, March 3rd – Mama Sing – 10 AM – Greyrock Commons

Tuesday, March 3rd – Dance of Universal Peace – 7:15 PM – Greyrock Commons – $7 suggested donation

Friday, March 6th – Chant – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk #13, Fort Collins – $7 suggested donation

Monday, March 9th – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln – focus on “Al Wasi” “The All-Comprehending” – by donation

Tuesday, March 10th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – Sunrise Ranch (5569 NCR 29, Loveland) – Glen and Christine will be leading the dance (THANK YOU!!!) – $5 suggested donation

Wednesday, March 11th – Full Moon Ritual – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – adults only – light snack/dessert potluck to follow ritual – RSVP with a head count as soon as possible – $10 suggested donation

Sunday, March 15th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7:15 PM – Studio Soma (2540 W 29th Ave, Denver) – $8 to $12 suggested donation

Monday, March 16th – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln – focus on “Al Hakim” “The Perfectly Wise” – by donation

Tuesday, March 17th – Dance of Universal Peace – 7:15 PM – Greyrock Commons – $7 suggested donation

Friday, March 20th – Ostara Celebration – 5 PM – Treehenge, attached to Martinez Park, Fort Collins (I hope!) – potluck and ritual (but not necessarily in that order) – family-friendly Spring Equinox festivities – RSVP with a head count as soon as possible – $10/adult suggested donation

SUNDAY (Yes, really), March 22nd – Chant – 7 PM – at Greyrock Commons – $7 suggested donation

Monday, March 23rd – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln – focus on “Al Wadud” “The Loving One” – by donation

Tuesday, March 24th – Women’s Dance of Universal Peace – 7 PM – St. Barnabas Church (1280 Vine St, Denver) – $7 suggested donation

Monday, March 30th – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – focus on “Al Majid” “The Majestic” – 449 Clover Ln – by donation

Tuesday, March 31st – Zikr – 7:15 PM – Greyrock Commons – $7 suggested donation

Thursday, April 2nd – The Singin’ Sisters are gonna be on the radio! Just like the old days… except that I’ve never been on the radio and I don’t think most of the women in the choir have either… so it’ll be an adventure! I keep flashing on pictures from the movie “Annie” with the dolled up women with lots of lipstick wearing little white gloves and Oliver Warbucks with his shiny bald head reading “…. drop page!” – Please tune into KRFC 88.9 FM in Fort Collins from 12 noon to 1 PM. If we do well, let me know afterward! If we don’t, please keep it to yourself!

Saturday, April 4th – The Singin’ Sisters will be performing at Everyday Joe’s Coffee Shop (144 S Mason, Fort Collins) – 7 PM – then Mountain Trance Medicine Band will play from 8-something to 10 PM. Come on out!

WARNING: Meadow Fest will be happening again this year, but a little differently (again). Please mark your calendars! We have reserved a group camp site at Jack’s Gulch Thursday, June 11th through Sunday, June 14th. Definitely community meals, rituals, chanting, drumming, lots of nature and fun to be had! More details forthcoming!

I’m tired just from looking at the schedule. Maybe we should just start winter again, skip all the busyness of spring and summer. What do you say?
For more information, directions, to RSVP, to talk about President Obama’s budget plan, or to submit a color-scheme proposal for the pending remodel of heaven, please call or e-mail me (970)227-5275, rain@trigoddess.org.
Blessings for a grace-filled spring!

burnt sienna

Dear Community,
I saw a groundhog today.
It was frozen solid. No shadow, only snow flurries. What does that mean?
If I shine a spotlight on it and thaw it out with a hair dryer, will that change the forecast?
Either way, here’s the calendar for the rest of January and all of February with no hint of March on the horizon.

Monday, January 26th – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln – Focus on “Muqit,” “The Nourisher” – by donation

Tuesday, January 27th – Women’s Dance of Universal Peace in Denver – 7 PM – St. Barnabas Church (southeast corner 13th and Vine) – $7 suggested donation

Friday, January 30th – I will be leading the weekly Boulder Dance of Universal Peace – 7:15 PM – Boulder Mennonite Church (3910 Table Mesa Dr) – $8 or punch card at the door

Sunday, February 1st – Imbolc Celebration – 5 PM – Greyrock Commons (2265 Shooting Star Ln, Fort Collins) – Bring the family, bring food/drink to share, bring your own dishes, bring drums, and wear fireproof clothing, it’s a doozy! (That’s a joke, sort of). – RSVP to me – Suggested donation $10/adult

Monday, February 2nd – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln – Focus on “Hasib,” “The Bringer of Judgment” – by donation

Tuesday, February 3rd – Mama Sing – 10 AM – Greyrock Commons – women and children welcome!

Tuesday, February 3rd – Dance of Universal Peace in Fort Collins – 7:15 PM – Greyrock Commons – RSVP if you plan to attend – Suggested donation $7

Wednesday February 4th – I will be leading the weekly Denver Dance – 7:15 PM – Christ Church United Methodist Temple of the Holy Sacrament Congregation Unlimited, Etcetera (690 Colorado Blvd) – $8 or punch card at the door

Friday, February 6th – Chant in Denver – 7 PM – 1506 E 8th Ave #2 (southeast corner 8th and Humboldt, entrance on south side of building, through the arch, up the stairs closest to Humboldt) – by donation

Sunday, February 8th – Full Moon Circle – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk #13, Fort Collins – No application or audition required, but you must be as tall as the cardboard elf by the front door to ride this ride (adults only please) – light potluck after ritual so please bring food/drink to share – RSVP – Suggested donation $10

Monday, February 9th – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln – Focus on “Jalil,” “The Majestic” – by donation

Mon, Feb 9, 7:30. African drumming class offered by Deborah and Jim. Contact drumrgirl@comcast.net if you wish to RSVP, get logistics, or be informed about future classes.

Tuesday, February 10th – Dance of Universal Peace in Loveland – 7 PM – Sunrise Ranch (5569 NCR 29) – suggested donation $5

Friday, February 13th (I love Friday the 13th!) – Chant – 7 PM – 5000 Boardwalk, #13 – Suggested donation $7

Saturday, February 14th – Kiss Someone Day

Sunday, February 15th – Dance of Universal Peace in Denver – 7:15 PM – Studio Soma (2540 W 29th Ave) – Suggested donation $8 to $12

Monday, February 16h – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln – Focus on “Karim,” “The Bountiful” – by donation

Tuesday, February 17th – Dance of Universal Peace in Fort Collins – 7:15 PM – Greyrock Commons – RSVP if you’re planning to attend – Suggested donation $7

Monday, February 23rd – Sufi Circle – 9:30 AM – 449 Clover Ln – Focus on “Raqib,” “The Watchful” – by donation

Mon, Feb 23, 7:30. Middle eastern drumming class offered by Deborah and Jim. Contact drumrgirl@comcast.net

Tuesday, February 24th – Women’s Dance of Universal Peace in Denver – 7 PM – St. Barnabas Church (southeast corner 13th and Vine) – Suggested donation $7

Friday, February 27th – Chant – 7 PM – Greyrock Commons – Suggested donation $7

To RSVP for Greyrock Dances, Imbolc ritual, or full moon, fill out the enclosed, stamped postcard and send it first class e-mail or give me a call (970)227-5275.
For all you concerned Pagans, I did not put a groundhog in my freezer for this occasion. I know my sense of humor leaves you baffled sometimes, but I really am nice to animals as long as they’re cute and fuzzy.
If you want more information about any of these events or if you have forgotten how to get a stick-shift VW into reverse, feel free to give me a call so I can either be of assistance, refer you to a professional, or at least get a good chuckle out of your predicament.
Hey, I’m starting a digital shrine to Mini-Coopers. If you have a good photo of one of those cute little buggers, don’t be stingy with it, eh?
Something about February and funny cars… I don’t get it either.
Happy Thawing Moon Blessings (here’s hoping)!

They're coming to take me away ha! ha!

I thought the world was ending back in 2000, but would you believe we are rocking on the precipice of 2009?! So, if the Earth doesn’t careen off its orbit, whizzing off toward the farthest corner of the universe  (which is understood to be due southeast) only to be hijacked by malicious kidney eating aliens (and I don’t mean kidney beans), please join us for ever more circles and songs, prayers and dances, community and explorations of Spirit!

Tonight, Tuesday, December 30th – 7:15 PM – Zikr – Greyrock Commons (2265 Shooting Star Lane, Fort Collins) – suggested donation $7

Monday, January 5th – 9:30 AM – Sufi Circle – 449 Clover Ln – focus on “Ali” “the Exalted” – by donation

Tuesday, January 6th – 10 AM – Mama Sing – Greyrock Commons

Tuesday, January 6th – 7:15 PM – Dance of Universal Peace – Greyrock Commons – Suggested donation $7

Friday, January 9th – 7 PM – Chant – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – suggested donation $7

Saturday, January 10th – 7 PM – Full Moon Ritual – 5000 Boardwalk #13 – Adults only – RSVP to me – Suggested donation $10

Monday, January 12th – 9:30 AM – Sufi Circle – 449 Clover Ln – focus on “Kabir” “the Great” – by donation

Monday, January 12th – 7 PM – African drum class with Deborah and Jim – for more info:  drumrgirl@comcast.net – Let them know if you have a drum and what kind – suggested donation $5

Tuesday, January 13th – 7 PM – Dance of Universal Peace – Sunrise Ranch (5569 NCR 29, Loveland) – suggested donation $5

Sunday, January 18th – 7:15 PM – Dance of Universal Peace – Studio Soma (2540 W 29th Ave, Denver) – Suggested donation $8 to $12

Monday, January 19th – 9:30 AM – Sufi Circle – 449 Clover Ln – focus on “Hafiz” “the Preserver” – by donation

Monday, January 19th – 7 PM – Middle Eastern drum class with Deborah and Jim – for more info: drumrgirl@comcast.net – do you have a drum? – suggested donation $5

Tuesday, January 20th – 7:15 PM – Dance of Universal Peace – Greyrock Commons – Suggested donation $7

Kiri is forming Peace Circles in Fort Collins – beginning January 20th and February 4th, 7 PM. Participants meet 1 1/2 hours each week for six weeks. To register call or e-mail Kiri (970)493-1427 or kirilynn@mywdo.com – registration fee is $48

Friday, January 23rd – 7 PM – Chant – Greyrock – Suggested donation $7

Sunday, January 25th – 6 to 8 PM – Drum Circle Fundraiser – Greyrock Commons – Many of you know Elliot, Chloe and/or Emma. They are delightful, inspired teens who attended River Song and now go to Polaris. They are raising money to fund girls’ education in Uganda! This event includes drumming, a piñata, hopefully fire dancing, homemade lantern and glowstick sale, and potluck yumminess! – bring drums, food/drink to share, money, glow sticks if you’ve got ’em, and dress warm! – $3/person or $10/family of 4 or more

Monday, January 26th – 9:30 AM – Sufi Circle – 449 Clover Ln – focus on “Muqit” “the Nourisher” – by donation

Tuesday, January 27th – 7 PM – Women’s Dance of Universal Peace – St. Barnabas Church (1280 Vine St., Denver) – Suggested donation $7

WARNING!!!! Spring is planning to come back!!!! She’ll start shimmying underground February 2nd and we’ll be celebrating, but I don’t yet know exactly what time or where. I’ll keep you posted.

To RSVP for full moon ritual, for directions or more information about chants, dances, rituals, or Spiritual Mentoring, please do call or e-mail me (970)227-5275, rain@trigoddess.org.

So, the most enlightening bar-conversation I have ever heard was, hands down, the country and western discussion last weekend about the most perfect country song ever written. For your edification and enjoyment (or horror), I’ve included the pertinent verse from David Allen Coe. Feel free to assert an alternate vote for the most perfect country song, but don’t invest much energy into it, because I believe you’ll be wrong.

“Well, I was drunk the day my mom got outta prison

And I went to pick her up in the rain

But before I could get to the station in my pickup truck

She got runned over by a damned old train”

It’s got it all! Drunkenness, prison, mothers, trucks, rain and trains all mixed up into a tragic little ditty.
See you in circle!