
Dear Friends,
I’ve been revisiting a favorite poet: Billy Collins. Want a little sample? Of course you do!
And, beyond the poetry…we have some singing to do, some prayers to offer, and a new opportunity for fulfilling purpose, responding to the call of life…read on! 

Along with our usual calendar of activities, I’d like to know if you’re interested in this: 
I’m thinking about offering a Spiritual Direction certification training program. It would be a two year process, co-facilitated by myself and at least two dear friends and teachers. Spiritual Direction is sometimes called Spiritual Mentoring or Spiritual Companioning. This program would have an Interfaith Sufi focus, providing participants with knowledge, skills and experience as Spiritual Directors. If there is sufficient interest, we are likely to start accepting applications next week…and start the program January, 2023. Total cost for the program and related expenses may be $3800 to $5000. Let me know if this piques your interest. 

Cherag Retreat is fast approaching..or we are fast approaching it. Deadline for registration is November 15th. A four-day retreat for ordained cherags and cherags-in-training. December 2nd to 5th, at Sunshine Mountain Lodge. More info and registration here:

Today, Friday, October 28th – It’s time for our monthly extended noon zoom, Sufi meditation, sharing the process of teachings and contemplation with Sufi Contact friends worldwide. 12 PM Mountain (6 PM UTC) – 45 minutes or so… Zoom Here!

This evening, Friday, October 28th – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Saturday UTC) – Samhain Chant and Pray – honoring the ancestors, gratitude, love, respect, remembering those who have gone before – We might get up and dance…or we might stay seated…but we’ll definitely sing and pray – Unity Church, Fort Collins (1401 W Vine Dr.) – join us in person… or Zoom Here!

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30th – Germany and many other places in the world change clocks. But not the U.S. Thanks, G-dub. – time conversions will be tricky this week. 

Monday, October 31st – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (3:30 PM UTC / 4:30 PM Germany) – Blessed Samhain…and…yes, we’ll still hold meditation – Zoom Here!  or let me know if you’d like to join us in our home. 

Wednesday, November 2nd – Sufi Guides Kinship meeting – a monthly conversation time for Sufi teachers…90 minutes of friendship, sharing resources, offering and receiving support and camaraderie on this path – contact me for info and link 

Thursday, November 3rd – Sufi Class: Philosophy, Psychology, Mysticism – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Friday UTC) – Zoom Here! 

Friday, November 4th – Chant and Pray – 7 PM Mountain (1 AM Saturday UTC) – Zoom Here!  or RSVP if you want to come over 

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6th – United States change clocks. Back in rhythm with the rest of the clock-changing world. But…of course…now we need to get used to a new time relation with Moscow and the parts of the world that don’t change clocks. 

Monday, November 7th – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (4:30 PM UTC / 5:30 PM Germany…oh, but now it’s 7:30 PM in Moscow…I think?) – yes, it’s Aliela’s birthday and Abdullah’s birthday…and, we’ll still hold meditation – Zoom Here!  or RSVP if you want to come over 

Thursday, November 10th – Philosophy, Psychology, Mysticism – 7 PM Mountain (2 AM Friday UTC) – Zoom Here!  

Friday, November 11th – Chant and Pray – 7 PM Mountain (2 AM Saturday UTC) – RSVP to come to my house…or Zoom Here!  

Sunday, November 13th – I’ll be offering the morning talk at the Unity Church Sunday Service…Sufism! – 1401 W Vine Dr., Fort Collins…come on over! 

Monday, November 14th – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (4:30 PM UTC) – Zoom Here!  – or let me know if you want to come over. 

Thursday, November 17th – Philosophy, Psychology, Mysticism – 7 PM Mountain (2 AM Friday UTC) – Zoom Here!  

Saturday, November 19th – Rahima Jodie Rain is beginning a new series of zoom gatherings – “The Way of the Cherag” – a quarterly zoom meeting including some teachings, conversation, inspirations and resources about Interfaith Sufi ministry…open for everyone, led by Sirajs and Cherags of Sirat-i Inayat – 10 AM Mountain – Zoom Here!  

Saturday, November 19th – Zikr in Denver – Rocky Mountain Miracle Center (1939 S Monroe St) – 7 PM Mountain (2 AM Sunday UTC) – Zoom Here!   – or $15 to $30 suggested donation in person…snacks and desserts and conversation after Zikr…

Monday, November 21st – 9:30 AM Mountain (4:30 PM UTC) – Sufi Meditation – RSVP if you want to come over or Zoom Here!  

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24th – Sorry, friends…no Sufi Class this evening…it’s Rahima’s birthday and we’ll be doing something else. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAHIMA!! You inspire gratitude in endless ways! 

Friday, November 25th – Extended Noon Zoom for Sufi Contact meditation – 12 PM Mountain – 45 minutes or so… – Zoom Here!  

Friday, November 25th – Interfaith Chant and Pray – 7 PM Mountain (2 AM Saturday UTC) – at Sára’s house! Come on over! – or Zoom Here!  

Monday, November 28th – Sufi Meditation – 9:30 AM Mountain (4:30 PM UTC) – RSVP to come over or Zoom Here!  

Daily prayers – 15 minutes, every single day…still happening – 12 PM Mountain (6 PM…and then 7 PM UTC) – Zoom Here! 

Sirat-i Inayat has a separate email list and calendar of events. Peruse the calendar and/or subscribe here:

Current Sirat-i Inayat offerings include: 
Khabir – daily prayers, in person dance leader training
Mirabai – weekly kinship coffee
Abdullah – weekly Gathas
Rahima – quarterly universal worship and way of the cherag
Halim – monthly Rose Garden Ziraat meeting
Themis Waduda – twice monthly Goddess Hour 
Raziya – monthly Healing Service
Aliela – weekly prayers, Dances of Universal Peace, Zikr, Universal Worship
Sára – everything listed in this newsletter… 

Youtube channel for Chant and Pray recordings: Sára’s YouTube
OneDrive with daily zikr/song from our noon prayer zooms: Zikr Downloads

All right, friends, I look forward to hearing from you, singing with you, seeing you, retreating with you, praying with you, and sharing this fabulous dance of life with you!
