
Dear Community,
It’s time for plucking banjos in the afternoon sunshine. Breathing the springtime sky… Gathering up the gumption for whatever comes next. Which includes lots of lovely circles.

TomorrowMonday, March 5th – Sufi Meditation at my house – 9:30 AM

Thursday, March 8th – Chant evening at Unity Church – I’ve been hankering for chanting! Please join me! – 7 PM – 1401 W Vine, Fort Collins – $10 suggested donation

Saturday, March 10th – Fireside Chat and Tea – “Introduction to Sufism with Sára Rain (that’s me)” – 2 to 4 PM – 37016 Soaring Eagle Circle, E Fort Collins – For more info, contact Jesse, call or text 970.222.9666 or e-mail her

Monday, March 12th – Sufi Meditation at my house – 9:30 AM

Friday, March 16th – I’m so happy to tell you, Khadijah and I are starting to offer a twice monthly Dance of Universal Peace in Boulder starting right now and continuing on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month. YAY!! – 7 to 9 PM – At the Unitarian Church 5001 Pennsylvania Ave, Boulder – $10 suggested donation

Saturday, March 17th – Monthly Zikr in Denver – 7 PM – at the Rocky Mountain Miracle Center 1939 S Monroe – $10 suggested donation and dessert potluck, please bring something yummy to share

Thursday, March 22nd – Dance of Universal Peace in Fort Collins honoring the energies of the Spring Equinox, Woo-hoo!! – 7 to 9 PM – Unity Church 1401 W Vine – $10 suggested donation

A Sufi Garden – Friday May 18th 7 to 9 PM and Saturday May 19th 10 AM to 9 PM – please join us for a wonderful weekend workshop exploring a variety of Sufi lineage streams with some fantastic presenters. We will hear from and practice with Netanel Miles-Yepez, Hallaj Gene Michalenko, Pouria Montazeri, and me… plus maybe one or two other local Sufi teachers… On Saturday, Rahima Jodie will cater a delicious lunch for us. – More info and registration here:

My wise and insightful son believes the world will be greatly improved if we all see more beautiful young men singing and dancing like beautiful young women. What do you think?

Love, life, light,