Scheduled Fort Collins Dances

Hi Friends,
I’ve scheduled Dances of Universal Peace in Fort Collins as close as I could swing it to each of the Sabbats (Pagan Wheel of the Year Holy Days) for the year. Please mark your calendars and plan to join us!

All of these are from 7 PM to 9 PM (except during MeadowFest)
All of them are at the Unity Church in Fort Collins, 1401 W Vine Dr (except during MeadowFest)

Thursday, February 1st
Thursday, March 22nd
Sunday, April 29th
During MeadowFest June 21st to 24th
Thursday, August 2nd
Thursday, September 20th
Thursday, November 1st
Thursday, December 20th

It’s like Dance Dance Revolution but with fewer flashing lights.
Singing and moving Toward the One!
